Cultivation 24

The arrival in the immortal realm was not what I expected, but then again, I never know what to expect from this crazy reality.

"Hey look, it's a new Half-Immortal."

"Newly ascended too. I wonder how much the immortal sect will pay for him"

"Get him. The next round at the restaurant is on me"

I couldn't help but sigh at this somewhat expected situation.

What better way to recruit talented individuals who have already proved their talent by ascending than by catching them when they are still weak?

These psychos actually created a whole industry for capturing and selling newcomers to the highest bidder.

I could sense some wariness from them but it disappeared after they realized that I wasn't a zombie. It seems that they had some unfortunate encounters with newly ascended zombies but not enough to quit the industry.

I could also feel the presence of several scattered zombies around the immortal realm, either too weak or sealed by some forces. How disappointing, I was betting on them creating a faction for me, so that I didn't have to deal with exactly this shit.

"What's going on, why can't I move?"

"Me too, why is my immortal qi going out of control?"

"Could it be him? Impossible, I am a heavenly immortal, we even have a golden immortal in our group"

Their screams didn't last long as they slowly faded out of existence.

I just used them as food for my cultivation. The laws they comprehended and the sheer energy in their bodies were enough to make me reach the early stage of the Earth Immortal realm.

From here on out it was all about comprehending the laws and absorbing enough energy. Only the half-immortal realm, exclusive to those that reached the immortal realm through ascension needed to first refine their qi into immortal qi.

I can already see the boring path ahead, so why not get this over with by doing the same thing I did with the mortal worlds? Surely immortal worlds would make me progress very fast again.

The problem I had with the Immortal and Divine realms was all about laws and gathering energy. How was that a problem for me, who created all these laws and had infinite energy? The best I could do to increase my cultivation without using NE and getting bored was to devour worlds and use them instead.

Not interesting either but still better than using NE.

After just creating a small pocket dimension or as they call it, a secret realm, and entering it, I continued cultivating.

I began by using the last remaining mortal world as an appetizer before continuing with the immortal worlds. They were a lot tastier and more nutritious, after just a few eaten worlds, I already obtained over a dozen systems from these artificial sons of destiny.

There were reputation systems, anime systems, feedback systems, level systems, and multiplier systems. I will make a wild guess here and say the Transcendents are standing shortly before a big war.

Since they were useless to me, I just scrapped them and threw their schematics onto the pile of other dismantled systems I had.

"Hm? That's cute"

The Transcendents finally started acting, searching for the reason why all the mortal worlds were erased while at the same time creating new mortal worlds with life. They naturally could never find me and I erased the mortal worlds the moment they created them.

They were growing desperate, one-third of their reality had unexplainably been erased and the immortal realm was also showing signs of being erased and they still had no clue what was causing it. If this continued and spread to the divine realm, they could be in serious trouble.

Their reality was one of the oldest in existence yet something was systematically dismantling them without them having any clue on how to stop it or who was behind it.

Unbothered by their attempts to find me or stop me from erasing worlds, I continued cultivating, erasing almost one-fifth of the immortal realm in a matter of days.

The cheats of dead protagonists started piling up high enough to be considered a mid-sized mountain. If it weren't for the fact that I hated doing things halfway and that the cultivation had at least some use, I would have long dropped it by now.

The thing about cultivation was that even if the higher realms were complete garbage, as long as my realm grew, the benefits I got in the earlier realms grew with it. By now my energy control had completely calmed down and my control was impeccable, so at least there was one gain I got from this waste of time.

Forget defiling innocent girls and torturing protagonists, I just wanted this to be over with.