Chapter 5 : The Torment

Ye Jun keep searching for Su Bin

After going to places nearby he decided to go Hee Kyung a tell her that Su Bin disappeared when he came back and can't find him anymore, just if something bad happened to Su Bin while he was out of slight.

He should rush towards the open park and ask for help to find him immediately...

While going back, Ye Jun happens to lost the sense of direction but he did found the wooden stairs, but while going back following the stairs but while rushing upwards his eyes catched something on the side he stopped and observed his slight.

He found Su Bin, finally he could see Su Bin, he was sitting on a bench with no movements, when Ye Jun reached he noticed the bench was facing a side of the city and Su Bin was blankly staring at space front of him.

Seeing him fine he felt the relief but dashed towards Su Bin with worry and anger

"Why you came here alone just something would have happened while you came here ?"

Su Bin didn't responded to Ye Jun's question and kept staring the space blankly

"Su Bin? Can you hear me ?"

"Su Bin!..."

Su Bin flinched and came back to senses after Ye Jun shaken him, he looked up beside him, Ye Jun standing with a worried look on his face

"Hyung why are you here ?"

"I should be asking that, why you left the tree and came here all alone, did you lost the way ??"

"No hyung... I just wanted to came back here one time"

"Why ? Do you know about this place"

"eo with mom and dad, this park have been our favorite place, mom always liked the flowers here"

Hearing that Ye Jun sat beside Su Bin, the anger was no longer there, he was now only worried for Su Bin just thinking what kind of emotions he was going through. he came here intentionally, if he was doing okay inside

"You should have told mom or me atleast"

"Ye Jun hyung the view is so beautiful right, mom said bomnal are best days to come here, when ajumma said about picnic yesterday, I wanted to come here"

Ye Jun now understood the reason why Su Bin said he wanted to come to Gaewoonsan Park, it was place where he had made the precious memories with his parents

"Yeah... it's really pretty"

"If mom and dad would have been here, would they loved the view from here ?... It's my fault if I didn't let them go that day"

"Hmm they would have liked it, but would they cared of this if they seen you sad like this. Su bin'a that accident was not fault your fault..."

"If I didn't let them go, mom and dad might..."

"Su Bin it's not because of you, don't ever blame yourself for this, no one is will ever blame you"

Su Bin started sobbing, he was very much deep in guilt, all this time he didn't said anything, never showed what he was feeling inside but right now he could no longer keep it inside him

Seeing him sobbing so badly Ye Jun quickly grabbed him. When he grabbed Su Bin, Ye jun noticed he was trembling, the tears keep falling from his cheeks

"Hey! Su Bin! Look at me for a second, are you okay!?"

He was not okay at all, Ye Jun didn't know what he would do now, Ye Jun didn't know the way back to the open area, Hee kyung was way away from them and no one seems to be near, at this point only Ye Jun could help Su Bin

Ye Jun grabbed Su bin's hand and pulled him towards him... he wrap him around and tightly hugged him, Su Bin was trembling so much that Ye Jun tighten his grip

"It's okay

It's okay... don't cry...

Everything is alright-

It's all okay"

Ye Jun was not sure if it would help Su Bin to better or not, if it helped Su Bin just slightest to calm down with this, he thought he must do something atleast

After few minutes, it's seems it was working, Su bin had stopped trembling and the tears are not longer rolling out of his eyes, he was much calmer now

"Su Bin are you feeling alright ? Drink some water now"

Ye Jun helped Su Bin drinking the water and he drank a little water and Ye Jun started wiping the tears from his cheeks, Su bin's eyes were bright red and teary the face turned red because of the crying... while that Su bin spoke

"We're not blaming you for this nor me nor mom... so don't blame yourself too, it's fine if you want to take time but don't feel guilty"

"I'm sure Uncle and auntie would be happier to know the fact that you are safe and was not in the car that day"

"Su Bin both me eomma are grateful you are are alive and uncle auntie must have thinking the same hmm... remember Jae hwan ajusshi said they are always with you in your heart so don't feel sad.. they are always there for you, protecting"

Hearing Ye Jun, Su bin slowly started speaking "I'm sorry hyung, I noticed you were worried, even ajumma I really wanted to disappear, I felt I only caused trouble that's why eomma appa left me alone, I really missed them, that's why I left"

After what Su bin said Ye Jun could finally see through him, what Su bin was thinking like that invisible wall was gone... Su Bin was now showing his emotions, his worries, his pain, he really let it out after a long suffering inside him

"Su Bin don't be sorry... we care for you, I am only worried because I'm not able to help you being the Su Bin you were before. You are precious to me, you are special Su Bin for both mom and me, so don't think about leaving like this"

Saying that Ye Jun indeed felt like he would cry but he didn't let the tears fall in front of Su Bin. He must stay strong near Su Bin for now, this moment made him realized Su Bin could only rely on him or his mom and it felt like a responsibility he must carry for Su Bin.

"It's alright... everything is good now, let's leave, mom will be worried"

Ye Jun tried standing but Su Bin stayed still and didn't moved, while that he grabbed Ye Jun's shirt from the corner and spoke

"hyung don't leave, can we stay here for a while please"

"okay let's stay here for sometime"

"Hyung you will never abandon me right... please never leave me alone"

"Hmm I will never leave your side, I will stay with you... I promise"

And with that Ye Jun made Su Bin the promise of never leaving his side, it was the promise he meant it when he said it to Su bin and it was the moment making Su Bin realized Ye Jun is very special... to him.

To be continued....