
Gong Shan Cailong saw Huang Bai Lan turn away and his heart sank. Or is he thinking about you all the time? But she never called him. He had to secretly call Aunt Qin Yue to ask for updates every once in a while. His people who had returned had already been punished by him. He insists on not letting her know. Now she was angry at him too.

"Anyway, we met today. Shall we go eat dinner?"

"Busy, do you have anything else? I have to hurry and go buy something."

"Um, nothing else. Please send my condolences to Aunt Qin Yue and Xiao Qing. I'm not bothering you anymore. If I have free time, I will stop by to visit you at home." He quickly tied her hands and punched her instead. If he got to the front of the house, Aunt Qin Yue would definitely let him in.

"I'll tell Mom and Xiaoqing for me. I'll go." Huang Bailan hurriedly walked out to the bank. She had wasted enough time with him. By now everyone is probably worried.

Gong Shan Cailong saw her and didn't even look back. What can he do with her? This woman is so cruel. An upset Gong Shan Cailong hurriedly led the convoy of executives to inspect the work. But this time, they were all caught up in the storm of their boss' emotions. Even the little things are truly their fault.

Huang Bailan withdrew money at the bank, not knowing that she had unknowingly put many people in dire straits. She hurriedly left the bank with twenty thousand yuan in hand because she didn't know the price of the item so she reserved it for now.

The Jin Qin Yues saw that she was late and asked. When I found out that I met Uncle Long by accident. Jin Qin Yu even looked around to see if he could say hello. That child used to call and talk to her sometimes. There was only the time of moving things here that we hadn't talked about yet. Huang Bailan didn't want to think about that good-looking person, so he hurriedly changed the subject and had Jian Yan Liu take him to the computer shop first.

Ai Xiaoqing knew that Huang Bailan was going to buy a computer, so she wanted one too. She actually brought an old device, but it's now outdated. JianyanLiu told them that the computer shop was on the fourth floor. Ai Xiaoqing asked everyone to take her to the bank to withdraw money first. So the shopping convoys followed each other to banks and computer stores.

Ai Xiaoqing walked around with Huang Bailan and told her the specs of each device to choose from first. Huang Bailan chose the high-spec laptop that Ai Xiaoqing had told him about. She thought it would be more usable than those low-spec, cheaper devices. Ai Xiaoqing also chose the same model but a different color. Huang Bailan's chose black. As for Ai Xiaoqing, he chose bronze. The laptops cost 12,500 yuan each, and the store also sells portable internet pots for 1,000 yuan, which can be used for one month with unlimited time and speed. To renew their internet usage, customers can add 500 yuan to the pot, so the two girls paid the store 13,500 yuan each, along with a bag and a bag to put their new laptops in.