Ch 22: Uninvited guests are a 'no-no'

"Ah, I cannot believe I have to babysit someone like you, brother. Now, listen to me and don't talk. I will do all the talking to ensure we win this battle."

Fiona looked like a battle-hardened warrior, ready to take on any challenge.

She was dressed from head to toe in attention-grabbing clothes, and the silver of her attire stood out.

Somehow, these clothes did not match her brown hair and golden eyes, but she was beautiful and made it work.

'It must be her omega charms at work here. I hate to admit it, but Fiona can likely wear anything and look good.

Compared to Fiona, Meria was dressed lightly and plainly. He did not want to make his clothes too heavy, or it would make it impossible for him to move around.

"Hey idiot, did you listen to a word I said? If you embarrass me, then I swear I will kill you."

Fiona threatened, causing the general to sigh.

"Yeah, I heard you, Fiona. You want me to keep my mouth quiet. But you know you are the intruder who came here without an invite, right? What if your presence pisses the Saintess off?"

Meria asked, mainly to see Fiona's face turning redder by the second. 

"If you don't want my help, then just say it. You don't have to be so rude. But don't come running to me once you get bullied. I will not help you."

Fiona turned her head away, but Meria knew her attitude would change as soon as they stepped out of the carriage.

As expected, Fiona plastered a huge smile as a holy knight helped her down. 

Another knight extended his hand toward Meria, only to get a cold glare for his efforts. 

Everyone looked taken aback when Meria stepped out of the carriage, and it was clear that no one expected him to be riding the carriage along with Fiona.

Receiving this kind of welcome caused Fiona's confidence to skyrocket. 

She suddenly felt silly for thinking the invitation was not for her.

Everyone around her was talking about the 'great beauty' their Saintess was boasting of having invited.

'Of course, they are all talking about me. I knew that my beauty as an omega would come in handy. Even other omegas cannot resist me.'

Fiona held her head high as she walked toward the temple's front entry, where the Saintess awaited them.

"Ah, you are finally here. The Saintess has been waiting for your arrival for a long time now. Our esteemed guest, please follow me."

Fiona happily took a step toward the Saintess, only to be stopped by the Saintess's guard.

"You are an intruder. Any unauthorised entry would be punished by death."

The guard warned, causing Fiona to pale and instantly take a step back.

Since Fiona did not remember that she was in the middle of climbing the steps, she missed the landing and lost her balance.

'Oh no! I am going to fall.'

Fiona closed her eyes but was fortunate enough to be caught in time.

Meria felt his body moving on its own, and he instantly caught Fiona's falling body.

Even he looked surprised with his speed and then looked up at the guards with a cold expression.

'The Saintess looks…pleased with this outcome. There is something wrong here. Why would the Saintess look happy that someone was about to get hurt? Or…is she happy that I saved Fiona. Somehow, my gut tells me that it is neither of these answers.'

The Saintess looked at Meria and shuddered as he met her cloth-covered eyes.

He quickly helped Fiona, but his step-sister did not appreciate his gesture. 

She rudely pulled her arm from Meria's grasp and looked up at the Saintess's guard, who threatened her.

"What's your problem? Is this how you treat the Saintess's precious guests? Saintess, you need to teach your people some basic manners."

Fiona was mad.

She sounded mad enough even to disregard her manners and speak her mind.

Unfortunately, she was up against an opponent she could not touch. She was reduced to making these snarky remarks.

"The Saintess says that those who came here as 'uninvited guests' have no right to speak. You should go back now, little miss."

Even Meria flinched at the harsh way the retainer spoke to Fiona. 

Her open criticism shocked Fiona, and whatever words that she was about to speak remained unspoken.

When she finally got around her shock, Fiona stuttered but asked her next question.

"Y-You are telling me to go back? How can you humiliate me like this? Don't you know the basics of social manners? You cannot insult someone to their face. Since you lack social manners, you should allow me to help you learn them."

Fiona ended up reciting what had been spoken to her by her mother too many times.

She was proud of herself for having pointed out the Saintess's weaknesses.

The Saintess needed to maintain her image as someone in such a high position. 

Fiona just offered to help her do that, so the Saintess should be beyond grateful to her.

The Saintess quickly tugged at her retainer's arm and whispered something. That small display convinced Fiona that the Saintess. 

'Ah, the Saintess must be scolding her retainer because she insulted me. That stupid retainer will apologise to me any second now and -'

"The Saintess has taken your words as an insult. Fiona Fluorite, you are warned to head home right now or will take your actions as an intent of war with the temple."

Fiona paled, and her arms shook.

"You cannot do that-miff"

She started complaining when Meria placed his hand on her mouth and muffled her words.

"My sister is sorry for insulting the Saintess. I will send her home right now, so there is no need to take this as a declaration."

Meria looked at the Saintess with begging eyes. He was unsure how much it would help him, but this was the only thing he could do.

Luckily, the saint seemed forgiving and decided to overlook Fiona's mistake.

"Meria, don't you dare say anything. I am not heading home-"

"Fiona, head home. No, don't say anything and just head back home."

Meria had never raised his voice in front of Fiona, but this was the first time he decided to do so. He could see tears in Fiona's eyes, but he had to be resolute.

'I cannot back down this time. I don't want Fiona to die, so I cannot allow her to have her way.'