Establishing the Hierarchy

10 advanced chapters on my Patreon: Fiction Haven


Another day came and I found myself at the Third Training Ground, again. Kakashi was not there yet, as I had expected. I spent my time meditating ever since I arrived there, but the look I got on my back was starting to irk me. I opened my eyes and turned to the owner of the look.

"What is it, Haruno?"

My words caused the pink-haired child murderer to get out of her stupor. Blushing slightly for her embarrassing display, she coughed into her fist.

"Kuhum. Are you dating with Ino-Pig?" she asked with a smirk.

It was quite disappointing that it was what made her look at me for the last half an hour. I didn't know our chance encounter while I was with Ino left such a strong impression on her.

Idly noting that Sasuke was perked up, I disinterestedly answered, "Nah. Are you jealous?"

"Keep dreaming, idiot!" Sakura sneered. "I was just glad that pig wouldn't get close to Sasuke-kun anymore. Keep approaching her, Naruto. You will help me a lot by removing her from the competition."

"I know a quicker way."

"Oh, what is it?" she asked excitedly, leaning forward.

"Kill her," I shrugged.

"Do you think I am a criminal, idiot!? There is no way I will kill someone for that!"

Oh, the irony. I kept my opinion to myself, though. It was a waste of time arguing with a wall. Ignoring my surroundings, I meditated again. After some time, a presence invaded my senses. I opened my eyes and looked up to find Kakashi looking at me curiously.

"You seem experienced sneaking on a child."

Kakashi's eyes smiled. "Now, don't make me sound weird, Naruto."

"With all due respect, you are, Hatake-sensei."

As Kakashi rubbed his head, I stood up and dusted my pants off. Sakura shouted at him for being late. He didn't care, but he stopped acting foolishly when she asked him what we were going to do. Assuming a serious look, he took out three bunnies out of nowhere.

"Awh, bunnies… so cute!" Sakura cooed.

"Today, you are going to kill them," Kakashi dropped the bomb.

"What!? How can we kill these cute little things?" Sakura looked at the bunny tilting its head at her and blanched.

"Being a Shinobi means that you have to be ready to take lives. These bunnies are nothing compared to the lives that you have to take later to protect your village."

Taking my kunai out of the pouch around my leg, I took one of the bunnies from Kakashi. He looked at me in interest as I lifted it by its ears and cut its head clean with my kunai. Sakura yelped in shock. I stared at the head of my game and nodded in satisfaction once I made sure the blood didn't reach me.

"Congratulations, Naruto. You have what it takes to be a—"

"Killer. I know that already."

"Ninja. Ninja is not just any killer, Naruto-san," Kakashi corrected.

"And how do you define 'just any killer,' Hatake-sensei?" I replied with an amused smile.

Kakashi wisely didn't answer and turned to the rest of Team 7. He ushered them to take the remaining bunnies. Sasuke was the first to step up. He pinned the bunny against the ground and then sliced its throat quickly. The bunny struggled for a couple of seconds before going limp. His hands were bloody and his face looked stiff, but he was fine nonetheless.

Sakura stepped up not long after. She hesitantly took the bunny and moved far away from us. A minute-long of a bunny screech later, she returned with a tear-stained face. She looked at Sasuke for comfort, but the emo kid ignored her. I shrugged and turned to Kakashi before she could look at me.

"What's next?"

"I will give you ten minutes to recover. After that, I am going to assess what you need to improve on."

I nodded and sat down. Closing my eyes, I meditated again. A few seconds later, a flurry of memories entered my brain. A group of my clones had finally mastered wall and tree walking. That got me on my feet. I needed to try my newly acquired skill out. Walking to the biggest tree nearby, I placed my foot on the trunk and channeled my Chakra into the sole of my foot.

After making sure that my foot had properly stuck to the trunk, I put my other foot on the trunk. Just like that, I was parallel to the ground. A few seconds later, I was already on the top of the tree. Briefly enjoying the breeze, I went down the same way. It was generally fun if you could ignore the gravity pulling down on your body.

Kakashi was right beside me as soon as I was on the ground. He looked at me in wonder and mild fascination. I stared at him back, unamused. We stared at each other for a couple of seconds, dissecting each other with our eyes. As lazy as he was, Kakashi was worthy of being a Ninja.

"All right, time is up. Gather around, kids!" Kakashi pulled back as he summoned the rest of Team 7. "Like I said, I am going to determine your weakness today, so I will have you spar against each other." He turned to me and Sasuke. "Naruto, Sasuke, you guys go first."

"Go, Sasuke-kun!"

Sakura seemed to have regained her spirit even though she still looked mentally exhausted. Sasuke merely grunted, smirking as he looked at me.

"Try not to die, dobe."

"I am not your family, Sasuke. Don't worry."


My dark humor caused Kakashi to wince and Sasuke to narrow his eyes. I knew my joke was rude, but it was funny. Besides, everything is proper in trash talks, right? What a fragile kid he was.


"Take back what you said, asshole!" Sasuke roared as he punched at me.

"You can't undo what already happened, Sasuke. Just like the massacre."

"What the hell are you talking about, Naruto-Baka!?"

Sasuke became even more enraged. Credit to him, though, as his movements were still coordinated. The only reason I could catch up to his movement was my Chakra enhancing my brain. I processed everything faster. If not for that fact, not even my martial arts skills could let me avoid each one of his attacks.

"Take it ba—"


I buried my foot deep into Sasuke's solar plexus, sending him flying.

"All barks, no bites. No wonder Itachi left you alone. He knew you wouldn't amount to shit."

Getting up from the ground, he growled, "Take. That. Back!"

A wave of killing intent washed over me. It was pathetic compared to the one Sarutobi gave me, so I could barely feel it. I was intrigued, however, by the red irises replacing Sasuke's black ones. I was quite ashamed to feel slightly excited for witnessing the Sharingan with my eyes.

"Well, someone got an early birthday present," I smirked. "Come at me, boy. Show me the might of your Sharingan."

Sasuke rushed at me like a mad dog. Each one of his movements became more coordinated and faster than before. His strike became more powerful and calculated. Regardless, I could still replicate what his Sharingan could do. My mind worked harder, so my perception became stronger. His movement slowed down, allowing me to counter him.

I utilized my martial arts skills to the fullest. Sasuke managed to defend himself for a few seconds before my strikes landed on him. Each of my punches was more powerful than the punch he could throw. I dare say I was the strongest Genin in terms of raw strength if I excluded Lee and Guy's father.


Before long, Sasuke dropped to the ground. He clutched his stomach after receiving my kick. I could have knocked the kid unconscious to end the fight way sooner, but I didn't. I wanted to leave as many bruises as I could as a tribute to the old Naruto. The kid had done a lot to him.

"H- How… are you so strong?" Sasuke grunted.

"A Shinobi doesn't reveal his secret, Sasuke," I answered with a light smile. "But I will tell you how to improve. It is all in the mindset," I pointed to my head. "Look at the bigger picture; aim bigger. Don't stop at stomping that man's neck. Make it so that those who are alike break their neck, so they don't have to be stepped on by you."

I grinned as I snickered. "Well, that was just a gibberish that I live by. Forget it, if you want."

Then, I heard a clapping. Raising my head, I turned to Kakashi. I quirked an eyebrow and wondered if he was mocking me, but he looked genuinely impressed. The same could also be said for the emo kid sprawled on the ground.


A great earthquake must have happened last night and it somehow ruined their brain.


Honorary Mention:

Faisal Salih


Luck George