Ch 93: The dark controller [pt1]

In the end, Meena decided to drag the controlled person to General Meria.

She wanted to take him to Eric immediately, but the Saintess was in an important meeting and took a notepad with him instead of Meena.

That left only one person who could help Meena out.

General Meria seemed busy with his investigation, and calling him out at such an important time felt awkward.

But Meria turned toward her as soon as he noticed Meena was there and stopped doing whatever he had been doing.

"You all take a lunch break and continue after that. I will go and check what the priestess says to me."

Meria ordered before he walked toward Meena at a sedated pace.

"Meena, what is wrong? You look shaken up. Did something happen? Did you report what happened to the Saintess?"

Meria asked in a hurried voice.

It seemed like he had expected the worst to happen, which helped Meena calm down.