Met You Again

The next day, Jillian woke up and they were getting ready to go to a nearby village to buy food supplies. She saw Theodore chatting with the other soldiers looking so stern and authoritative. Either it was just her feelings or last night she felt someone hugging her while she was asleep.

But she tried to dismiss that feeling, she felt that Theodore could not be that bold to hug her while she was sleeping. 'Or did he do it?' she thought in confusion.

Jillian tried not to think about it too much because she was sure it was just a dream. She was too tired to dream about something she shouldn't.

The woman got up from where she was and straightened the cloth mat she was sleeping on. Seeing Jillian who had woken up, Theodore went straight to her and greeted her. "Good morning, Lian. How did you sleep?" he asked.

"I slept well, thank you for asking. How about you?"