Chapter [78]

Issei was sitting at his desk in the classroom, watching the clouds pass by the window with a bored expression. Classes had resumed, and the monotonous rhythm of school routine was already starting to be felt.

"Finally back to school," commented Motohama, his longtime friend, sitting next to him.

Issei shrugged, not too excited about the return. "Were you missing it?" he asked, with a hint of irony in his voice.

"Of course," replied Motohama, shrugging. "Where else would I have so many beautiful women to see?"

Issei chuckled, agreeing with his friend. School certainly had its advantages when it came to observing the opposite sex.

"Yeah, Issei, let's spy on the kendo club today?" interrupted Matsuda, excited about the idea.

Before Issei could respond, Aika Kiryuu approached, her presence bringing an aura of curiosity.

"What's the famous perverted trio talking about?" she questioned, with a mischievous smile on her lips.

The boys were startled by Aika's unexpected arrival, trying to disguise their conversation.

"We're not talking about anything," Motohama hastened to say, while Issei confirmed with a nod.

"Really?" teased Aika, raising an eyebrow. "Then why did I hear the word 'spy'?"

The boys exchanged nervous glances, unsure how to respond to Aika's direct question.

"You should stop eavesdropping on other people's conversations," Matsuda tried to deflect, pointing at Aika.

"And the only pervert here is you," added Issei, trying to change the subject.

Aika laughed, seeming to enjoy the situation. "Maybe I should join you next time you go 'spying' on something," she suggested, winking at the boys.

Issei and his friends exchanged surprised looks, not expecting Aika to show such interest in their unorthodox activities.


Aika's laughter echoed in the classroom, leaving the boys even more perplexed.

"You really believed I would go with you?" said Aika, with a mocking smile. "I'm a girl, if I want to see a naked woman, I'll see her in the locker room!"

"Don't mess with us," said Issei, trying to maintain composure.

"Why are you so nervous, Issei?" Aika asked, leaning closer to him. "You should be able to see too since you're so close to Rias-sempai."

Issei swallowed hard, trying to maintain composure in the face of Aika's provocation.

"That's a lie, Issei is just like us," Motohama intervened, trying to defend his friend. "Isn't that right, Issei?"

"That's right, Motohama!" agreed Issei, although his voice betrayed a certain nervousness in the situation.

Before the conversation could continue, someone knocked on the classroom door, interrupting the awkward moment.

Akeno entered the room with her usual elegance, attracting curious looks from the students.

"Excuse me, Professor," she began, addressing the teacher. "May I call upon the student Issei Hyoudou?"

Matsuda and Motohama looked at Issei incredulously, while Aika let out a playful chuckle.

"Feel free, Akeno," the teacher authorized, indicating that Issei was free to go.

Issei stood up from his desk, heading towards Akeno with a resigned expression.

"Traitor," grumbled Matsuda, while Motohama shook his head disappointed.

"Liar," agreed Motohama, before Aika intervened with a teasing advice:

"Be men and stop whining," she said, with a playful smile. "Women don't like crybabies."

With that, Issei followed Akeno out of the classroom, leaving his friends behind, each lost in their own thoughts and feelings.

Issei walked alongside Akeno down the school corridor, curious to know the reason for being called out during classes.

"What do you want with me, Akeno-san?" Issei asked, seeking some clue as to why he had been summoned.

"It's not me!" replied Akeno, with an enigmatic smile. "It's Sirzechs-Sama, he wants to speak with you."

Upon hearing this, Issei's mind began to work frantically, imagining various possible scenarios for the conversation with Sirzechs. His imagination ran wild, considering everything from dangerous missions to unexpected proposals.

"Could Sirzechs-Sama be giving me Rias's hand in marriage?" Issei wondered, his eyes shining with hope.

"Stop daydreaming, partner," intervened Ddraig, his voice echoing in Issei's mind. "This is not the time for romantic fantasies."

"Ddraig!" exclaimed Issei, annoyed by the dragon's interference. "Stop being a buzzkill!"

"I'm just telling the truth," retorted Ddraig, his voice sounding patient. "If you want a woman like Rias as your wife, you need to be stronger."

"I know, I'm already doing push-ups and sit-ups every day!" replied Issei, a bit defensive.

"That won't do any good," asserted Ddraig, his voice serious. "You need to be more radical, more determined. And maybe... consider more extreme options."

"Are you saying..." Issei began, hesitant. "Are you saying to take steroids?!"

Ddraig remained silent for a moment, letting Issei's words hang in the air.

Occult Research Club

Sirzechs, Grayfia, and Rias were in the club room, awaiting the arrival of Akeno with Issei.

"Your queen is taking her time," observed Grayfia, with her typical seriousness.

"Be patient, Grayfia," replied Sirzechs, offering a gentle smile to his wife. "Akeno just left."

"You have a tight schedule, Sirzechs-Sama," noted Grayfia, her expression impassive.

Sirzechs nodded, acknowledging the truth in Grayfia's words. "Yes, but this is an important priority."

As they conversed, Rias looked towards the door, anxious for Akeno and Issei's arrival.

"Akeno will be here soon with Issei," announced Rias, trying to ease the tension in the air.

Grayfia nodded, satisfied with the information. She trusted Akeno's ability to fulfill her mission efficiently.

Shortly thereafter, Akeno entered the room accompanied by Issei, who seemed a bit tense at the prospect of meeting with Sirzechs.

"Sirzechs-Sama," greeted Akeno, bowing respectfully.

"Issei," greeted Sirzechs, his voice calm and authoritative. "I have an important matter to discuss with you."

Issei swallowed hard, feeling a bit intimidated by Sirzechs' imposing presence.

"Yes, Sirzechs-Sama," he replied, trying to maintain composure.

"I will be taking you for training," announced Sirzechs, capturing Issei's attention.

"You'll be training me?" asked Issei, his enthusiasm evident in his voice.

"Not me, an acquaintance," clarified Sirzechs, indicating that they would be leaving soon. "Now, let's go, Grayfia, stay with Rias until she goes to the underworld. I'll go ahead with the Sekiryuutei."

Issei swallowed hard again, feeling the pressure increase as he approached Sirzechs.

A teleportation circle appeared beneath Issei and Sirzechs, preparing to take them away for training.

"Bye, Kaichou," said Issei, waving to Rias as he prepared to leave.

Rias returned the wave with a slight smile, wishing him good luck on his journey.

Issei and Sirzechs were teleported away, leaving behind the occult research club.

"Do you have a lot to do before going to the Gremory mansion?" Grayfia asked Rias, addressing her.

"No!" replied Rias, her determination evident in her voice. "I just have a few things to take care of, and then we can go."

"Help me, Akeno," requested Rias, turning to her friend as they prepared to leave. "We need to leave soon."

Thus, Rias and Akeno prepared to leave the occult research club.
