Police station

The officials listening at first did not believe Huang Bailan's story. He immediately asked to see the document. Seeing that it was real, he turned to ask Jin Qin Yu again. Once confirmed that it was true, the officials immediately arrested Aunt Mahapai. He said that since there was a case that the court ruled on, he could arrest the person first. It was better to wait until the child was seriously injured like Huang Bai Lan, then it would be worse. Moreover, the school will soon open. If something happened to the child that caused him to lose the opportunity to study, he would feel very guilty.

The crowd, including Huang Bailan and his mother, rushed to applaud and support the official until he started to feel embarrassed. So he just said that he was doing his duty. Huang Bailan asked the officials to come and give evidence along with Ai Xiaoqing. She was afraid that someone from that family would hurt her new friend. The official granted permission as requested.

The director himself will also go to support the special room students of his school. You must know that special room students are the school's hope for university entrance exams. Therefore he requires special care.

Huang Bai Lan and Jin Qin Yu rode along on the director's motorcycle that was riding Ai Xiaoqing. As for the officers, they caught people on motorcycles and rode ahead of them.

Upon reaching the provincial police station The officers took Aunt Mahapai into the cell first. Then they were called into the interrogation room to record their statements. Aunt Mahapai screamed and wanted to call her husband. The station staff were annoyed and allowed her to make one call and warned her that if she complained again, she would be handcuffed and gagged. That's why the voices became quiet until they finished giving their statements.

They sat and waited in the station for less than 20 minutes when a well-dressed man walked up to ask for bail for Aunt Mahapai. Now she knew that aunt's name was Wu Peiyin. That man saw them and didn't bother to look at Ai Xiaoqing at all. Huang Bailan saw this and became even more angry. Jin Qin Yu also hurriedly took Ai Xiaoqing's hand and patted it gently to comfort him. The director was also dissatisfied with his father.

The officer who had interrogated them just now came to tell him the story. He only said that it was a family matter and he did not take issue with his wife. Huang Bailan's face grew darker and darker with anger after listening. She stood up and faced him, who was known as Ai Xiaoqing's father.

"Uncle, I really want to ask, is Ai Xiaoqing your son?"

"Why do you ask? That child is my child. And what are you meddling in our family matters?"

"Ha, it's a family matter? If the people called family were to harm the body and mind of a little girl who had no mother and no way to fight like this. Don't call it family. It's disgusting."

"Whose daughter are you? Why do you talk to adults like this? What can I do with my child? Don't bother them."

"Oh wow, I'm Jin Qin Yue's mother's son. who has a father who is as bad as his uncle And those former bastard families were sued by rats until there was nothing left now. Do you want to try it? If Uncle doesn't want Ai Xiaoqing, then he can write a letter to cut ties. Life and death are not involved. But if Uncle continues to take Ai Xiaoqing to harm him again, I and Mom will definitely not accept it."

"Huh, how would a kid like you have the intelligence to listen to someone like me? Do you know who I am?"

"I don't want to know who Uncle is. I just know that a brat like this doesn't deserve to be a father. No matter how good your job is, you have no conscience. It is no different from a beast."