Ch 10: This minister will not agree [pt3]

The tea party news in the emperor's garden spread like wildfire. Those who hoped to win the emperor's favor quickly got ready.

Even the people who had nothing to do with politics but still dreamed of royal romance began to prepare. 

It was already too late when the news got to Fiona and her mother. There was almost no time left to get ready. Even worse - they had been purposely left out of the information loop.

"Mother, this is our chance. If I can catch the emperor's eye tomorrow, then we will no longer have to depend on that foolish son of the revenue minister to light the way for me."

Fiona sounded confident in her charms to be able to seduce the emperor. She looked at her mother with determined eyes and looked around for an outfit she could wear.

However, Fiona's mother was a lot more cautious than his daughter. 

She remembered the hate-filled way the emperor had looked at his daughter and her. He would not favor Fiona, so they needed to find another way to gain his favor.

They needed to support a candidate the emperor would be well-rested on.

"Fiona, listen to me. I need you to give up on your dream of seducing the emperor. He is too young for you. And an alpha or not, he will not be able to mark you for a few years. It is a futile chase."

"Instead, we need to bank our eggs in another basket. Being an empress is a dangerous job. We will be better off controlling the situation from the shadows."

Fiona did not like how his mother initially tried to manipulate her decisions. But the more she heard her mother talk, the more convinced she was that her mother was right.

Being an empress would give Fiona power, but that would also endanger her.

"Fine! Since my mother says I need to be patient and give up this time, I will listen to her. But do not expect me to sit back and watch that beta get a position he does not deserve."

"Don't worry, my dear child. That beta will get what he deserves soon. You do not need to worry about him. Mother is here to take care of him for you."

Fiona relaxed in her mother's embrace. 


"General, we have your clothes selected for you. You received two sets of clothes from the royal palace for today's picnic. Which one would you like to choose?"

The servant held a traditional omega grab and a modest but comfortable grab in front of Meria. One was held slightly higher and closer than the other, telling Meria what his servants wanted him to wear.

"I want the second one. Since both outfits are white, I prefer the one that does not show much of my body. I have too many ugly scars to expose to the royal court."

Meria tried to get out of wearing the traditional exposing clothes as soon as possible. He could tell the servants were unhappy with his decision to choose more conservative clothes.

But Meria did not want to over-expose himself in front of the kids and scare them.

He knew the 'true' meaning behind this tea party and what it was entitled.

'I do not know if I should feel happy that the council is seeking to prevent the young kind from making a mistake or if I should feel offended that they have a problem with me as the emperor's life partner?'

Whatever the case, Meria knew he needed to be responsible and not allow anything to taint these kids' futures.

"Master, you have a beautiful figure that will fit into the omega dress. Even if you are a beta, I am sure that any alpha would appreciate seeing you in these grabs. So please reconsider-"

"Our emperor is just 12-years-old. An Alpha or not, he is not old enough to get these desires for anyone. And before you forget, this is a party for children who have not come of age yet. We should consider their situation and dress modestly."

Meria was not willing to hear anyone else's opinion. The maids were unhappy with his decision but could not go against his words. Ultimately, they all pouted and decided not to speak a word anymore.

Not that Meria cared. It was better for him if these maids kept quiet.

The garment Meria had been given looked simple at first, but once uncovered, it turned out there were layers and intricate jeweler itched on the clothes.

These clothes looked like ceremonial clothes more than any visiting clothes, and they covered Meria from head to toe.

'These clothes are just my type. I don't know who prepared these clothes, but they know what I like. Even the jeweler is subtle enough not to attract unwanted attention.'

 As an omega, it was in Meria's nature to like being decorated. However, he could never express his desires openly due to his conditioning. But this was the perfect mix of what he liked for himself.

The only one who knew Meria like this had been Emperor Kerin. But the man was already dead.

'This must be a lucky coincidence. I should get going now since it is getting late. Being late for my first and last tea party with minors will not be looked upon nicely by other people.'

Meria had no intention of being the queen, but his honor was still tied to Kerin's young brother and the emperor who proposed to him.

If the emperor did not return the proposal, his name would be tied to Meria's.

"Master, the carriage is here to take you to the royal palace. You should hurry up and not keep the royal guard waiting."

The head maid who came to inform Meria of this did not like him. She would like nothing more than to make Meria late for his appointment.

But doing so would trouble Meria and everyone else in the household.

Meria knew this, so he decided to believe the maid and head out. He just needed to endure today, and then he would be free.

The whole household had gone silent as soon as they had noticed the face of the royal escort. Rucia had been appointed to escort Meria to the royal castle, and she was glad that he had been given this opportunity.

She needed time to apologies to Commander Meria for causing them to land in this mess.

"My lord, please give me your hand. I will help you up the carriage." 

Rucia offered her hand to Meria, and the general took it. He was about to enter the carriage when another blur shot past him and almost knocked into his front and directly into the royal guard.

"Y-You cannot leave without me. I will not allow you to leave without me, Meria."

Fiona arrived on time and she was dressed in the most expensive omega traditional grab she could find.