Ch 95: Tricked into it [pt1]

"Excuse me, but who are you? I don't think I've seen you before. Are you a new priest? Which district are you from?"

One of the regular priests asked this question as soon as he noticed the new priest sitting in the meeting.

Usually, priests were known from the chosen districts, and relationships were also formed based on the district the other priest was from.

"You want to know what district I am from? Why are you asking me questions you already know the answer to? If your memory is having problems, I suggest you see a doctor. It could get dangerous."

The unknown priest smiled, and the other priests felt their instincts ring in danger.

But the longer they looked at the smiling priest, the more they could not understand why they feared him.

"Ah, I am so sorry, Father Francis. My brain stopped working, so I forgot who you were. But I remember now. I hope to see you around soon."

The other priest smiled, and his instincts calmed down.