Chapter [58]

Riser's Mansion

Riser was discussing the details of his plan with Merlin when he felt a presence approaching the mansion. His instinct alerted him to the arrival of someone, and he quickly focused his attention on the potential visitor.

At the same time, Merlin also sensed the intrusive presence and looked up, her eyes sparkling with interest. She was ready for any eventuality and waited to see who the visitor would be.

"Merlin, create a barrier around the mansion immediately. We need to ensure our safety while we figure out who's coming," ordered Riser, his tone serious reflecting the urgency of the situation.

While Merlin worked on the barrier, Riser teleported to the mansion's entrance, preparing to greet the visitor. His eyes scanned the surroundings, seeking to identify the origin of the presence he had detected moments earlier.

Soon, a familiar figure emerged from the darkness, revealing herself to be Irina. Riser raised an eyebrow in surprise at seeing her, not expecting her visit at that moment.

"Irina," greeted Riser, keeping his voice calm and controlled. "What a surprise to see you here. To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?"

Irina smiled warmly at being welcomed by Riser, her eyes shining with enthusiasm. She approached him with a lightness in her step, radiating positive energy as she explained the reason for her visit.

"Riser!" greeted Irina, her voice filled with joy. "So good to see you! I wanted to find Xenovia, but I came here mainly to invite you to accompany me to the abandoned church. Michael-sama wants to see you."

Riser listened attentively to Irina's words, his expression showing a slight trace of surprise at the unexpected invitation. He pondered the possible reasons why the leader of the angels wanted to see him but decided to remain calm as he formulated a response.

"Interesting," replied Riser, his voice remaining calm and controlled. "The leader of the angels wants to see me? I'm curious to know the reason."

Irina nodded, her smile never diminishing in intensity. "Yes! Michael-sama mentioned he has something important to discuss and specifically asked me to bring you to him."

"Very well, Irina. I will accompany you to the abandoned church to meet Michael-sama," replied Riser, his voice conveying a mixture of curiosity and caution.

Irina was delighted to hear Riser's response, her eyes shining with excitement. She was eager to take him to Michael and was grateful that he had agreed to accompany her.

"Great!" exclaimed Irina, her smile lighting up her face. "I'm sure Michael-sama will be pleased to see you. Let's go quickly, we can't keep him waiting!"

As they walked towards the church, Riser took the opportunity to talk to Irina and learn more about her relationship with Michael.

"Irina, how did you meet Michael?" asked Riser, his tone casual reflecting his genuine curiosity.

Irina smiled, reminiscing about the encounter that changed her life. "Well, it was some time ago. I was in danger, and Michael-sama came to my aid. He saved me and turned me into an angel."

Riser nodded, impressed by Irina's story. "He seems to be a compassionate and protective leader."

"Yes, Michael-sama is truly kind and wise," agreed Irina, her smile radiating warmth and devotion. "He always guides us with wisdom and protects us with his strength. I'm looking forward to introducing you to him."

As they continued on their way, Riser couldn't help but wonder about the reason Michael wanted to see him. Would it be a simple courtesy meeting, or was there something more behind it? He decided to patiently await until he met the leader of the angels and find out for himself.

Upon arriving at the abandoned church, Riser and Irina were greeted by the desolation of the place. The debris and darkness lent a somber air to the surroundings, adding to the sense of mystery that hung over the place.

"Michael-sama, we're here," announced Irina loudly, her voice echoing in the emptiness of the church. "I hope you can hear us."

For a moment, nothing happened. Silence reigned in the abandoned church, and Riser began to wonder if something was wrong. But then, a light began to shine in the center of the church, growing in intensity until a familiar figure emerged from it.

Michael, the leader of the angels, appeared before them with a calm and gentle expression, his characteristic smile lighting up his face. He radiated an aura of power and serenity.

"Riser, what a pleasure to have you here," greeted Michael, his voice soft echoing through the space of the church. "I hope you didn't have any difficulties finding your way here."

Riser felt a chill run down his spine as he stared at Michael. Despite the kindness in his voice and the warm smile on his face, he couldn't help but feel tense in the presence of the leader of the angels. After all, he couldn't ignore the fact that he had killed Michael's brother, Kokabiel, during a previous confrontation.

However, Riser maintained his composure and responded politely: "No, I had no difficulties, Michael. Thank you for the invitation."

Michael nodded slightly in acknowledgment, his blue eyes shining with a calm glow. "I'm glad to hear that. Please, come, let's sit and talk."

The three of them made their way to a nearby bench, and Michael began to explain the reason for calling them to the abandoned church. Irina was radiant, absorbing every word with enthusiasm, while Riser remained cautious, watching every move of Michael attentively.

As they sat down, Michael began to speak, his voice soft and reassuring filling the space of the church. "Riser, I would like to express my gratitude for your courage and determination during the confrontation with Kokabiel. Your intervention was crucial in preventing a war that could have caused irreparable damage to both angels and demons."

Riser listened attentively to Michael's words, feeling a mixture of surprise and gratitude at the recognition from the leader of the angels. He knew that his actions during the confrontation with Kokabiel had been decisive, but he didn't expect to receive such a direct and sincere thank you.

"Michael, it was a pleasure to help ensure the safety of everyone involved. I'm glad to have been useful in such a critical moment," replied Riser, his tone showing respect and appreciation for the leader of the angels.

"I'm glad to hear that, Riser. Now, I would like to offer you a gift as an expression of my gratitude and appreciation for your actions," said Michael, his voice soft and warm.

Riser raised an eyebrow in surprise at Michael's offer. He didn't expect to receive a gift from the leader of the angels and was curious to know what it would be.

"A gift? I'm intrigued, Michael. What do you have to offer me?" asked Riser, his tone showing genuine curiosity.

Michael smiled, his expression radiant with joy. He reached out his hand, revealing a magnificent sword with a gleaming, sharp blade.

"This is Ascalon, a Dragon Slayer sword. It is a powerful weapon capable of inflicting significant damage to dragons and other evil creatures," explained Michael, his voice reverberating with authority.

Riser was impressed by the beauty and grandeur of the sword. He could feel the pulsating power emanating from it and was grateful to receive such a formidable weapon as a symbol of Michael's gratitude.

"It's a magnificent sword, Michael. I accept it with humility and gratitude," replied Riser, his voice filled with respect.

"May Ascalon be a source of strength and protection for you, Riser. Use it wisely and courageously, and may it help you achieve your goals," said Michael, his voice soft and warm.

Michael bid farewell to Riser with a gentle wave, conveying a sense of peace and tranquility as he walked away alongside Irina. The two of them left the abandoned church, leaving Riser alone with his thoughts.

"Originally, the sword was intended for Issei," thought Riser, a mischievous smile playing on his lips. "But now, it's in my hands, where it can be much more useful."

As he watched the sword, the System's voice echoed in his mind, interrupting his thoughts. "Host, I would like to inform you that 200 points of luck have been deducted from Issei Hyoudou."

"Great," murmured Riser to himself, his expression reflecting inner satisfaction. "At least that compensates a bit for the frustrations Issei has caused me."

As he sheathed Ascalon in its scabbard, Riser pondered the possible ways to use the sword in his future plans. He knew that the weapon could be a valuable tool in his hands and was determined to use it wisely and strategically.

With a sense of triumph, Riser left the abandoned church and returned to his mansion, where he would begin to plan his next steps.
