Chapter [61]

Occult Research Club

It was a quiet night, and the Occult Research Club was immersed in solemn silence. Sirzechs, Serefall, Azazel, and Michael sat around a round table, lost in their own thoughts. Vali stood behind Azazel, while Irina stood close to Michael. Sona, Tsubaki, Yoruichi, and Nana leaned against a wall in the room, observing the scene with interest.

At that moment, the door opened, and Rias, Akeno, Kiba, and Issei entered the room. Issei, upon seeing Vali, was astonished but chose not to say anything, merely observing him with a mixture of surprise and caution.

Sirzechs spoke up, capturing everyone's attention in the room. "This is Rias, my sister, and this is her Peerage," he announced, introducing Rias, Akeno, Kiba, and Issei.

"Rias helped in the battle against Kokabiel," explained Sirzechs, as Rias approached with a report in hand, ready to recount the events of the night of the attack.

"Rias, I would like to sincerely thank you for your valuable contribution," said Michael, his voice brimming with gratitude.

Rias smiled, nodding her head in acknowledgment.

With Sirzechs' approval, Rias began recounting the events of that fateful night.

Time Skip (10 minutes)

Upon finishing her account, Rias looked to Sirzechs, awaiting his reaction.

Sirzechs nodded, impressed by his sister's narrative. He then turned to Azazel. "And you, Azazel, what do you make of all this?"

Azazel pondered for a moment, his serious expressions reflecting the depth of his thoughts.

"Well, Sirzechs, based on the report presented by Rias and considering my own investigation into the matter, I believe Kokabiel acted alone in this attack," Azazel began, his voice firm echoing through the room.

He looked around, making sure everyone was paying attention to his words. "Although Kokabiel was one of the leaders of the Grigori, his actions on that night were clearly independent. There is no evidence suggesting the direct involvement of the organization as a whole."

Azazel paused, allowing his words to be absorbed by the room. He then continued, his serious expression revealing the seriousness of his conclusions. "Furthermore, we must remember that Kokabiel is dead. Therefore, there is no reason to prolong this situation. We can just sign the peace treaty and move on."

Everyone in the room was taken aback by Azazel's words. The suggestion to sign the peace treaty left them all in silence, processing the information.

Azazel raised an eyebrow, somewhat confused by the reaction of those present. "Why the surprise? Wasn't that the goal from the beginning? Peace between the factions has always been our ultimate goal."

While the meeting unfolded within the Occult Research Club, Merlin remained outside the school, near a building behind the club. Her piercing gaze scanned the surroundings for any suspicious movements. Meanwhile, in his room in the mansion, Riser was connected to Merlin's mind, receiving her reports in real-time.

Merlin spotted a group of people wearing black robes in the distance, and her curiosity was immediately piqued.

"Riser-sama, I'm observing a group of people wearing black robes approaching the building behind the Occult Research Club," Merlin transmitted telepathically to Riser, keeping her inner voice calm and controlled.

Riser's response echoed in her mind. "Keep observing, Merlin. Don't do anything yet. Let's wait and see what they're planning."

Merlin mentally nodded in agreement, keeping her focus on the group of people as they approached the building.

The individuals in black robes entered the building, and Merlin continued to watch attentively, waiting for any sign of suspicious activity. Her senses were sharpened, ready to act as needed.

Suddenly, the sound of a fight erupted from inside the building, making Merlin's heart race. She watched with growing tension as the individuals in black robes emerged from the building, carrying two members of Rias' Peerage, Koneko and Gasper, both unconscious.

Merlin felt a wave of urgency flood her mind. "Riser-sama, what should I do? They're taking Gasper and Koneko!"

Riser responded quickly. "Teleport Gasper and the individuals in black robes to the training room. Leave Koneko on the ground and move away quickly."

Merlin mentally nodded, ready to act. "It will be done."

Meanwhile, Riser teleported to the training room, prepared to deal with the situation.

With a quick motion, Merlin activated her teleportation power, sending Gasper and the individuals in black robes to the mansion's training room. Then, she silently moved away to another area of the school.

Training Room

When the five individuals and Gasper were teleported to the mansion's training room, Riser was ready for the confrontation.

The mages, disoriented by the sudden teleportation, took a moment to recover, but before they could react, Riser lunged at them with impressive speed. With a swift movement, he drew his Blades of Chaos from his inventory, preparing for the unfolding confrontation.

The mages, surprised by Riser's speed and ferocity, barely had time to react before he reached them. With skill and precision, he wielded his blades masterfully, charging at his opponents with relentless determination.

The mages, despite their supposed magical ability, were no match for Riser's dexterity and strength. With swift and precise strikes, he cut through their defenses, dodging their attacks as he advanced relentlessly towards them.

One by one, the mages fell before Riser's fury, their black robes stained with the blood of their comrades. With each precise blow, he drew closer to his victory, his unwavering determination guiding every move.

Finally, with one last devastating strike, Riser decapitated the last of the mages, their head rolling on the floor of the training room in a macabre silence. He stood alone in the center of the room, breathing heavily as he looked at the inert bodies around him. Riser raised his hand, summoning his fiery flames to perform his final action. With a whisper of power, the flames danced around the corpses, consuming them quickly until only ashes remained scattered on the floor.

Riser looked at Gasper with an impassive expression, his eyes fixed on the unconscious boy's body. He felt no emotional connection to Gasper; to Riser, he was just a pawn in the larger game being played that night.

"Extract Gasper's Sacred Gear," ordered Riser, his voice echoing in the chamber silently as he maintained his cold and calculating gaze.

The system, responded promptly. "Are you sure you want to extract Gasper's Sacred Gear? This will result in a reduction of 1000 luck points."

Riser did not hesitate in his response. "Yes, I am aware. Proceed."

With a soft hum, the system announced: "-1000 luck points. The Sacred Gear has been transferred to the inventory."

Riser looked at Gasper, now without the power of his Sacred Gear, and felt a sense of indifference wash over his mind. To him, Gasper was just another resource to be used in his ultimate goal.

"System, does vampire blood have any utility?" Riser inquired, his voice echoing in the silent chamber as he maintained his cold and calculating gaze.
