Chapter [83]

Ravel, with a radiant smile, ran to Riser and hugged him tightly. "Onii-sama, I missed you so much!"

Riser returned his sister's embrace, feeling engulfed by a comforting sensation. "Ravel, my dear sister, how are you?"

"I'm fine, Onii-sama, but I missed you a lot," replied Ravel, stepping back slightly to look into Riser's eyes. "Why did it take you so long to visit me?"

"The last time I was here, we had this same conversation, Ravel," said Riser, looking at his sister with a playful tone. "And I don't want to have this conversation again."

Riser glanced at Asia with a gentle smile as she stood by Ravel's side, a glimmer of admiration in her eyes.

"Asia, how are you?" he asked, his tone friendly and welcoming.

Asia blushed slightly under Riser's attention but replied with a shy smile. "I'm fine, Riser-sama. Thank you for asking."

Ravel looked from Riser to Asia with a mischievous smile dancing on her lips. "Riser, you haven't heard the exciting news Asia has to share yet!"

Intrigued, Riser turned his attention to Asia, eager to hear what she had to say.

"What is it, Asia?" he asked, his curiosity piqued.

Asia became a little nervous with the sudden attention but gathered her courage to share her news.

"I've improved the use of my Sacred Gear and can heal many people simultaneously," she said, her voice soft and timid.

"That's amazing, Asia!" exclaimed Riser, staring at her with admiration. "I'm glad to hear about your progress."

Asia blushed even more at Riser's praise, feeling encouraged by his positive reaction.

Ravel watched the interaction between Riser and Asia closely, a slight furrow of her brows revealing her growing jealousy. She noticed Riser's kind gaze towards Asia and felt a twinge of discomfort in her chest.

"Riser-sama, you seem very excited about Asia's improvements," commented Ravel, her voice carefully controlled to hide her unease.

Riser smiled at his younger sister, unaware of the tension in her tone. "Of course, Ravel. Asia's skill improvement is something worth celebrating."

Ravel pursed her lips tightly, struggling to maintain her composure in front of Riser's response. She felt an irrational urge to act, and without a second thought, she pinched Riser's waist.

"Ouch!" Riser exclaimed, reaching for the spot where Ravel pinched him. "What was that, Ravel?!"

Ravel chuckled mischievously, amused by Riser's surprised expression.

"Just to make you pay more attention to me," she said, winking at Riser.

Riser shook his head with a playful expression, admiring his sister's mischievous personality.

"No need to be jealous, Ravel," teased Riser, his gentle smile hiding a hint of amusement.

"I'm not jealous," replied Ravel quickly, but her response was followed by a quick kick to Riser's shin.

"When you pinched me, I pretended it hurt," commented Riser, with a teasing tone, ignoring Ravel's kick.

"It doesn't matter," replied Ravel, pouting cutely as she tried to hide her unease.

"Riser-sama, don't tease Ravel-sama," intervened Asia with a soft tone, trying to maintain peace between the siblings.

"Alright, let's forget about Ravel's jealousy," suggested Riser, with a playful smile on his lips.

Ravel sighed, relaxing a bit at Riser's suggestion. She knew she was acting impulsively, but she couldn't help feeling bothered by the attention Riser gave to Asia.

Riser noticed Ravel's sigh and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Ravel, you know you're my most important sister," he said, his voice soft and sincere. "Nothing will change that."

Ravel smiled shyly at Riser, feeling comforted by his words. Until she became angry when she remembered she was his only sister.

"Wait a minute, I'm your only sister!" Ravel exclaimed, her voice filled with irritation as she crossed her arms.

"That's exactly why you're the most important," replied Riser, his expression relaxed.

Ravel rolled her eyes at Riser's response.

"Well, I'm going to tell you why I came here," Riser began, addressing primarily Ravel, "besides seeing my sister, of course."

Ravel raised an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued by Riser's enigmatic statement. She looked at him expectantly, waiting to hear what he had to say.

"I'm throwing a party," announced Riser, his gaze momentarily shifting to Asia, who was listening with interest.

Ravel arched an eyebrow, surprised by the unexpected news.

Asia nodded enthusiastically, her eyes shining at the prospect of a celebration.

Riser smiled at Asia, appreciating her excitement. "Well, since you don't have a Queen yet, Ravel," he continued, turning to his younger sister, "take Asia."

"What does me not having a queen have to do with taking Asia to the party?" asked Ravel, her voice filled with curiosity.

Riser smiled at his younger sister, appreciating her insight.

"It's just that since the party is only for heirs and their queens, I'll make an exception for you," he explained, his voice calm and confident.

Ravel looked at Asia with a surprised smile, taken aback by Riser's suggestion. She felt a pang of gratitude for her older brother's gesture.

"Would you really do that for me?" she asked, her voice soft and touched by Riser's kindness.

Riser nodded, his eyes meeting Ravel's with sincerity.

"Of course, Ravel. You're my sister, and I want you to have fun at the party," he replied, his smile conveying genuine warmth.

Ravel felt moved by Riser's generosity, a wave of warmth flooding her chest. She looked at Asia with a grateful gleam in her eyes.

"Thank you, Riser-sama," murmured Asia, her voice soft and sincere.

Ravel smiled at Asia, feeling grateful for the opportunity to share special moments with her friend.

"It's going to be fun going together," said Ravel to Asia, her voice overflowing with excitement.

"Yes, I can't wait!" replied Asia, her face lit up by a radiant smile.

Riser watched the interaction between the two with a subtle smile, pleased to see the happiness on their faces. "With this, I conclude another part of my plan," he thought to himself, pondering the next steps of his machinations.
