Chapter Nine

After Nikki faints in the forbidden room, Amber and Nikki's mother take her to the medical room in the Sawyer mansion.

 In the medical room

Nikki is lying unconscious on a bed. Amber, Alisson stood stoically by her side, while their mother occupied seats with a man who was beside her, all anxiously awaiting Nikki's awakening. The air was heavy with unspoken fears and concerns.

The room falls into a hushed silence as the door swings open, revealing a young man in his late twenties. All eyes instinctively turn towards him, their gazes fixed in anticipation.

The man possesses a complexion that is smooth and clear. His facial features consist of an elongated shape, receding chin, sharp cheekbones that compliment his straight, broad nose and full, moist lips. His dishevelled dirty blond hair matches the olive-green colour of his wide and sharp eyes. Furthermore, he exudes an air of height and fitness.

The man proceeds towards the bed where Nikki was lying unconscious.

"It's a pleasure to see you again Queen Sabrina", he spoke as he smiled at Nikki's mother.

"Ryder what's wrong with Nikki?" her mother inquired; her voice tinged with worry.

"I have good news and bad news. Which do you want to hear first?" he asked.

"Bad news", she replied.

"Nikki is going to die", he disclosed.


"What do you mean by that Ryder?" her mother inquired.

"Well, I guess the good news should explain things, he paused as he takes a deep breath. Nikki has finally awakened her powers, but she won't be able to use them", he explained.

"Explain why she won't be able to use them?"

"I just found out that the real reason Nikki hasn't been able to awaken her powers isn't because she's weak, it's because someone sealed her powers. She broke that seal today but that was only temporarily. The next time she tries to break the seal forcefully again, she's going to die. I'm surprised she somehow survived today. She was lucky".

"I don't understand what you are trying to say".

"To put it plainly, someone sealed Nikki's powers. She was able to awaken it today because of a desire to protect something very important to her but awakening it today only means she broke the seal temporarily. If she, does it again, she is going to die", he elaborated.

"You are indirectly saying that Nikki can't use her powers, right? She can never use her powers again"? Amber questioned.

"Technically you're right. Nikki can't use her powers right now, but she can use them if she breaks the seal for good", he responded.

"How can she break the seal?" Alisson inquired.

"She needs to find the person who put the seal on her. That person is the only one who can break the seal", he replied.

"Isn't there another way to break the seal?" Sabrina questioned.

"Nikki can break the seal on her own but that means she has to attain the highest emotional point".

"And what might that be?" Sabrina asked.

"She must watch someone she loves die. That's the only thing that's can trigger her to break the seal forever, but I advise against it. It is too risky and there's a possibility that she will go out of control. You know what happened the last time that happened", he warned.

"I can never forget that day", she said with anger in her eyes.

"Is she going to wake up?" Amber asked.

"Yes, she will but she is going to need a lot of rest. Breaking her seal did not only deplete her energy, but it also took away part of her life force", Ryder responded.

"She's going to be fine right?"

"Yes", he assured her with a smile.

Nikki lay motionless on the bed, her right-hand trembling slightly. Gradually, her eyelids fluttered open, revealing a gaze filled with confusion and apprehension as she took in the figures surrounding her. "Damian?" she called out tentatively, her voice tinged with uncertainty and longing.

Rushing to her side, her family members and Amber surrounded her, their faces etched with concern.

"Nikki, are you feeling alright?" Sabrina inquired gently; her voice filled with compassion.

"Mother, why are you here? Where is Damian?" Nikki questioned, her voice trembling with a mixture of fear and confusion.

"Nikki there is nobody named Damian", Amber replied.

"What happened?" she asked as she sees Ryder standing at the edge of the bed. "Ryder what's wrong with me?"

Ryder proceeds towards the bed side and holds her hand. "Nothing is wrong with you my little demon", he assured with a smile.

"Am I going to be alright?" she asked.

"You just need a little rest and you'll be fine", he responded.

"Thanks a lot, Ryder", Nikki said as she turns towards the other man beside her mother. "Father what are you doing here?"

