Ch 25: Unexpected results [pt1]

'How dare this worthless alpha try to claim my omega? I should rip his throat out and make him unable to mark any omega. No! Death would be a mercy to someone like him-'

The emperor lost his sense as he held the Saintess below his body. 

His angry eyes looked at the Saintess, their golden light intimidating the person below his body.

The emperor might be 12 years old, but he knew what he was doing.

"Tsk, I knew you were an uncivilised bastard, but attacking me openly like this? Do you think I will allow you to do this?"

The Saintess's eyes were glowing with the alpha glow as well.

Having himself challenged was not something that the emperor appreciated. 

But the Saintess refused to back down despite being at a disadvantage. 

Their powers clashed, causing the temple to shake.

"Lady Rucia, I don't think we can handle this alone. You need to go and get help."

The familiar voice was the only thing that soothed the angry alpha. He refused to let the owner of that voice out of his sight.

And that cost him his advantage during the fight.

"Getting distracted, are we? You are a kid, so I should not expect anything better."

The emperor grew frustrated, causing the Saintess to flinch when a sharp claw nicked him.

Blood flowed out of the Saintess's arm where he had been clawed, but the Saintess seemed not to care.

Gold collided with white, causing a blinding light to cover the area. Holy power crashed with the emperors, causing the ground to break.

Despite this massive blast of power, someone powered through stubbornly and pulled the emperor into their embrace.

"This is enough, Emperor Kai. You need to come back to your senses. If you feel afraid, then don't. I will protect you." 

Meria's back faced the Saintess and held the emperor in his grasp.

The emperor could not afford to let his magic hurt his mate, so he pulled it back. 

He expected the Saintess to pull his magic back, but the bright light and the agitated alpha-pheromones made it impossible for him to figure out his changed target.

Meria gritted his teeth as he took the attack. 

The light burned his back, but he continued to endure for a minute.

The Saintess finally realised that his opponent was no longer the alpha emperor but the general.

As soon as it flashed across his eyes, he stopped attacking and approached the pair.

"Fuck! I am so sorry. All that blinding light made it impossible for me to see, and…this is no time to make excuses. We need to treat your wounds right now."

The general panted as he felt the first touch of the Saintess's divine energy.

It felt good and helped him relax. 

Meria could feel the divine energy repairing the damage done to him and removing the effect of any medicine he had taken.

The emperor tightened his arms around Meria, but his brain felt mushy.

"I cleaned your body of any injuries. General, can you pay attention to me? Hey, general?"

Meria looked at the Saintess calling him, and his brain barely paid attention to what was happening.

There was a suspicious wetness that leaked out of his back, and Meria was forced to confront the truth - he was going into pre-heat.

'Darn it! I usually take medicines to force my scent and heat away. The Saintess's powers must have washed it all out of my system. I need to warn them-'

Meria opened his eyes only to see two tense faces looking back at him.

One belonged to the Saintess, but the other face shocked Meria beyond belief.

"Kerin? H-Help me out-"

Meria asked before the emperor knocked out his body.

The last sight Meria saw was his best friend holding his body.

His dead best friend, to be exact.


"You bastard Saintess. What did you do to Meria? I swear that if anything happens to him, then I will kill you. Wait, my voice. Why does it sound so mature suddenly? And my body as well."

The emperor cradled the unconscious body of his omega on his lap while looking up at the Saintess in front of him.

"Ah, looks like my powers caused the suppressants in the general's body to wash out as well. As a result, the general entered his pre-heat. We should lock him in a room to deal with his condition."

The Saintess looked away, unable to take the general's half-flushed face anymore.

His alpha was reacting to the delectable sight of omega he liked being defenceless in front of him.

'This is like a dream come true. The only fault I can find in this situation is the emperor's presence. But even that is tolerable because General Meria is here.'

The Saintess did not even realise he was reaching for the omega in the emperor's arm.

But the warning growl and the emperor's yank warned him to be careful of what he was planning to do.

"Don't you dare touch my omega with your filthy hands. I refuse to share Meria with the likes of you or allow you to have him."

The emperor warned, keeping the omega close to his chest.

But the Saintess was not about to be outdone either.

"Emperor Kerin, you have no right to keep General Meria with you. He might have asked you for help, but he was affected by his pre-heat. It could have easily been anyone-"

"Shut up and get out. I do not need you here to ruin my mood. I can take care of my omega myself."

The emperor assured, but the Saintess still did not back down.

Meria groaned in pain, and the pair realised that they needed to put him in a room before settling things among each other.

"Fine, let's discuss General Meria and what we will do next. I will ask my retainer to place the general in a room to ride out his pre-heat. Meanwhile, we can figure out who will help the general with his heat this time."

Kerin did not like this proposal. 

He knew that the general was a virgin up until now, and he refused to let another claim his omega.

'I will kill the Saintess before he suggests something ridiculous like this. I swear I will.'