
"Sora, The One of the Seven Rulers of The Government"

I was dumfounded on what the guards said to me.I started to wonder why my mother did that to me. Why would she go so far to erase the information about me being an esper..?

I kept thinking about how mother had the courage to erase all these important informations that I didn't even noticed the time. It was already time to sleep..

Shuji: may I stay here for the night..? I had nowhere to go.. I said while looking at them.

Guard: no problem... there's a bedroom right there...you can sleep in there. The guard said while pointing at the door across their table.

I nodded at them and went to the room. It was just a small room with a window, drawer, a small table and a bed. The bed was in the corner of the wall. There was also a little lamp on the mini table standing right beside the bed. I thanked the guards once more and started laying down in the bed. The bed sheets smells good. You can tell that it was washed since you can smell the fabric conditioner. I must say...this place was small...but it felt more like home than my original house. For the first time in my life...I felt so comfortable...

Without realizing I had drift away from sleep. I woked up from my sleep when I heard someone spamming his knocks on the door of the station. As I looked around...I can tell it was morning already. I open the door of the bedroom slowly. I take a peek of who was the person knocking so loud in the morning. As soon as I peek on the door, I saw a menacing figure right beside the entrance door of the police station. He wore an elegant suit with diamons and golds in his clothes. He has a monocle in his left eye while wearing a red royal cloak. He has a straight long black hair while some of his strands of hair are white. He has some elegant hair clip made with gold wrapped around the back of his hair. I can tell from the looks that he was 50-60 years old. Even though he was old, he never failed to give me goosebumps.

I froze from the shock and because of the menacing aura of the person right beside the entrance door. I feel like I got into something that I shouldn't have...

Guard: H-huh..? Highness..? What brings you here..? He said while getting into his knees while looking down.

Guard #2: My lord Sora, I wonder what brings you here? He said and also get into his knees and also looked down.

Sora: I heard that someone disobeyed the rules of the government? He said while looking at the guards kneeled down with a cold look.

The guards flinched of what 'Sora' said. The guards looked at each other and looked at Sora.

Guard: W-wha..? Who would do such as disobey the rules..? The guard said while never batting an eye on 'Sora'.

Sora: I do not know either...but I must say that is the reason why I stepped foot in here.. He said while looking at the guards with another cold look.

The guards flinched once again as 'Sora' flick his fingers in front of the guards. When he flick his fingers, a wind escaped in his fingers rapidly that the wall behind them got blasted by the wind. Because of the wind that rapidly went through the wall, a massive hole was seen in the wall...letting them see the outside since the wall was torn off with a circular shape. I can tell that the guards were shaking and trembling with fear as 'Sora' flicked his fingers.

Sora: I won't miss the next time you both disobey the rules again... He said and walked away. The guards was about to stand up when 'Sora' stopped walking.

Sora: I almost forgot...AKA is on the move again..dispose of him as soon as possible. He was such a menace to society.. He said and continue to walk away until he disappeared out of nowhere.

The guards finally got the courage to breathe heavily. They were still shaking and trembling with fear. Disobeyed? Just what did they disobey? That even that menacing man came here to tell it to them..? Just what are these two guards are..? Are they only here to guard the Chain of Justice..? Or is there something more than that..?

Guard: Just...how did he found out..? He said as he stood up while his hands are shaking.

Guard #2: He is one of the rulers of the government. So you must have expected this! He said while walking towards the massive hole that 'Sora' has made in the walls of the police station.

Guard #2: Such an overwhelming power... we were lucky that we didn't get killed...He said while looking at the wall that was torn because of 'Sora'.

Guard: We we're tasked again to risk our life to kill AKA again. You know what happens if you butted in his business... He said while looking at Hanagazawa.

Guard: Hey, Hanagazawa...was this the right path for us..? If we didn't disobey the rules.. we could be free from all this.. If we didn't help a Yorushiba- He was about to say something when Hanagazawa cut him off.

Guard #2: Shut up! Yamamoto! If we obey the rules it will just end up like this! We will never be free! Don't you dare say that to me ever again! I will...I will never regret that I helped Shuji! He said while his brows furrowed.

Guard: Yeah...I guess you're right. I just...I just wanted to be free...just how Shuji had his freedom.. He said while tears were dripping into his eyes.

Guard: Hanagazawa...just one more drink of that drug...we will become heartless like those royalties... I'd rather die than be a heartless person like them! He said while sobbing.

What..? Just who are they..? What drugs were they kept mentioning? Just what...is the world I'm living in..?