Ch 65: The plans of the future [pt1]

The water made all of Meria's worries disappear, and he could relax once more.

It also stung all the bite marks Kerin had left on Meri's body, but the omega tried his hardest not to think about it.

Meria scratched at the scent mark the alpha emperor left on his neck and sighed in relief.

"I'm mated now. It still doesn't feel natural to be mated. Father would flip out once I tell him what happened."

Meria closed his eyes and relaxed.

Another topic he needed clarification on was his father and his family.

He wanted to tell them what happened, but his rational side told him it would not be a good idea.

Meria closed his eyes and let his body relax in the water.

He almost fell asleep and only woke up once the sound of arguing got too loud for his liking.

Meria dragged himself out of the water and quickly got dressed.