Chapter 1

{Lagos State, Nigeria}

{Royal International College}

Ding! Dong! Ding! Dong!

The school bell rung, sending out a loud, clear tone that reverberated through the school. It was a sound announcing the end of class and time for lunch break. The students roared as they marched out in groups out of the classroom. They were heading to the hall to have their lunch. Despite the stentorian and shrill sound sent out by the bell, it had no effect on Bayo. He had been sleeping throughout the Economics class, unnoticed by the teacher. Suddenly, he felt someone tapping him.

'Hey!Hey! Class is over.'

Bayo opened his eyes halfway to check where the gentle voice came from. He rubbed his eyes with his left hand while his head rested on his right hand. Opening his eyes fully, he sprang up, looking around in confusion. The Economics teacher, Mr Mark was packing up his things ready to walk out while some students were still rushing out the door.

'Ooh…. thanks…..Thank you.'Bayo stuttered and stared in surprise at the person who tapped him. It was a girl in her class, Flora.

'There is someone outside waiting for you.' She said with a smile which shone like the morning sun. Bayo who had been lost in thought at the sight of her wasn't aware of what she was saying. She tapped him with a little force this time around.

'Hello!' She said again

'Oh…hi' He replied

'There is a girl outside waiting for you.'

'Oh. Okay…. thanks.' He replied with an awkward smile as Flora walked out of the class. As soon as she left, he heaved a sigh of relief and put his right hand on his chest to check his heartbeat. It was racing fast like someone who had just seen the devil in person. He rested his head on the eadge of his chair and sighed again.

Immediately, he remembered someone was waiting for him outside. He gathered his books that were on the table and dipped them inside his black school bag. He grabbed his jacket to check out who was waiting for him outside. The only person he knew could asked after him was his best friend.

'Here comes the lover boy.' A chocolate skinned girl in a fitted school uniform rested against the wall. She wore a teasing look and clapped slowly, walking towards Bayo.

'I knew it was you waiting for me. Besides, why did you call me that?' asked Bayo.

She didn't reply but moved her eyebrows upwards thrice, rhythmically. Bayo didn't seem to understand what she was doing at first but later figured what she meant.

'Wait a minute...He paused and looked sideways.'Don't tell me that was your doing. Asked Bayo surprisingly.

She smiled in response.

'Why did you...He paused and beat her on the shoulder. 'Why would you do that?'

'Aaau!' She screamed with her hand touching her shoulder. 'But I was only trying to help.'

'Help? You know I can't face her yet. Besides, she no dey my level.'Said Bayo with a disappointing look

'Awwwn…..Mr lover boy. I know how you feel. But I think you should go and tell her how you feel if you truly like her'.

Bayo chuckles. 'You know I can't do that.'

'Will you stop being a coward Bayo?' she asked.

'I wouldn't use that word you know. I'm just a little scared.' he replied

'Still a coward.'

'Will you stop using that word, please?'

'Then prove me wrong.'

'By doing what? He asked.

'Try talking to her today and get to know each other. Who knows if there is a chemistry between you two?' she replied, giving a teasing look.

'I no get your time. E be like say hunger never catch you.' Said Bayo as he pushed her away and walked down the hallway to get some food.

'Wait for me now!' She called out to Bayo who ignored her and marched down the hall. She ran and caught up with him, held his hand and teased him as they both walked.


"My name is Olatunji Bayonle. I'm 19 years old and I hail from a small town in Ekiti state. I come from a family with low financial status unlike the kids here in my school who come from wealthy and influential families. You will be wondering how I got into Royal International College right? I'll tell you.

I got here on a scholarship which my family sacrificed a lot to make possible.

The kids here often look at me with a mix of curiosity and disdain, wondering how I ended up in a school like this. But, I don't care. I know I deserve to be here.

"The girl beside me is Tinuke. The only friend I have both inside and outside this school. You will be wondering how I met her right? I'll tell you that too."

"I first met Tinuke when I followed my father to his place of work. Actually, her father is my dad's boss. My dad drives him to office and anywhere. She was there with her dad that day in the office. I was shy and didn't want to talk to anyone, but she noticed me and came over to say hello. I was surprised by her friendliness but I found myself warming up to her."

"Since that day, Tinuke and I became fast friends. She is the only person I feel comfortably talking to at the school and she helped me feel less like an outsider. Even though my dad works for her dad, she doesn't care. And that is the one thing that makes me inseparable from her."


Students bustled around the large dinning hall, chatting and laughing as they pick up trays of food from the serving line. The noise level was high, as hundreds of students talked and laughed together. The smell of food filled the air, as students choose from a variety of options: rice, sandwiches, salads, and more. Some students sat with friends, while others sat alone and read a book or worked on homework. Bayo and Tinuke picked their trays and selected the foods of their choice. They walked down to find empty tables but Tinuke suddenly stopped. Bayo asked why she stopped and she pointed her finger to the direction where a light complexioned girl was sitting alone.


"In case you don't know, that is Flora. The new girl in school and one of the most beautiful in my class. She joined us few weeks after resumption and her dad owns one of the biggest petroleum stations in the country. I have a crush on her and I could have had my chance with her because she is always sitting alone. But, I'm the shy type who cannot walk up to any girl. Tinuke eventually found out I like her and has been trying to help me overcome my shyness. I hope she succeeds in doing that."


'Bayo, don't you think this is your chance to talk to her? She's sitting alone right now.'

'I can see that. And I believe there are tables that are not taken.' He replied trying to ignore her.

She looked at him for a while and smirked. 'Watch me.' Tinuke said and grabbed Bayo's arm, dragging him over to the table, where Flora was sitting. He tried to free himself but it was too late. Flora had already noticed them.

'Excuse me, would you mind if we sat here? We couldn't find any other tables that weren't taken.' Tinuke asked politely.

'Don't bother yourself, we will find somewhere else.' said Bayo who tried to drag Tinuke but refused to go.

'Of course! There's plenty of room here. Please, sit down.' Said Flora politely. She was a little surprised.

'Thank you!' Replied Tinuke who sat down right in front of her. Bayo who was still standing, felt reluctant to sit with her. Tinuke signaled him to sit and he did. She introduced herself and Bayo to Flora and started chatting with her. Bayo sat quietly and stared at his food for a while before he began eating it.

Tinuke could tell that Bayo was nervous and unsure of what to say. She tried to include Bayo in their conversation but before she could do that, he stood up and excused himself.

'I think I need to use the gents.' said Bayo as he walked out of the dining hall leaving both girls with their chatting.

He walked into the bathroom and washed his face in the sink. He looked at the mirror for a while and sighed. That could have been his chance to talk to her but fear wouldn't let him. He couldn't help it but admit he was truly a coward this time around.

After a while, he walked out of the bathroom, still lost in thought and bumped into someone. Books and papers went flying, and Bayo quickly bent down to help pick them up. As he reached for a book, his hand brushed against the other person's, and he looked up to see who it was. It was Flora, the girl he had a crush on. For a moment, their eyes met, and Bayo felt a jolt of electricity pass between them. A blush rose to Flora's cheeks, and Bayo felt his heart race.