Chapter [74]

Sona and Riser descended the stairs together, their voices echoing through the hallway as they exchanged a few murmured words.

Upon reaching the living room, they were greeted by Serefall's contagious energy, who greeted them with a radiant smile. "Riser-chan! Sona-chan! It's so good to see you!"

Riser returned Serefall's smile, while Sona approached to hug her sister. "Serefall, how are you?" she asked, her eyes shining with joy.

Serefall enveloped Sona in a tight hug, her voice animated. "I'm great!"

While Sona and Serefall engaged in lively conversation, Riser called his Peerage for a more private conversation elsewhere in the house. In the hallway, Mirko approached him with a concerned expression.

"Riser-sama, I apologize for bringing up that matter," she murmured, her tone laden with regret.

Riser placed a hand on Mirko's shoulder, offering her a comforting smile. "Don't worry, Mirko. It's not the time to discuss that," he replied, his voice gentle and reassuring.

Mirko lowered her head in a sign of respect, her expression reflecting her gratitude for Riser's forgiveness. "Understood, Riser-sama. I'll make sure not to make the same mistake again," she promised, her tone determined.

As the conversation between Riser and Mirko came to an end, Merlin noticed the opportunity to offer her assistance. "Riser-sama, if you need anything else, I'm at your disposal," she offered, her gentle tone conveying her readiness to help.

Riser thanked Merlin with a nod of his head. "Thank you, Merlin. For now, we're fine. But I'll need you, Nana, and Mirko to wake up all the girls, except Xenovia. She'll be taken sleeping to my private mansion in the underworld," he instructed, his voice calm and decisive.

Merlin nodded, her mind already working to coordinate the logistics of the operation. "Understood, Riser-sama. I'll do that immediately," she promised, before moving away to fulfill her task.

In the living room, Serefall and Sona chatted animatedly, taking the opportunity to catch up.

"I'm surprised you came here!" said Sona, her expression a mix of surprise and joy at seeing her sister.

Serefall pouted, exaggerating a bit. "Can't I visit my own sister? You hurt my heart, Sona-chan."

"Stop the drama!" replied Sona, laughing at Serefall's exaggerated reaction. "I'm surprised, not upset. It's good to see you."

Upon hearing Sona's words, Serefall gave a wide smile. "I'm glad you're happy to see me, Sona-chan."

Serefall looked at Sona and made a sad expression. "But I confess I was expecting a warmer reception."

Sona raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms over her chest. "Why are you looking at me with a disappointed face?"

Serefall chuckled, trying to lighten the mood. "Oh, it's just that I thought you were going to sleep and would be wearing that cute pink nightgown you have!"

Sona blushed slightly, a flush coloring her cheeks. "What I wear is none of your business, besides, I'm not going to sleep, I'm going home," she replied, a hint of irritation in her voice.

Serefall shrugged, maintaining her playful smile. "Ah, what a coincidence! That's exactly why I came here, to instruct you and Riser to go to the underworld."

Sona sighed, resigned. "Riser said it would be good for me to train and stay away from the human world for a while, especially with the threat of the Khaos Brigade."

Serefall nodded understandingly. "Riser-chan is right. So, am I accompanying you?"

Sona shook her head. "Riser is going to his private mansion, and I'm going to mine."

Serefall nodded, accepting her sister's decision. "Understood. But if you need anything, just call."

Sona smiled, grateful for her sister's support. "Thank you, Serefall. I know I can count on you, come with me to wake up the girls from my Peerage so we can leave."

Merlin, Mirko, and Nana finished waking up the rest of Riser's Peerage, except Xenovia. As Merlin checked if everyone was ready to leave, Nana approached her with a concerned expression.

"Merlin, do you think Xenovia will be okay?" asked Nana, her voice filled with apprehension.

Merlin gave Nana a reassuring look. "I'm sure she will be. She just needs a peaceful rest," she replied, her gentle voice conveying confidence.

Mirko joined the conversation, her expression serious. "It's strange to think she'll wake up in a completely different place."

"But it's necessary for her safety," intervened Merlin, her determination evident in her tone of voice. "Riser-sama made this decision for a reason."

Meanwhile, Erza was in Xenovia's room, watching her sleep with concern. She turned to Merlin with a serious expression.

"I know she'll wake up fine, but I can't help but worry," admitted Erza, her voice filled with emotion.

Merlin placed a comforting hand on Erza's shoulder. "I understand how you feel, Erza. But trust in Riser-sama. He knows what's best for all of us."

Erza nodded, accepting Merlin's words. "I know. I just didn't want to have to hide from her who I am and how I ended up here."

Merlin sighed, understanding Erza's anguish. "Sometimes, we need to keep secrets to protect those we love," she reminded her, her voice soft and comforting.

Erza nodded in agreement. "I know. I'll trust Riser-sama's decision."

Merlin smiled, proud of Erza's determination. "That's the way to go, Erza. Now, pick her up. Riser-sama authorized you two to go to the underworld first."

"Understood," replied Erza, carefully lifting Xenovia in her arms. With a quick motion, she teleported to the underworld, ready to fulfill her master's orders.

Meanwhile, Merlin headed to Riser's room, where he was with Yubelluna. She gently knocked on the door before entering.

"Riser-sama, I sent Erza and Xenovia ahead, as ordered," she informed him, her voice calm and respectful.

"Very well, Merlin," replied Riser.

Merlin nodded.

Riser looked at the girls who had just woken up and addressed them. "All of you should go to my private mansion. Only Yubelluna will remain with me."

"Will you see us later?" asked Shizuku.

"Yes, I will," replied Riser. "Now, go. Yubelluna, finish getting ready and go to the living room."


Riser entered the living room, where Sona, Serefall, and Sona's Peerage were gathered, waiting for them. The energy in the room shifted as soon as Riser appeared, and Serefall wasted no time in teasing him.

"Were you avoiding me, Riser-chan?" she teased, a mischievous smile on her lips.

Riser raised an eyebrow, feigning surprise. "What are you talking about? I just went to wake up my Peerage!" he replied, his voice calm but with a hint of amusement.

Sona rolled her eyes at the interaction between the two, but couldn't help but smile. She was happy to see her husband and sister interacting, even if it was in their peculiar way.

"You were very naughty going to the meeting without permission, Riser-chan," teased Serefall, her eyes gleaming with mischief.

Riser adopted a thoughtful expression, pretending innocence. "I had to go, Serefall," he replied, his tone relaxed.

Serefall smiled mysteriously. "I know, but now that you have something else you need to do."

Riser raised an eyebrow, curious. "What would that be?" he inquired, his curiosity piqued by Serefall's suggestive expression.

"Do you know Tannin?" asked Serefall, her smile widening.

Riser nodded, recognizing the name. "Yes, I do."

Serefall's smile grew even wider. "He will be your next opponent in the Rating Game," she announced.
