Who Asked You To Do It?

As Cheng Zhi led Xu Hu toward Horn and the others, Nie Jiuxuan was still contemplating Liu Na's words. He regarded her as someone with a keen sense of judgment, so her statements about Wang Menglu troubled him.

Cheng Zhi continued to emphasize the alleged shortcomings of Wang Menglu, portraying her as unfit for the position of Alchemy Society president. Nie Jiuxuan's frown deepened as he considered the implications of these claims.

When Cheng Zhi mentioned reporting the matter to the director of Linzhou Immortal Martial Academy, Nie Jiuxuan spoke sternly, "Enough, Cheng Zhi. We will address this matter appropriately. There's no need to make rash decisions or involve external authorities."

Cheng Zhi reluctantly agreed, and they continued walking towards Horn and the others.

Meanwhile, Horn, Tang Yuxin, and Wang Menglu were waiting, unaware of the brewing storm approaching them. The atmosphere was tense, and the anticipation of confrontation lingered in the air.

As Cheng Zhi and Xu Hu approached, the members of the Alchemy Society were filled with renewed confidence. They believed that with Xu Hu's support, Horn would be forced into submission.

However, Nie Jiuxuan's expressions suggested that he wasn't entirely convinced by the situation. His discerning eyes focused on Horn, evaluating the young alchemist who had suddenly become the center of attention.

The impending clash between Horn and Cheng Zhi was not only a test of alchemical skills but also a battle of pride and reputation. The fate of the Alchemy Society hung in the balance, and the outcome would determine the course of events at Linzhou Immortal Martial Academy.

Cheng Zhi was filled with an overwhelming sense of pride.

He couldn't help but indulge in the fantasy of Wang Menglu kneeling before him, humbled and subservient. The mere thought brought a smug smile to Cheng Zhi's face, and Liu Na, by his side, mirrored his expression, anticipating Wang Menglu's imminent troubles.

Convinced that Mr. Nie, the esteemed three-star Alchemist, would speak against Wang Menglu, Cheng Zhi believed her survival at the academy to be in jeopardy.

Eagerly, Liu Na looked forward to witnessing how Wang Menglu's arrogance would crumble.

Leading Xu Hu confidently, Cheng Zhi pressed forward.

Meanwhile, Horn and his companions continued their journey through the trail. Wang Menglu bombarded Horn with questions, seeking clarity on the intricacies of refining the one-star elixir.

The trio's progress became sporadic as Horn paused frequently to address Wang Menglu's inquiries. Despite the interruptions, Horn patiently communicated the nuances of alchemy, opening up a new world of understanding for Wang Menglu. Her admiration for Horn's skills in refining one-star pills grew with each revelation.

Behind them, members of the Alchemy Society, a dozen strong, approached.

After a collective discussion, they aligned themselves with Liu Na and Cheng Zhi, harboring doubts about Horn's ability to refine ten Qi Condensation Pills simultaneously.

The imposing figure of Mr. Nie, the three-star Alchemist, stood behind Cheng Zhi, casting a shadow over Horn's perceived invincibility. In the Linzhou alchemy world, Mr. Nie held the undisputed title of number one.

The choice before them was stark: follow Liu Na and increase their chances of gaining Cheng Zhi's favor or risk alienating themselves by supporting Horn.

As they spotted Wang Menglu and her group, the Alchemy Society members hastened their pace, joining the unfolding drama with anticipation.

Cheng Zhi exuded an air of extreme pride.

In his mind, he relished the image of Wang Menglu kneeling before him, seemingly ready to submit to the point of even licking his toes. The anticipation of Wang Menglu facing trouble brought a smirk to Liu Na's face, confident that Mr. Nie's words would seal Wang Menglu's fate at the academy.

Cheng Zhi confidently led Xu Hu ahead.

Meanwhile, Horn and his companions continued their journey along the trail. Wang Menglu bombarded Horn with questions about refining the one-star elixir, creating frequent stops and starts for the trio. Horn diligently responded to Wang Menglu's inquiries, leading to moments of pause in their progress.

Through effective communication, Horn provided Wang Menglu with insights, opening up a new world of understanding for her. Wang Menglu's admiration for Horn's prowess in refining one-star pills grew with each revelation.

Behind them, a group of a dozen Alchemy Society members approached.

