chapter 5

"Starting school for a new term immediately after the weekend is really a painful experience as I long for the weekend like a thirsty man in the desert. Mom woke me up very early inorder to prepare ahead of the bus. While brushing my teeth, I remember dozing off on my bathroom mirror and it took a long time before I finally got myself a little; Marcus was way worse and it took mom and I to wake him up; mum brushed while I held him up, she also bathed him while I dried him; we practically bathed a "lifeless person". Thankfully, my friends were waiting for me as I got out of the house. "(Leo) Yo! Amy! (Jones) Hi Amy, did you sleep well?

"Hey Leo, hey Jones, how was your night? "(Leo) you know, same thing— playing video games until my butler comes to wake me up to go to bed. "(Jones) I stayed up until 9 trying to work on my baby " Wait something happened to dread dragon? "Yeah she got banged up pretty bad after an impromptu match and some bastards used their bikes to hit her knowing that it could dent her for life" Ouch! Sorry bro" "Yeah sorry Jones but to be honest, you all had a swell time last night while I was busy PREPARING Marcus for bed; hey! Have you heard from Anna and Jane? "(Leo) yeah Jane said was continuing her studies at her school online "(Amelia)Woah! That's so cool; I wish my mom could let me do the same '' (Jones) I think I'll pass, it's not just the same as physical class where you can see what is written directly and not through your laptop screen" (Leo) now that I think about it, maybe I should apply for online classes " (Amelia) come on Leo; saying you want to stay at home is more appropriate " (Leo) that's not fair Amy; you know I love school; it's just that it's so stressful attending class every day until weekend" (Jones) Leo we all know that you won't attend those online "classes and will only sit when the teacher requests for your appearance" (Leo) you guys don't really have faith in me" (Amy) we do but we don't trust you around games and movies " (Leo) well I guess you're right" (Amy & Jones) Hahaha'' (Amy) look the bus is here"

At school


"Good morning everyone" good morning principal Marlins " I assume you had a swell holiday and therefore welcome you all to the beginning of the new term. I'm also here to introduce your new homeroom teacher, Mrs Harwin; now boys and girls I urge you to be nice to her and Mrs Harwin please try to understand them "(students, Mrs Harwin) yes ma'am " . Well then I will be heading out. May your class begin.

As soon as the principal left our class, Mrs Harwin's face changed from a smiley one to one with a domineering aura "Good morning students, as you know my name is Mrs Harwin and I'm your homeroom teacher for the rest of the rest of the school year. Now before we start, let me warn you all; I'm not all lovey dovey like your former teacher; I will be understanding to my best but mind you, I will not accept intentional failure . There is going to be an impromptu test to ascertain your individual standing in this class and know from which point to teach you.


After the test


"Well that was one hectic day "(Jones) you think!? I thought I was going to lose my mind in that class. Who on earth starts a test on the first day of resumption; Even Leo is worn out; it is beyond his limits.

"(Amy) I know, damn that woman should be in the military " (Leo) hey guys I have to go home now;my body aches badly especially my head" Good bye Leo!" (Jones) see you tomorrow bro; go rest, you've earned it; goodbye Amy I got some stuff to do before heading home " Okay see you guys tomorrow "

Amelia's POV


Well it looks like I'm on my own now, better head home before mum and dad start worrying."

At Amy's home


"Good day mom!" Hey dear how was your day?" "HECTIC!; we have this new teacher who is more like an army general. She made our class do an impromptu test to ascertain our individual standing in the class after which she gave students with a low standing bulk of assignments to do while we the average ones are given 2x the assignments that those with high-standing are to do." oh you poor thing I'm sorry but that's just what school is; you've got to strive hard to become the best " "But what if I don't want to be the best, what if I just want to be an average mum ? " "I understand how you feel dear but that's just the rules' ' Fine ; if the rules want me to be the best just for some class I refuse to accept. You wouldn't believe mum that today the students with high-standing acted strangely like we were below them even though we were talking minutes before the test . I don't want to treat my friends like that just because of my high-standing and also being the best means more responsibility which equals less time to appreciate little things like when we're celebrating something big, I say I can't stay because I'm far behind schedule;I'm sure you wouldn't like that mommy. So please mum don't make me go beyond just to destroy all I left behind."" you are just like your dad. He would go beyond the rules to make sure he gets to the bottom of a case . My wonderful detec— I mean accountant haha " "are you okay mum, you were about to say something about dad "oh that, it's nothing. I was just reminiscing about the time when I and your father were young, the lov—" Goodnight mum! I'm afraid I'm too tired to listen to anything. Maybe next time mom and by the way, where is dad. Is he off on one of his late night auditing again?" Yes! I mean yes sweetie dad's staying out late again "today hopefully he would come back tomorrow morning. Rest assured he will eat breakfast with us in the morning. Now off to bed you go; we can't have you becoming a dead woman in the morning, shall we? Yeah mom see you in the morning "

Amelia's POV


"Why do I get the feeling that mom is hiding something from us and it's about that. Could it be that Dad is a— nah! He can't pull it off; he would probably fall flat on the ground when faced with the evilest of the evil. I just pray that he's ok no matter what mom is hiding.

Mom's POV


" Hu!that was a close one. I can't believe that I almost slipped. Oh my love!, please forgive me for almost breaking

the promise. Speaking of him I should check on him


"Hello honey! Are you heading home now? " Hey babe can't talk right now. I'm about to make the crime boss confess to his crimes " "Hurray! That's great news but please be careful honey, don't do anything rash ok? " " Yes love; I promise to return home safely to your beautiful bosoms and to our two lovely kids. Bye now I'm about to enter his location. See you at home love." Don't forget, it's a promise " " See you in the morning my beautiful. Good night.``