Ch 15: The first disaster in the party [pt2]

Meria did not feel himself moving, and before he knew what he was doing, he was kneeling in front of Misha Ferin, and his hand was placed on the young pup's shoulder.

"Hey, it's alright. There is no need to cry like this. I am sure that Emperor Kai did not mean what he said. You can sit with me if you want to. So please, don't cry."

Meria was not the most motherly omega, but all omegas had instincts that compelled them to act once they saw a distressed pup. Even an omega like Meria felt such instincts, and he quickly moved to help the pup.

"I…I am sorry."

The pup cried, making Meria's distress even worse. In the end, he could not help himself. He quickly embraced the pup and pulled Misha into his arms. The pup finally calmed down once she had a pair of safe arms around him.

"Grand Minister Ferin, I should hold your granddaughter for now. She is panicking, and I don't think it is good for her mental health to be exposed to this much pressure."

Meria wanted nothing more than to hide the pup in his arms, but he also needed her family's permission.

Besides, he disliked how Grand Minister Ferin looked at Misha. His pointed gaze made it seem like Misha was a disappointment, and that familiar look made Meria clench his fists.

That was the same look his army superior gave Meria once he realised that Meria was an extremely talented beta - one filled with disappointment and barely concealed rage.

Ultimately, Grand Minister Ferin realised he needed a better deal. 

As angry as he was with Meria's interference, it also gave his granddaughter a chance to be acquainted with the emperor. Even anger was better than indifference when it came to human emotions.

And currently, their emperor was seething seeing his chosen partner focusing on someone else.

"I am unhappy with this decision, but I will allow you to care for my granddaughter. I hope it will help someone see what they are trying to deal with by refusing the obvious choice."

'Ah, the Minister is trying to jab at the age difference between me and the emperor. I cannot say that I disagree with him in this regard.'

Meria wisely chose to keep quiet about this. He did not want to trigger any side.

"NO! I will not allow this to happen. General Meria, let that omega down now. Fine! She can have her seat back. Are you all happy now?"

Everyone looked shocked to see their emperor acting like a spoilt brat. His temper tantrum was unexpected for everyone except Meria.

That anger made Misha feel even worse, and she burrowed her face into Meria's chest to hide her face. That enraged the emperor even more, and poor Meria was stuck in the middle.

Other omegas invited to this picnic could only watch this happen with a worried expression on their face.

Even the somewhat older omegas, who knew they needed to do anything to seduce the young alpha, held their tongue in the face of his anger.

In short, with most of the picnic attendees frozen in panic, there was no way anyone could continue this. Morris realised this, and he quickly decided.

"I would like to thank you all for coming here today, but as you can see, we have an emergency. You all will be compensated for your efforts later. Those who would like to enjoy tea can stay behind."

Many omegas quickly took their leave as soon as they could. This meeting had caused quite a stir among the masses.

Meria felt sorry for these poor omegas, but he was in no condition to pity anyone. The emperor glared at him and the pup in his arms with anger.

'Time for me to make my exit as well. My presence here will only hinder Kai from making friends his age.'

"Emperor Kai, I think I should take my leave as well. Misha has not calmed down yet, and I want to ensure she is alright. I will see you later."

The alpha was seething behind Meria's back, but he was respectful enough not to stop him. It surprised everyone when their emperor let someone walk all over him.

They all looked at Meria with respect in their eyes. But a few people could not help but think that Meria was a fool.

He had been offered the highest position during this picnic, and the emperor declared that no one would sit opposite him. The general had a monopoly on the emperor's attention.

And yet, he had thrown it all away to comfort a crying child.

'Hump! I always knew that my brother was an idiot. But I cannot expect anything better from a beta of his calibre. I must show everyone that I am the correct choice.'

With that thought in her mind, Fiona decided to make a move. 

"Emperor Kai, don't let a fool like Meria ruin today's mood. Why don't I join you-"

"Morris, we are done here as well. Ensure you send all these people back home and air this place out. Their combined smell is making my head hurt."

The emperor stood up as soon as he stopped clutching his head. His order was clear, but it transferred his headache to his aid.

The grip Morris had on his feather was enough to strangle anyone. But he had to curb his itch by settling with the pen.

"I understand, Lord Kai. I am sorry, everyone, but you heard the emperor. You all need to return home now."

No one dared to argue this time. This was a direct order from the emperor, and disobeying this would mean you were trying to commit treason.

So, everyone took their leave, even Fiona.

But unlike everyone else, Fiona had a humiliated look on her face. She also bit her thumb in agitation, now wondering what to do.

'Fuck! How do I go back home now? I somehow managed to hitch a ride on the royal carriage here, but I don't think I can ask them to send me back. Don't tell me! I will have to walk back?'

"No way! I cannot allow that to happen. Is there no way I can get a ride back home?"

Fiona was worried about herself and saw the solution to her problems - her lover and Meria's ex-fiancé.

The son of the revenue minister was in the palace today, and he would help Fiona. It just so helped that he was stopped by the person Fiona wanted to see the most - the young emperor.