After deliberation, they unanimously chose to align with Liu Na and Cheng Zhi, harboring doubts about Horn's purported ability to refine ten Qi Condensation Pills simultaneously.

Standing behind Cheng Zhi was Mr. Nie, the esteemed three-star Alchemist, undisputedly holding the number one position in the Linzhou alchemy world. Despite Horn's abilities, it seemed challenging for him to make a significant impact in Mr. Nie's presence.

The advantages and disadvantages of their choices became apparent at a glance.

They decided to follow in Liu Na's footsteps, believing it would provide more opportunities to connect with Cheng Zhi.

Upon spotting Wang Menglu and her group, the Alchemy Society members hastened their pace, eager to be part of the unfolding drama.

"Wang Menglu, someone of your caliber is unfit to be the president of the Alchemy Society, and you lack the authority to expel Liu Na from our ranks!"

"Consider this our official notice – from this day forward, we only recognize Liu Na as our president."

"In the academy, few possess the true talent for alchemy. How can you possibly recruit others?"

"Wang Menglu, you're blind to the situation! Master Cheng is Mr. Nie's apprentice. Mr. Nie can ensure you'll never be able to refine elixirs again!"


The members of the Alchemy Society spoke in a frigid tone, casting doubt on Wang Menglu's leadership. Wang Menglu furrowed her brow, while Horn expressed impatience, referring to the society members as "flies."

The Alchemy Society members, angered by Horn's remark, noticed Cheng Zhi and Xu Hu approaching. Excitement rippled through them, speculating on Mr. Nie's potential involvement in supporting Cheng Zhi.

"Look, Master Cheng is returning!"

"And the person behind him is Mr. Nie! Is Mr. Nie going to back up Master Cheng?"

The excitement grew as they recognized Xu Hu, the chairman of Liehu Group.

"Director Xu's methods are notorious. His enemies meet miserable fates!"

"Mr. Nie's connections are truly formidable. Director Xu is here because of Young Master Cheng's affairs."

They focused their mocking gaze on Horn, anticipating panic and fear. However, Horn remained composed, causing disappointment among the Alchemy Society members.

Tang Yuxin and Wang Menglu grew worried, realizing the difficulty of dealing with Xu Hu alone, a peak Innate powerhouse with fearsome combat abilities.

Cheng Zhi, nearing them, pointed accusatorily at Horn. "Dr. Xu, this is the boy. He not only disrespects me but also insults my master as trash!"

Xu Hu, without wasting words, stepped forward, his energy emanating powerfully. He directed his gaze at Horn and swiftly advanced, ready for confrontation.

A fierce wind swept through the air.

"Boy, remember this well. The one who'll beat you down is none other than Grandpa Xu Hu!"

"Today, I'm standing up for Mr. Cheng. If you can't earn Mr. Cheng's forgiveness, I'll make your life worse than death!"

Thunderous shouts erupted from Xu Hu, echoing in the surroundings.

As expected, excitement spread among the members of the Alchemy Society. If Xu Hu intervened, Horn's fate was bound to be dire. They eagerly anticipated witnessing Horn's arrogance crumble.

However, Tang Yuxin and Wang Menglu refused to back down. They stood resolutely beside Horn, clenching their lips tightly.

Cheng Zhi's smile widened, reveling in the unfolding drama. Meanwhile, Liu Na engaged in conversation with Nie Jiuxuan. Upon hearing Xu Hu's aggressive shouts, she cast a cold, prideful gaze at Horn and his companions.

Upon spotting Horn, panic gripped Nie Jiuxuan. Memories of the terror he experienced at Sun's house resurfaced, and he realized that Horn was a force to be reckoned with. He knew there might be even more formidable individuals backing Horn.

Horn was someone Nie Jiuxuan couldn't afford to offend.

Damn it!

How could the person Cheng Zhi mentioned be this formidable?

Sweating profusely, Nie Jiuxuan, in a state of anxiety, disregarded caution and sprinted at extreme speed, shouting desperately, "Wait!"

Xu Hu, hearing the shout, hesitated momentarily. As Nie Jiuxuan caught up, he delivered a resounding slap without uttering a word.

A roaring wind accompanied the palm strike.


A crisp sound echoed as Xu Hu, caught off guard, found himself slapped to the ground, blood staining the left side of his cheek. Confusion filled his eyes.

"Who gave you the right to act!"

Nie Jiuxuan shouted angrily, regretting his impulsive actions.