*Bonus Chapter: Shadows Unveiled

As the cosmic currents settled and the mystical realms found a delicate equilibrium, a subtle tremor traversed the fabric of reality. Unseen by mortal eyes, an ethereal figure emerged from the remnants of the final eclipse—a manifestation of shadows and ancient magic.

This entity, a sentient embodiment of the Eclipsed Dominion, bore the essence of Adrian Frost. Consciousness intertwined with shadows, memories entwined with arcane energies, it lingered on the fringes of existence—a residual echo of the Shadow Sovereign.

In its ephemeral existence, the sentient shadow traversed the mystical realms, seeking understanding and purpose. It delved into the residual echoes of the final battle, witnessing the bonds forged and the sacrifices made by the fellowship. The memories, once belonging to Adrian, now danced within the shadows as a living testament to the indomitable spirit that had guided them through the cosmic struggle.

As the sentient shadow moved through realms unseen, it encountered pockets of lingering darkness—the remnants of the Abyssal Monarch's malevolence. With a whisper of the Eclipsed Dominion, it absorbed these shadows, purifying the mystical realms further.

The citizens of Arcane Heights, though oblivious to the metaphysical occurrences, felt a subtle shift in the energies around them. A newfound harmony settled over the city, a testament to the intangible forces that intertwined with their existence.

The sentient shadow, now a guardian of the delicate balance, lingered on the outskirts of the mystical realms. It became a silent watcher, a protector veiled in shadows, ensuring that the equilibrium forged through the sacrifices of the fellowship endured.

As the sun dipped below the horizon and the skies embraced the dance of stars, the sentient shadow blended seamlessly with the cosmic energies. It whispered in the wind, carried through the realms like an ageless melody—an echo of Adrian Frost's journey, a guardian in the shadows, and a symbol of the enduring legacy forged through the final eclipse.

And so, in the vast expanse of the mystical realms, where shadows and light coexisted in perpetual dance, the tale of "Eclipsed Dominion" transcended its pages. The sentient shadow, a spectral remnant of a hero's journey, lingered as a reminder that even in the realms beyond mortal comprehension, echoes of courage and sacrifice could shape the very essence of existence.