
Liu Na continued, "That's absolutely impossible! Alchemy doesn't work that way. He must have cheated or used some trick!"

Cheng Zhi added, "Indeed, Menglu, you must be aware that alchemy is a complex art that requires precision, not some simple trickery."

Wang Menglu sighed, "Don't be sore losers. Horn is indeed a skilled Alchemist. I believe what we witnessed is genuine."

Liu Na sneered, "You're blinded by infatuation! This is impossible! Show us how you did it, Horn!"

Cheng Zhi chimed in, "Yes, Horn, prove it! Refine another batch in front of us!"

Horn remained calm amidst the accusations and challenges. He glanced at Tang Yuxin, who nodded in encouragement. With a confident smile, Horn said, "Sure, I can do that."

He began the alchemical process again, refining another batch of ten Qi Condensation Pills using a single portion of medicinal materials. The onlookers, including Cheng Zhi and Liu Na, observed in silence as the elixirs took form within the medicine cauldron.

Upon completion, Horn presented the ten pills, identical to the first batch. The evidence was irrefutable.

Wang Menglu couldn't help but feel a sense of pride. Horn had not only proven his abilities but also exposed the arrogance of those who doubted him.

Cheng Zhi and Liu Na exchanged uneasy glances, realizing they had underestimated Horn's talents. The truth was before them, and Horn's alchemical prowess stood unchallenged.

Tang Yuxin couldn't hide her satisfaction as she stood by Horn's side, watching the unfolding events. The tables had turned, and Horn's skills had spoken louder than words.

Now, the once confident Cheng Zhi and Liu Na found themselves at a loss for words.

Wang Menglu returned with the ten Qi Condensation Pills Horn had refined, displaying them to the members of the alchemy club. She didn't give Cheng Zhi any more attention, leaving him to simmer in frustration.

Liu Na, unwilling to admit defeat, snapped, "We'll investigate this thoroughly. There's no way he's a one-star Alchemist!"

Wang Menglu shrugged off the comment, "Feel free to investigate. But don't forget to acknowledge the facts when you find them."

With that, Wang Menglu left the alchemy club with Horn and Tang Yuxin.

In the wake of their departure, Cheng Zhi glared at Liu Na, "We can't let this slide. I won't rest until I prove that Horn cheated!"

Liu Na nodded in agreement, both of them nursing wounded pride. The members of the alchemy club exchanged awkward glances, torn between allegiance to their president and the undeniable evidence of Horn's remarkable alchemical skills.

The news of Horn's exceptional alchemy quickly spread throughout the Linzhou Immortal Martial Academy. Some were incredulous, others dismissive, but many were genuinely impressed. Wang Menglu, with the ten Qi Condensation Pills as evidence, became an unexpected advocate for Horn's prowess.

As the days passed, the incident gradually faded from the spotlight. Horn, though regarded with newfound respect, preferred to keep a low profile, focusing on his cultivation and occasionally assisting Wang Menglu in alchemical matters.

Meanwhile, Cheng Zhi and Liu Na continued their futile attempts to uncover any trickery behind Horn's success. However, despite their efforts, Horn's reputation as an extraordinary Alchemist continued to grow.

In the unpredictable realm of Linzhou Immortal Martial Academy, Horn's unexpected talent had left an indelible mark, transforming him from an unknown entity into a respected figure.

Horn was taken aback by Wang Menglu's unexpected request. He exchanged a surprised glance with Tang Yuxin before responding, "You want to be my disciple?"

Wang Menglu nodded earnestly, "Yes, I want to learn alchemy from you. You're an amazing Alchemist, and I don't want to miss the chance to be your disciple. Please accept me, Master!"

Tang Yuxin couldn't believe what she was hearing. The proud and independent Wang Menglu willingly asking to become someone's disciple was beyond her expectations.

Horn scratched his head, still processing the situation. "Well, I appreciate your enthusiasm, but I'm not a professional teacher. Besides, I'm not planning to stay in Linzhou Immortal Martial Academy for long."

Wang Menglu's face fell, disappointed. Tang Yuxin, curious about the sudden change in her friend, looked between the two with concern.

Horn continued, "But I can give you some basic guidance. If you're interested, we can discuss alchemy together when I have time."

Wang Menglu's eyes lit up again, "That's great! I'll take any guidance you're willing to offer. Thank you, Horn!"

Tang Yuxin couldn't help but smile at the turn of events. She had never seen Wang Menglu so eager to learn from someone else.

As the three continued their walk, Horn shared some fundamental alchemical principles with Wang Menglu, discussing theories and methods. Wang Menglu listened attentively, absorbing the knowledge like a sponge.

It seemed that Horn unintentionally gained an unexpected disciple, and the trio ventured forward, the academy's trail witnessing the beginning of an unconventional master-disciple relationship.

Tang Yuxin's eyes brightened with a mixture of relief and joy as she heard Horn's reassuring words. The worries that had momentarily clouded her mind dispersed, and she smiled back at him.

"That sounds wonderful," she replied, her voice carrying a warmth that echoed her feelings. "I've always cherished our time together, Horn. Let's keep moving forward, side by side."

Wang Menglu, who had been silently watching the exchange, couldn't help but interject with a teasing tone, "Well, well, lovebirds, save the sweet talk for later. We're here to learn about alchemy, not witness your romantic moment."

Tang Yuxin blushed slightly, but Horn just chuckled. "Right, let's focus on alchemy. Menglu, if you have any questions or want to discuss anything related to it, feel free to ask."

Wang Menglu eagerly jumped into an alchemical discussion with Horn, absorbing every bit of information he shared. Tang Yuxin listened attentively, feeling grateful for the unique bond she shared with Horn and the unexpected turns that life had taken.

As the trio continued their walk through the academy, the conversations flowed seamlessly between alchemy, shared memories, and the bright possibilities ahead. The sun dipped lower in the sky, casting a warm glow over the scene, as the friends moved forward into the promising future that lay ahead for each of them.