Chapter [56]

Riser Phenex's Mansion

Mirko was immersed in her training session with Merlin in the underground chamber. Focused, she channeled her energy to master illusion magic, successfully hiding her rabbit ears. She felt satisfied to finally control this ability and blend more easily among humans when necessary.

Meanwhile, in the mansion's living room, Riser and Yubelluna arrived, teleporting in a circle of fire. The flame dissipated as they appeared, revealing them to Nana and Shizuku, who were present.

Curious about the whereabouts of the other girls, Riser asked Nana and Shizuku where they were. Shizuku informed that Erza and Xenovia were in Erza's room, while Mirko and Merlin were in the training room.

Determined to praise Mirko for her progress, Riser descended to the underground training room. Upon entering, he saw Mirko practicing with Merlin and smiled pleased to witness her dedication.

"Mirko, you're doing an excellent job with illusion magic. I'm impressed with your progress," praised Riser, admiringly watching her.

Mirko, catching her breath between exercises, smiled upon hearing Riser's praise. "Thank you, Riser-sama. I'm determined to become a strong devil and be useful to the Peerage."

Riser nodded, proud of Mirko's dedication. "Keep it up, Mirko. I'm confident you'll become a valuable ally."

After exchanging a few words, Riser decided it was time to retire to his room for some alone time. "I'll retire to my room for a while. If you need me, I'll be there," he announced, leaving the training room with a wave.

Mirko and Merlin continued their training, seizing the opportunity to further hone their skills.

Riser entered the mansion's living room with a serene demeanor, observing the tranquility that enveloped the space. Nana and Shizuku were present, each occupied with their own activities. He waved to them with a smile, greeting them warmly.

"Hello, Nana. Hello, Shizuku. How are you today?" He inquired, his calm voice echoing through the room.

Nana looked up from her book and smiled at Riser. "We're fine, Riser-sama. The day has been quiet so far."

Shizuku nodded in agreement, briefly closing her laptop. "Yes, everything's going well here. How has your day been?"

Riser approached, settling into a nearby armchair. "My day has been quite busy, as always. Lots to organize and plan, but overall, I'm pleased with the progress."

As they conversed, Yubelluna entered the room, her gaze focused on Riser. "Riser-sama, do you need anything? Can I be of assistance with any task?"

Riser pondered for a moment, appreciating Yubelluna's willingness to help. "No, Yubelluna, thank you. I think I'm good for now. But I'll call for you if I need anything, alright?"

Yubelluna nodded with a smile, understanding. "Understood, Riser-sama. I'll be available if you need me."

Riser thanked her with a nod, acknowledging Yubelluna's dedication. He then decided it was time to retire to his room and relax for a while. "Well, I think I'll retire to my room for a while. If you need me, I'll be there," he announced, rising from the armchair.

Nana and Shizuku waved goodbye as he left the living room. Riser walked through the mansion's corridors with calm steps, appreciating the quietness surrounding him. When he finally reached his room, he sank into the softness of the bed, feeling the comforting embrace around him.

"Ah, finally a moment of peace," he murmured to himself, closing his eyes and allowing himself to fully relax.

As he surrendered to rest, his mind began to wander through thoughts about the day's events and the challenges still to come, when the system's gentle voice echoed in his mind.

"Host, you seem pensive. Can I help in any way?" asked the system, its familiar presence comforting Riser amidst the tranquility of his room.

Riser pondered for a moment before responding. "Well, actually, I was thinking about Sacred Gears. Do you have the ability to steal a Sacred Gear?"

The system promptly replied, its voice conveying confidence. "Yes, Host, that's true. I have the ability to steal Sacred Gears, but it's important to consider that the price to do so may vary depending on the nature of the Sacred Gear and who possesses it."

Riser nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "I see. And how much would it cost to steal a Sacred Gear?"

The system explained meticulously. "The price to steal a Sacred Gear depends on the value attributed to it by fate. For some, it may be a relatively small amount of luck points, while for others, it may be an exorbitant price."

Riser considered the information carefully, aware of the power and influence that a Sacred Gear could bring to him and his Peerage. "And what if I wanted to acquire the power of a Sacred Gear for myself?"

