Ch 103: A hard opponent [pt3]

"General, you need to wake up now. We need to start early if we want you to be ready by the time of the hunting festival's opening ceremony."

Meena reminded Meria as she woke him up and helped him get ready.

He was half-asleep when he twisted and turned around until he was ready to head out.

Meria's eyes spun, and he finally regained consciousness once he sat in the van and was led around toward the royal castle.

"When did you even get me in the carriage? I swear that I was asleep just moments ago."

Meria complained as the carriage jolted and caused him to bump his head on the carriage's roof.

Meena looked unimpressed by Meria's question, which meant that it had been some time since he had been forced to wake up by Meena.

"General, we woke you up almost two hours ago so that we could get you ready. Do you mean to say you do not remember any of it?"

Meena asked, and Meria pretended to think about it.