Ch 32: The Saintess's favor [pt2]

"P-Please don't do this to me. I beg you to have mercy on me."

Meria felt his body shiver as he looked at the three terrifying faces before him.

He had faced multiple enemies on the battlefield and had faced death multiple times. But this was the first time he felt such a fear.

"Don't worry, our dear general. Just hold your breath and endure. It will be over soon. Just consider yourself lucky that you do not have a lot of body hair like our dear Saintess. Every time we must shave his leg hair off, it is a struggle. If only the Saintess has legs as smooth as you, my dear."

The servant put the wax on Meria's legs before pressing the cloth down and yanking it hard.

The pain was momentary, and it did not hurt much, but the shock was what caused Meria to yell out loud.

"H-Hey, be careful. And do we have to do this?"

Meria asked while looking at the screen separating him from the alpha.

"You promised to help me out, so I cannot have you back away in the middle like this. Just endure with it for my sake."

The Saintess begged, but Meria felt he liked seeing the general tortured like this.

Now Meria regretted agreeing to grant this favor. He would have said no quicker if he knew what the favour was.

"General, sit still because we will be waxing other parts now. You will get hurt if you do not do as we say."

Various hands were massaging Meria's body, and he felt relaxed. 

"Don't worry, general. You already have a body of an omega, so it will not take long for us to turn you into a perfect dummy for the Saintess. All you must do is to leave yourself in our hands."

The servant assured Meria with a light pat, and he shuddered at that touch.

This was exactly what Meria was afraid of when he agreed to have the Saintess's body double during his meeting with the other temple delegates.

According to the Saintess, he could no longer put it off, but he did not want to top off the other delegates by showing off his alpha-like physique and making them suspicious.

Meria did not like the plan, but he had to agree that it was credible. 

Especially since neither he nor the Saintess had to show their faces.

"Alright, the cleanup is done. Now, it is time for the next part. Meena, bring out the potions and creams. We must ensure that our Saintess shines the brightest in that room full of omegas."

Meria was half-asleep when he heard these words, but he instantly felt his body shiver when he heard then.

He was unsure why these maids were getting so competitive, but he felt he should not stop them.

It took him three hours to get out of the bath, and Meria felt like he had just escaped a war.

He had never felt clearer or shiner than this. 

The maids looked satisfied with their work and looked at the omega with a dreamy look.

"I-Is this torture over yet?"

Meria begged for the answer to be 'yes,' but he was disappointed when the maids only looked more determined.

"Over? We are just starting. No one will be able to recognise you once we are through with you."

The maids worked fast, and Meria had to wear the traditional omega grab of those exposing clothes for the first time in his life.

His belly and a good portion of his back were visible for people to see. 

The pants were better, but they fluffed out at certain places, giving the illusion that Meria's hips were more prominent than they were supposed to be.

The outfit was uncomfortable, but it did not compare to the various accessories he had to wear. 

'I feel like a walking jeweller store. Do I truly need to wear all these chains and rings?'

Meria sighed once he finally felt ready to move. 

The maids also allowed him to finally be seen by the Saintess, who had dressed in the knight's armour.

"My dear, are you ready-"

The Saintess started to speak, only to be speechless by the beauty standing before his eyes.

"Saintess, you need to add the final touch. You must cast the spell that makes the general's hair longer."

A servant elbowed the stunned alpha, and Meria felt like running away.

The heat in the Saintess's eyes was familiar, and it caused Meria's stomach to feel warm. 

"Ah, I am sorry for zoning out. I was always aware that our dear general had unparalleled beauty, but I wasn't ready to see it yet."

The Saintess stepped forward, and Meria took a step back unconsciously.

The small chase continued until Meria's back touched the wall, and a hulking form of an alpha leaned over his body.

The Saintess's face leaned closer to Meria's, and he closed his eyes.

He knew the saints would not kiss him, but he was unprepared for the gentle breath that caressed his ear.

A pair of arms caged him against the wall, and burning eyes looked at him with delight.

"You know, all I want to do is to eat you up. But I will hold myself back for your sake. I will not hold back once you are ready to handle my desires. Until then, be conscious of me and think of me often."

The Saintess was too close to Meria, and he could not think. He felt the Saintess take a strand of his hair and kiss it.

When he let it go, it was much longer than it had previously been.

Long strands of white fell softly around Meria's body, and the maids gasped in outrage. One of them even went as far as to pull the Saintess away.

"Saintess, you are supposed to make the Saintess's hair a little longer, not give him hair up to his knees. Do you know how long it takes for us to take care of hair this long?"

The servants looked enchanted but outraged at the emperor's actions simultaneously.

But the emperor did not even seem to care. He just laughed out loud with that heated look in his eyes.