Marvel 13

The visit of the second Ancient One ended with her defeat and a plunger sticking on her bald head that wouldn't come off. No clue who put it there, but if the childish giggles behind the wall were anything to go by, I would say someone stole a crossbow and found a shiny target.

Of course, the plunger was a normal one and I only made it stick permanently when I realized that it was my daughter playing a prank. Despite being almost thirty years old, she was still a child, mentally and physically. Despite sealing most of her powers until she reached mental maturity, she still aged at a rather slow pace.

At least for humans, for us, the fact that she was already so mature and self-aware at only three decades showed that she was a genius. But enough boasting about how great my kid is, I'm sure you are more interested in the new universe.

The universe was a lot closer to the original than the last one. We returned back to 2008, shortly before Tony got kidnapped, and because this universe had plot armor, I was certain he would survive this time.

Of course, there will also be a lot of differences to the comics and movies as I will personally add a few uncertain factors. To be precise, I will open the doors of my establishment to outsiders, so you might get to see Luffy pummeling Thanos in gear 5 or Muzan teaming up with Mephisto.

My customers were naturally very curious about this new world, so over the next few weeks, the world saw numerous strange people walking in the streets and flying next to airplanes.

Just one person without background was enough to ring alarms in SHIELD, not to mention so many. They quickly began trying to capture them and find out where they came from, only to fail miserably at the former and be confused by the latter.

Even the weakest of my customers was easily able to deal with a few trained humans and the door to Location-Not-Found would appear randomly all over the world. I was actually looking forward to someone from SHIELD finding one of the doors as I wanted to see their reaction and if the plot force only allowed the five named agents to come.

I mean, have you ever heard of a fanfic where it was someone else besides Natasha, Fury, Barton, Hill, or Coulson? It was like they were the only ones capable of finding the main characters.

Speaking of main characters, one of the guys I reincarnated a long time ago was also in this universe. At least it was a long time for me, he only just arrived here a few weeks ago. I'm looking forward to his reactions.

On the other side of the planet, a door suddenly appeared in the desert and a man with a mustache came out.

"So much war, so much violence and conflict. This is perfect. This world has so much more conflict than my old one, I will stay here from now on." Ares said to no one in particular.

He was from the DC universe but although they also had lots of conflict, it wasn't nearly as much as in this universe. It was well known that Marvel had too many characters and all of them were at war with each other.

This was simply a paradise for a god who grows with war.

Such scenes happened all over the world but this one was a bit more interesting since this was not too far from the terrorist camp where a certain playboy was being held captive. As a god of war, how could he not have a look around a camp filled with missiles and bombs, and who knows, maybe he would even take a look at their creator?

All in all, Marvel was going to be even more chaotic than it was already and that was without the likes of Deadpool who would undoubtedly appear sooner or later. If the world was unlucky, there might even be two of them, one from the last universe who came over to annoy the concept of Nothingness and another who was just freshly created in his little cancer tank.