DC 19

Even I felt a bit giddy as I looked at the neon lamps spelling "Lux" above the entrance.

It was day, so the bar was mostly empty except for a few employees who cleaned the mess from the previous night. I ignored them and walked to the bar.

"A bit early for a drink. What can I get you?" Mazikeen asked

"Oh, nothing for me, I'm here to meet your boss"

She inspected me very closely but another voice came from above before she could throw me out.

"It's okay, Mazikeen, I was expecting him"

Turning around, I saw an angelic man with golden-blond hair and a grin on his face standing on the second floor.

"Of course, you were expecting me, fricking stalker" I grumbled. Luckily, he didn't take it personally and just laughed it off.

"You can't blame me after all the ruckus you caused, I'm not the only one watching you either. Anyway, come up, we can talk in private here without anyone listening in"

Not long after, we sat comfortably in his living room.

"Can I get you something to drink?"

I just shook my head.

"I don't normally drink, especially not the stuff made by mortals, but this is a special occasion, so let me treat you" It was true, I didn't like alcohol in general but if I drank it, it had to be the best in the whole Outerverse.

With a hand swipe, I opened a rift and just grabbed a green gourd before a white-haired old man rushed at me.

"Who dares to steal from this Venerable Ancestor?! Do you know who I am? I will have the Transcendent Alliance hunt you down" he said while running straight to the rift I opened.

I just bitch slapped him away "Get lost you old Foggie" and closed the rift. Lucifer just watched in amusement.

"Ahem, anyway, my treat" I said as if I didn't just shamelessly steal it in front of his eyes. I didn't care about the so-called Transcendent Alliance, I met them during the gathering but they looked like joke characters next to the other powerful beings.

Here we were, the Devil and me, drinking one of the best stuff in all realities while chatting like old friends.

"Damn this stuff is really good, I need to find a way to get my own stash of this" Luci said while enjoying his wine.

"Say what you want about these cultivation bastards, they know how to make really good shit, partly because their reality has an unnatural variety of things and they horde their wine better than a dragon his coins"

We just sat there in silence for a bit, enjoying the heavenly wine before Luci decided to break the silence.

"You seem a bit disappointed with me, is it because I don't look like Tom Ellis from the series?"

I was not too surprised about him knowing his fictional counterpart, in fact, many Outer beings knew about it, it was hard to imagine that someone like Azathoth didn't know that some worlds had stories about him.

I had asked many beings about how it was possible for so many fictional things to be real but they all refused to answer, saying the classic thing of having to figure it out myself. It was annoying but I could feel that the answer was already lying on the tip of my tongue, so close yet so far.

Humans would just say infinite possibilities and be done with it but I was not falling for this crap. If each universe is a possibility and for each possible outcome another one exists, it would be like every universe divided into a hundred others and continuing the circle.

But no matter how long this circle goes on, you will never reach, or even get close to, Infinity. If you don't believe me, count to infinite, please. At some point, you will reach numbers that will look infinite to mortals but they will never even be close.

To support my theory, how is it possible for some simple possibility to alter the universe in ways that some have magic, other martial arts, another science, and another one tries to understand the mysteries of the heavens? These changes were just too drastic like they never even belonged to one origin in the first place.

"Not disappointed, more like letdown"

"Same thing" I didn't argue anymore and we just continued enjoying the wine. This stuff was made for people with similar power and resistance to alcohol to us, making it way better than the weak stuff humans made for themselves, no clue why he even drinks this trash in the first place.

"So, why are you here? What is it you desire?" the Devil asked me in a teasing tone. He knew very well that his party trick didn't work on me but I played along.

"I just wanted to cross drinking with the devil from my bucket list and tell you that I'm a huge fan of your work"

"You will have to be a bit more specific there"

"All of them. Creation, Sins, this bar, shall I go on?" he actually didn't create sins and even hated to be associated with them but he was too drunk to care.

"To me" he raised his glass

"To me" I raised my glass while toasting to myself

Lucifer was a fun person to be drunk with, we eventually started playing games until I introduced Materialization Shiritori to him. I stole this game from NGNL and we had a lot of fun.

We played for four days straight, during which I had to steal several more wines to keep us drunk before we decided on a draw since he had to go back to his bar to do stuff.

It was fair to say I had successfully made friends with the Devil, or at the very least left a favorable impression.

Sadly, it was soon time to leave. There was only a month left before the deadline I set and everyone should be getting ready to leave.