Another One? Why?

Given the number of works I put out and haven't finished, I think a lot of you, my precious readers, think I have commitment issues. I may have it. My mind keeps wandering whenever it is not working on something urgent, so it keeps popping up ideas. This story was born from one of my enlightening body-purification sessions (defecation). I just read a Naruto Fanfiction on the notorious FF and thought, "Man, I can't believe I read that crap." Enlightenment then hit me on the back of my head: I could only complain but not do a thing.

Therefore, I decided to write one that suits my taste. This is a side project since I am determined to finish my contracted novels which I have been neglecting for some time. I will update it as regularly as I, but it will be sporadic. I am a bit of a perfectionist. I can't bring myself to publish a chapter for the sake of it, therefore, I often take a long time to publish a chapter even though I already have it in the draft. Of course, when I publish it, it still won't be flawless. It's just up to my standard.

With that said, I have stacked some chapters on Patreon for this one. You can visit my Patreon Page: Fiction Haven, and then purchase the subscription tier that I have named by the fiction's title.