
Worldbuilding Terms To Understand The Story

This chapter area will be used to place certain terms and phrases mentioned throughout the story and provide some additional context for the reader to understand what is going on in the story and what they mean. In time, I might also add in a timeline of notable events leading up to the regime's rise to power. 

AFFR - After the Fall of the Ferga Republic

Berkuvism - In-universe version of communism, created by the philosopher Tyr Berkuv and became popularized in the nation of Bahido. 

Gabosloza - A major colonial empire, heavily German Empire inspired. 

Yorgáryn - The country the main story takes place in

Nosharm - In-verse stand in for Russia, federation of states

Bahido - Heavily France-inspired nation, socialist government 

Yorgish-Wolnan Commonwealth - Old Yorgish government, bi-confederal state that was dissolved from 2762 to 2785 AFFR in the Yorgish Partitions by Gabosloza, Siegsgrad and Nosharm. 

Hiyara - In-verse stand in for the Japanese Empire. Assisted the NSL during the civil war. First made diplomatic ties with Yorgáryn in 3128 AFFR. 

Worsata Party - The ruling party in charge of the government of Yorgáryn. Came to power in 3158 following a civil war. Full name is the Worsata Sotelonist Party - used to be known as the National Sotelonist League. Founded in 3145 AFFR in the Yorgish city of Bojñová in the aftermath of the Third Leonese Civil War, by the politician Szymon Godak, and would later be led by Zenon Harkovich Lipinski. 

Fourth Republic - The Fourth Yorgish Republic was the previous government that held power in Yorgáryn before the civil war occurred and was dismantled afterwards. 

United Democratic Front (UDF) - The union of parties that supported the Fourth Republic during the civil war. After they lost, they would be persecuted by the new government and placed into concentration camps or forced labor mines.