
Where the Chain of Justice Leads To

I ran away..so far..I didn't even know where I am. This world is so big for me but for some reason...I feel free. I felt my smile on my lips. I didn't know that the world was been this big! Thank you...thank you so much..AKA for making me realize how pretty..and colorful this world is. I felt my tears dripping in my face but this time..it wasn't because I'm sad..it's because I'm happy.

I felt the sun in my face...it was pretty..I felt like I have been free from all of my sufferings. I gazed at the blinding sun. The sun....was never been this pretty. I kept smiling and looking at that blinding sun while walking. But my happiness was gone sooner just like a bubble when I saw a chain that was tied in the ground. It was not a normal chain...it was big...bigger than me! I swallowed my saliva and looked up the sky to see where the chain is tied up to. I looked up slowly. My eyes almost popped up when I saw the chain was up to the sky to the point that I never see the end of chain rope anymore. The chain rope was getting smaller as I looked in the sky. It was so long that the chain was covered by the clouds. I felt goosebumps just looking at the chain rope into the sky. I wonder what is this chain tied up to? I kept thinking about the chain when the guards started spotting me.

Guard: Hey, youngster! What are you doing here? This area is restricted, you know?!

I was shocked at the guards going into my direction. I wanted to run away but that would make me a wanted person. I can't let anyone take away my freedom. I stood there and watch them get into me.

Guard: You damn Yorushiba people! Not only you were trying to get into the Chain of Justice but you were also trying to cut it off weren't you?! He blabbered.

Shuji: Huh? What are you saying? Chain of Justice? You mean that massive chain? I looked at the massive chain.

The guard frown at me while his mouth was open out of shock.

Guard: Y-you? Massive...chain? How disrespectful! I must put you in jail! The guard said angrily and get his handcuffs in this pocket.

I was shocked and was about to run away when another guard stopped me.

Guard #2: Stop it, Yamamoto. You can see it in his face that he doesn't know anything. He said while getting close to me.

What is he doing? Could he be? Is he gonna put me into death sentence?! But...I must live! I decided to live!

I saw him and closes my eyes while covering my head to protect myself from getting beat up. I was standing and covering my head...but I felt nothing. I looked at the guard slowly and he was shocked.

Guard #2: Don't worry...I won't hurt you.. He said while looking at me with worried face.

Guard: H-he...he must've been pretending! Don't get fooled by him, Hanagazawa! He mutters while still on his guard.

Guard #2: Shut it, Yamamoto! Can't you see it?! He didn't know anything..he even thought of me hurting him! He shouted and looked at me worriedly.

Shuji: I...uh... I was somehow lost of words. I never knew someone would looked at me worriedly..

Guard #2: it's fine... let's head to the station..and tell me honestly why you're in the Chain of Justice.. He said sincerely while tapping my shoulder.

Shuji: O-okay... I said and followed them to the station.

I saw the police station near the massive chain and they let me sit into the chair next to a table. It smelled good in the station.. I smelled the strong smell of lavender. It made me calm a little..

Guard: So..what are you doing at the Chain of Justice? He said while his arms crossed and standing in the back of the chair across mine.

Shuji: umm....I was just...uh.. I said while being nervous...thinking all the possible outcomes once I tell them that I ran away from home...

Guard: Hanagazawa...I told you he's lying! He even can't make up some excuse! He said while looking at Hanagazawa.

Guard #2: Be honest...tell me why are you in the Chain of Justice... He said to me while him being ready to listen to what I will say.

Shuji: if I tell you the truth...will you send me back from my home? I said while biting my lips. I don't want to go back!

Guard #2: Do you want to return back home? He said while looking at me waiting for my response.

Shuji: No...never...I'd rather live in the woods than be inside of that house... I said with pure anger.

Guard #2: Then...tell me what happened to your home and also why you're in the Chain of Justice...I promise I will never get you back to that house again... He said sincerely.

I told him about what happened to my house but I didn't said that I am an esper. I said to him that I ran away from home.

Shuji: As for the Chain of Justice you kept telling me...I just ended up going here...while being shocked about how big that chain is...I also wanted to know where that chain leads to... I said while looking down.

Guard: So you never knew where that chain is headed? Well I'll tell you...the chain leads into a country...a floating country...where all the royalties lives in the past centuries... He said while taking off some cigarette.

Shuji: Country? What county? I said with full of curiosity.

The guards exchanged looks and thinking it thoroughly whether to say it or not. The guards finally decided on something.

Guard #2: The country where the Chain of Justice leads to is nothing but Hikari. Hikari where royalties lives. The country where the SJA is located.. He said with full of courage.

Huh? SJA? So that's where it is!

Shuji: um...may I know how to get in there? I ....really wanted to go to the recruitment exam on the SJA... I said honestly.

The two guards got shocked of what I just said. They even looked at each other to process what I just said.

Guard: are you out of your mind? You looked like a fragiled soul! Do you think you can even win on that exam?! He said with a hint worried on him face. I can't help but smile at them.

Shuji: I'll be fine... I said while smiling at them.

As long as I keep believing in myself... I will definitely win...