The man beside her mother smiled at her. "I heard you fainted, so I rushed back from the airport to come see you dear", he replied.

"Dad, you didn't have to. You had important business to attend to. You could have seen me when you get back", she nagged.

"Nothing is more important than you princess", her father declared.

"Can I have the room with my father?" she requested.


Before her mother could speak, she completely cuts her off. "Don't make this hard your highness. I would like to have a word with my father so please evacuate the room", Nikki said.

"Fine we'll leave", Sabrina stated as she walks towards the door. Alisson, Ryder and Amber follow suit. Ryder reaches for the door handle and opens the door. He gestured the ladies to go out first and they did. He walks out after them leaving Nikki alone with her father.

In the forbidden room

After leaving the medical room, Sabrina summoned Alisson and Amber to the forbidden room. They followed her to the room. Sabrina takes a seat on the throne while Alisson and Amber stand before her.

"I know you truly care about Nikki, but I want you girls to be honest with me. If you're not, Nikki might end up in huge trouble", Sabrina asserted.

"We promise to be honest your highness", Amber stated.

"Who is the human that Nikki brought to Laurel's party and why did she choose him to accompany her?" Sabrina asked.

"I won't be able to answer your question your highness as I have no idea who the boy is or why princess Nikki brought him as her date", Alisson responded.

"What about you Amber? I want the truth".

"The boy is a classmate from the high school Nikki, and I attend. Nikki chose him because he offered to be her date to the party", Amber replied.

"He offered to be her date?"

"Yes, my queen", Amber responded.

"Why did he offer to be Nikki's date?"

"He told us he was going to Laurel's party, but he didn't want to go alone because Laurel was going to be all over him. Nikki and I thought he was just kidding. We thought maybe he wanted a date so bad, but he didn't just want to admit it. So, Nikki decided to go with him to not embarrass you in front of the demon royals", Amber explained.

"So, what happened after that?"

"Nikki ended up going with him and to our surprise, the boy wasn't lying when he said she was all over him. Princess laurel was all over him. She was so jealous of Nikki that she caused a scene, but I really don't remember what happened after that", Amber disclosed.

"A crowned princess created a scene on her own birthday because of a human. How does that make sense to you?" Sabrina queried.

"Your highness she is not lying. I witnessed with my eyes how Princess Laurel got the other demon royals to bully Nikki because she was jealous of Nikki's relationship with the human", Alisson interjected.

"It doesn't make any sense. Why would a high ranked princess stoop so low because of a human?"

"Yes, why don't I remember any of that happening?" Amber asked.

"Laurel wiped the memories of everyone at the party. I was lucky not to get detected so I still have my memories intact", Alisson replied.

"It still doesn't make any sense. Why would Laurel be jealous of Nikki because of a human?" Sabrina pondered.

"Mother there's something else I didn't tell you", Alisson said.


"Is it possible for someone that's not the king and crowned prince of hell and the serpentines to summon Keruvim?"

"You know that's impossible Alisson. Don't ask foolish questions", Sabrina stated.

"I don't think it's impossible anymore today because I saw Nikki summon Keruvim in his serpent form today. You know what it means to summon Keruvim in his serpent form", Alisson disclosed.

"What do you mean by you saw Keruvim being summoned by Nikki in its cobra form?" Sabrina asked her voice trembling in fear. She gazes at Alisson with widened eyes hoping for Alisson to say it was an error on her part. That nothing like that happened. It was nothing but a harmless joke. It had to be. There is no way Nikki could have summoned Keruvim. Maybe Alisson was just seeing things.

"You know what I mean mother. Nikki did summon Keruvim. I'm not lying and I'm not crazy. I really did see Keruvim", Alisson responded.

"I want you girls to head to your room and do not speak about this to anyone, especially Nikki. She must not know that she awakened her powers or about the seal. She must never find out about what happened today. Am I clear?" Sabrina questioned.

"Yes, your highness", they responded.

"You are free to take your leave", she said as the door opens, and they walk out with the door closing behind them.