True Demon King 3

I was currently walking away from where it all happed and if you looked behind me, you could see something be burned by my hellfire.

I was thinking about what I just did, I knew I wasn´t a good guy but this was strange even for me. The only explanation I had on why I did this was just in the heat of the moment combined with my personality, being horny and curious. It was also possible that the recent absorbed races had a slight impact on my psyche, after all even here demons were known for enjoying seeing others suffer and toy with souls, but this possibility was actually very unlikely.

The Beyonder once said 'Knowledge is the only goal worth pursuing, that and curiosity' and he wasn´t wrong. I was going to exist even when the Outerverse finally gets fully erased by the Nothingness, my existence was beyond eternal and I was going to try everything at some point, this just happened a lot earlier.

Now my curiosity was sated and I knew that I wasn´t going to do it again. It was really dirty and not even that pleasurable.

I continued my stroll around the world without any direction. I didn´t know where I was and didn´t want to know, I'm just gonna see where I will end up and make the best of it. At some point I came across a City, probably the capital of some Country if you consider the giant Castle in the middle, and simply did a Hulk Style Thunderclap and erased another human settlement from the map.

After a few days of walking without anything interesting happening, I finally came across something new. A bunch Albion's were fighting with a few Giants.

I didn´t intervene and just observed the fight, sometimes I really wished I had popcorn.

The fight ended with the Albino´s destroyed and some deep wounds on the giants side. I watched and followed them to where I presume their homeland to be, to recover from their injuries.

I followed them for about two hours before I saw an absolutely massive earth construct. It looked a water droplet with most of its lower half being underground. Good thing I followed them otherwise I would have continued in a different direction.

I could feel one being inside that was way stronger than all others, not to mention that this aura was almost identically to his from the other Universe. This was obviously Drole, my newest addition on my list of being I want to absorb.

I didn´t just want to absorb him for his extra height but also for his unique magic. Unlike the giant races Creation, his Ground wasn´t only a lot stronger but also felt more 'alive'.

For example, other giants stone walls are just that, plain and hard rock, his however can have traits that earth shouldn´t have like regeneration and elasticity, not to mention that he created a whole labyrinth in an instant that would have taken the cooperation of multiple giants at least a few minutes.

Grinning, I bend my knees and jumped above the clouds with my landing point being the roof just above Drole.

It seams like he sensed my descent because I saw new and thicker layers of earth form were I was going to land. Does he actually think this is going to stop me? Challenge accepted.

I dived down head first. Upon impact I only managed to break through the roof but failed at the floors below, he has made the earth both hard and elastic at the same time, making it very hard to break it with blunt force.

Once the dust around me settled, I was surrounded by at least 30 giants with Drole in the lead. When they saw my appearance they were a bit startled by my giant like appearance before reminding themselves that I was an enemy.

They started talking to me, most of the stuff they said was things like 'Who are you?', 'Do you even know where this is?' and some mockery that I ignored. I didn´t attack them immediately because I was assessing on how to handle the cannon fodder.

I wanted an undisturbed fight with Drole and not just possessing him or overpowering with my overwhelming magic and strength gut for that I needed to get rid of the nuisance first.

While I was thinking, some giants started attacking when they saw my not responding and ignoring them. Perfect, just what I needed.

I extended the darkness from foots as tendrils and moved them through the earth before assaulting the fodder from below. Most of them died without even realizing it and only a few lucky ones where able to dodge.

Seeing that his clansmen were of no thread to me and were only needlessly endangering themselves, he decided to send them away. They weren´t happy with that but they realized by now that they didn´t pose a threat to me, so they reluctantly retreated.

To make sure that I wouldn´t be able to attack them through the earth again, Drole did some gestures and the surroundings started to change.

I noticed that he was creating the same arena he did during the tournament but I didn´t stop him. I wasn´t going to attack the remaining giants even if he didn´t bring me away and besides, I wasn´t going to say no to an epic fight on a big stage.