Chapter [105]

Riser entered the room with a smile on his lips, his eyes shining with mischief as he approached Kuroka and Merlin. He settled into a nearby armchair, looking alternately at the two.

"The Chaos Brigade will have to find a new leader," said Riser, his tone upbeat. He glanced at Kuroka with a mischievous sparkle in his eyes, imagining her reaction to the news.

"I don't care, Nya," she murmured, her soft voice carrying a tone of indifference.

"Of course you don't," Riser agreed, his tone light and relaxed. "But you care about your sister."

Kuroka felt a pang of tension run down her spine upon hearing Riser's words.

"No need to get nervous, Kuroka," said Riser, trying to ease the tension that seemed to envelop the girl. "I'm just teasing."

Riser picked up his phone, his nimble fingers sliding across the screen as he selected Serefall's contact. With a mischievous smile on his lips, he dialed the number and waited as the phone rang.

Meanwhile, Kuroka and Merlin watched with curiosity, exchanging glances as they waited to see what Riser was planning.

Finally, after a few rings, the call was answered. Serefall's voice echoed through the speaker of the phone, full of energy and enthusiasm.

"Hello, Riser-chan, why are you calling me?" Serefall's lively voice echoed through the phone speaker, brimming with energy and enthusiasm.

"Can you come to my mansion in the human world?" Riser asked, hopefully.

Serefall paused for a few seconds, considering the proposal. "Actually, I'm busy, I won't be able to come," she replied, disappointing Riser's expectations.

"That's too bad," he murmured, trying to disguise his disappointment. He hung up the phone and looked at Kuroka and Merlin, who watched the scene with interest.

Suddenly, a bright light filled the room, announcing Serefall's arrival. She appeared before them with a radiant smile, her presence bringing a contagious energy to the room.

"The magical girl has arrived!" exclaimed Serefall, her lively voice filling the room.

Riser smiled at the sight of Serefall, however, when Serefall set her eyes on Kuroka, her smile disappeared, replaced by a look of displeasure.

Kuroka watched Serefall with suspicion, her posture tense as she prepared for the possible confrontation.

"What's a Rank S criminal doing in Sona-chan's house, Riser?" Serefall asked, her voice tinged with evident irritation.

"Relax, Serefall, there's a reason for that," replied Riser, trying to remain calm in the face of his sister-in-law's exasperated reaction.

Serefall remained silent, her eyes fixed on Riser, waiting for a more detailed explanation.

Kuroka watched the exchange between Riser and Serefall with a mixture of tension and fear evident on her face.

"Kuroka is innocent, Serefall. She had no choice but to defend herself and her sister," argued Riser.

Serefall frowned, her expression hardening at Riser's response. She wasn't convinced of Kuroka's innocence and was determined to confront her.

"Are you going to tell me she didn't kill her former master?" retorted Serefall, her expression serious revealing her distrust.

"She did," admitted Riser, an ironic smile playing on his lips. "But her former master wanted to experiment on her and her sister, and you more than anyone understand what sisterly love is."

Memories of Sona flooded Serefall's mind, bringing forth complicated emotions. She knew Riser was right about the bond between sisters, and she couldn't ignore the fact that Kuroka had been forced to take extreme measures to protect herself and her sister.

"Even if that's true, a crime is still a crime," stated Serefall, her voice carrying authority. "Killing the master is a taboo that cannot be ignored."

Kuroka lowered her gaze, feeling the weight of Serefall's words. She knew she was dealing with a delicate situation, and that her past actions couldn't simply be erased.

"I know I've made mistakes in the past," murmured Kuroka, her soft voice tinged with regret. "But I was only protecting my sister. I would do anything for her."

Serefall watched Kuroka with a penetrating gaze, her expression serious revealing her determination to ensure that justice was served. She knew she couldn't let such a serious crime as the murder of a master go unpunished.

Riser watched Serefall attentively, noticing the hesitation in her eyes as she considered his words. He knew convincing her to help Kuroka wouldn't be easy, but he was determined to use his trump card to ensure the success of his plan.

"Serefall, let's talk in private," suggested Riser, his tone confident and persuasive. He approached her, subtly indicating that he wanted her to follow him.

Serefall was confused by Riser's sudden invitation, but decided to follow him, curious to find out what he was planning. She got up from the armchair, following Riser through the mansion's corridors with firm and determined steps.

As they walked, Serefall couldn't help but wonder where Riser was taking her and what his ultimate goal was. She looked at him with a questioning expression, waiting for an explanation.

When they approached a closed door, Serefall stopped abruptly, her gaze fixed on the entrance. She turned to Riser, her curiosity mixed with a slight hint of apprehension.

"What's behind this door, Riser?" she asked, her voice filled with curiosity.

Riser smiled enigmatically, a mischievous sparkle in his eyes as he prepared to reveal his trump card.

"Behind this door is my trump card," he replied, his voice soft and mysterious.

Serefall furrowed her brow, perplexed by Riser's enigmatic response. She pondered for a moment before formulating another question.

"And what would that trump card be?" she questioned, her voice tinged with intrigue.

Riser looked at her with a mischievous gleam in his eyes, savoring the suspense he had created.

"Ophis, the Infinite Dragon God," he revealed, his voice filled with excitement.

Serefall's eyes widened, surprised by Riser's unexpected revelation.

"Ophis? How did you manage to bring her here?" she asked, her voice filled with disbelief.

Riser smiled, satisfied with Serefall's reaction to his revelation.

"That's a secret I intend to keep for now," he replied, his tone mysterious, further increasing Serefall's curiosity.