The system replied promptly, revealing its vast understanding of fate's laws. "Acquiring the power of a Sacred Gear for oneself is also possible, Host. However, the price may vary depending on the level of the Sacred Gear. For example, a Longinus would cost 2000 luck points."

Riser pondered the possibilities, weighing the pros and cons of acquiring a Sacred Gear through the system. "2000 luck points is a high price, but the power that a Longinus offers may be worth it."

The system agreed, its serene tone conveying confidence. "Indeed, Host. The decision to acquire the power of a Sacred Gear is a choice that must be made wisely, considering all consequences."

Riser nodded, thanking the system for its guidance. "Thank you for clarifying my doubts, system. I think I have a lot to think about before making a decision."

The system responded with its usual calmness. "I'm here to help whenever you need, Host. Don't hesitate to call on me if you have more questions or need guidance."

With that, the conversation came to an end, leaving Riser immersed in his thoughts as he reflected on the possibilities that the future could bring.

Time Skip

Kuoh Academy

Sona watched the last rays of sunlight disappearing on the horizon, painting the sky with shades of orange and pink as she bid farewell to the other girls from the Peerage who didn't live with her. Tsubaki, Momo, and Yoruichi stood by her side, exchanging some animated words before getting ready to leave.

Suddenly, she spotted Gasper timidly emerging from the school corridors. Surprised, she wondered why he was out of his usual hiding spot. Gasper was known for his shyness and spent most of his time hiding, so his appearance was unusual. She approached him, curious to know what brought him out.

Meanwhile, Issei Hyoudou ran after Gasper, followed by Rias, Akeno, Koneko, and Kiba.

"Hi, Gasper! It's been a while since I've seen you around," greeted Sona, trying to hide her surprise.

Gasper blushed slightly, appearing nervous with the attention. "Uh, hi, Sona. I... I was just taking a walk."

Sona raised an eyebrow, not entirely convinced by Gasper's explanation, but decided not to press him further. "Well, it's good to see you around anyway. How have you been?"

As Sona and Gasper conversed, Rias curiously observed Yoruichi, who stood beside Sona. Her interest was noted by Sona, who noticed Rias's intrigued expression.

"Sona, who is this?" asked Rias, leaning slightly in Yoruichi's direction.

Sona smiled, realizing it was time to introduce Yoruichi to Rias. "Oh, sorry for not introducing you earlier. Rias, this is Yoruichi. She's a new member of my Peerage."

Rias nodded, her eyes gleaming with interest as she observed Yoruichi. "Nice to meet you, Yoruichi. Welcome to the world of devils."

Yoruichi returned Rias's smile, bowing her head in respect. "Thank you, Rias. I'm honored to be part of Sona-sama's Peerage."

Sona, still surprised by the unusual presence of the shy member of Rias's Peerage, turned to Rias, curious about Gasper's change in behavior.

"Rias, why is Gasper out of his usual hiding spot?" asked Sona, keeping her voice calm and discreet.

Rias smiled gently, explaining the situation. "Actually, Sona, I asked Issei to help Gasper overcome his shyness. I think he could be of great help to me if he can control his power and feel more confident."

Sona nodded, understanding Rias's concern. "I see. Gasper has great potential, and if he overcomes his shyness, he'll be a valuable addition to your Peerage."

Rias agreed, looking at Gasper again with a hopeful gleam in her eyes. "I hope so. He's an important member to me, and I want to help him reach his full potential."

Sona observed the interaction between Rias and Gasper with a mixture of curiosity and concern. It was unusual to see Gasper out of his hiding spot, but she trusted Rias's decision to help him overcome his shyness. After exchanging a few more words, she decided to bid farewell and leave.

"I'm sorry, Rias, but I think it's time for me to go," said Sona, her voice calm and gentle.

Rias nodded, understandingly. "I understand, Sona. Thank you for spending time with us today. Have a good night."

Sona smiled, feeling grateful for Rias's understanding. "Thank you, Rias. You too. And good luck with the matters you still need to resolve."
