Truth 6

I spent a long, long time directing my NE towards the creation of the Essence of Blank, but time was irrelevant here.

Finally, after what would be an untold amount of time if it were to even exist here, the Essence of Blank formed, there was only one problem. It needed to form in Existence, although it was directly created from Nothingness, it existed and would be immediately erased if it were to come into contact with the Nothingness.

I was worried it would be noticed by other Outer beings as even Azathoth would want this thing but I was able to make it form inside my Tower, so even if it was noticed, anyone who would want to steal it before I absorbed it would have to go past all my defenses, giving me enough time to absorb the Essence.

The very instance it formed, I returned to my body, which was still in the Tower, and grabbed the Essence. I ignored the tremors of the Tower being attacked and just threw it into my mouth where it instantly dissolved before I would even swallow it.

It had no taste but I could immediately feel every limit and restriction being removed, which included the limits of my divinity but I didn't have time to explore that now. I always thought I had limitless potential but it seemed that even I had a few limits.

Right now I had to deal with all the attackers outside, although most had left when they noticed me taking it, there were still some fools who thought they could extract the Essence from my corpse or just wanted to show their dissatisfaction.

With but a thought, I appeared outside. It was absolute chaos, filled with creatures that could make the god of bravery piss his diapers. There were eldritch beings of unmeasurable size that held onto the Tower with their disgusting slimy tentacles and other appendages, Immortal Ancestor look-alikes that screamed some self-righteous stuff, and many other strange beings.

There were so many outer beings here that if this was me before my apotheosis, I would be screwed but now it was a perfect opportunity to test my new powers. After consuming the Essence of Blank, my control and fusion with the Nothingness kept increasing by the moment and it was time to show these clowns why even Azathoth feared the Nothingness.

I was bombarded with billions of attacks that could each destroy a whole reality with ease every yoctosecond but all of them disappeared after they touched my body. The effect of the essence had already extended to my NE and body. My NE had become ingrained with Nothingness and started to erase everything it touched and since my body was made of NE, everything that touched me was also erased.

I had obtained a higher form of Invulnerability just moments after taking the essence, I was already looking forward to what it would bring me in the future or what it would do once I took more essences.

Slowly but surely, one outer being disappeared after another but the rest just kept attacking. It wasn't because they were stubborn, at least not in this case, because they didn't even know that their number was shrinking fast. From their perspective, they were always the same number and my attacks did nothing to them but that wasn't the case.

I was experimenting with my power which was increasing more and more with each moment, it seemed like even the limit of common sense was broken because the stronger I became the faster I grew. I had been slowly erasing the very existence of the outer beings which might not sound impressive since I had done the same with mortals already but there was a large difference between mortals, immortals, gods, and outer beings.

Even other gods of Nothingness could only slightly damage the existence of outer beings but completely erasing them was impossible. Since they didn't notice my attacks doing anything and their numbers shrinking, they figured my attacks were just weak compared to my unreasonable defense and kept attacking.

Even if they were morons, they noticed something strange once their number was less than a million because they wouldn't have the confidence to attack me with just so few allies. After quite a bit of confusion, they decided to make a strategic retreat as they called it but I didn't chase after them, I had more important things to do now.

My power growing faster with each moment and the speed already far surpassed the time when I was just a weak mortal. To make it a bit easier to understand, here is an example; my adaptation was adapting to my adaptation, making it adapt to adapting faster.

It was an infinite circle and the stronger I grew, the faster I grew. If this was just the growth of a normal power, I could handle it but we were talking about the Nothingness and me becoming one at an ever-increasing rate.

I might need to take a small nap for my adaptation to kick in and make me adapt to my ever-increasing power. After this short nap, I had a lot of things to do.

I could use my new power to help my pet recover instantly and I needed to create one last essence.