Konoha’s Glorified Stun Gun

10 advanced chapters on my Patreon: Fiction Haven


Kakashi and I left for the Land of Tea a day after the summon. Unsurprisingly, the mission was kept a secret. Kakashi told us to train independently for the whole week. He only provided an agenda for himself, so I had to come up with mine. Making a fictional agenda was not a hard thing. I used to do that in my previous life to avoid social events.

I initially thought I didn't even need to say anything to my teammates. However, they surprised me by asking me if I would participate in teamwork training. It was amusing seeing their disappointed look when I told them I needed to help an old man I knew take care of his farm while he was away.

So, after two days of travel, Kakashi and I finally arrived in front of the Land of Tea's gate. We were disguising ourselves as a father and son trying to make a living by selling tea in the Land of Tea. We brought generic tea leaves with us and claimed them to be special leaves from our homeland that would beat the tea that the land produced. It was a delusional claim, but it didn't raise the guards' suspicion. They let us through after laughing at us.

"That was a nice act, Menma," Kakashi in disguise said.

"Your acting was also impeccable, Kashika," I replied. "I almost believed that you were genuinely trying to sell the crappy tea leaves we bring with us."

"Hey, you won't know if someone will buy them. My years of experience have taught me that people have varied tastes."

"Not in the country who prides themselves in their tea quality, Kashika."

We ended our banter when we got to a crowded area. We resumed our father-and-son act as we looked for an inn. When we found one, we rented a room for a week and then put our stuff in the room. Deciding which area to scour, we sneaked out of the room through the window when we came to an agreement.

Kakashi scoured the north whereas I scoured the south. We disguised ourselves again as a different person. We couldn't be too sneaky, otherwise, we would get found out. Our method was to blend into the surroundings; in other words, pretended to be curious tourists who were checking out the country.

My scouring bore no result. The only thing I got was an empty stomach. I didn't expect the search to be easy. Aoi was suspected of being hired by one of the three big families to protect their heir in the upcoming race for the country's leadership. He would likely appear only when the race was held.

However, we couldn't wait for that to happen since it would be held in a month. We didn't have time to waste on that. Therefore, we were looking for Aoi. Although I had expected not to find him on the first day, it wasn't very pleasant to return empty-handed.

I returned to the inn and found that Kakashi hadn't returned yet. I didn't bother waiting for him and went downstairs to eat. The cafeteria food tasted barely acceptable, but it filled my stomach. I returned to our room after the sunset. Kakashi still hadn't returned, but I didn't care much about his safety. I immersed myself in Fūinjutsu instead.

Morning came in the blink of an eye and Kakashi was not present in the room. I headed to the bathroom to clean myself and then went out of the inn to eat at a local restaurant. I needed a clue to Aoi's whereabouts, so I listened in on the people's gossip. Most of them were useless, but something caught my interest.

"I caught my wife cheating with another man… but I liked it. What do I do!?"

"… You won't believe this, but I got the same shit going on."

Shit. That was tough to hear. The man was hurting so badly that his mind gaslit him to accept his situation. This world needed more therapists. Anyway, what caught my interest was another conversation. I don't listen to cuckolds and never will.

"The Wagarashi family is hiring Ninjas to protect the heir. They are staying at their mansion."

"Damn. It's kinda sad that, in the end, Ninjas have to be involved in our country's affair."

"True. Instead of the heirs, it is the Ninjas competing against each other."

"What about the other families?"

"I think they are still looking for their Ninjas."

That was a nice piece of information. Aoi was highly likely at the mansion. I finished my breakfast and then headed outside. I kept my disguise and wandered to the Wagarashi Family complex. I hid myself in the sea of people and then blended with the environment using Kawarimi no Jutsu.

Carefully, I scoured the area. I could sense three presences with Chakra, but upon seeing them, none of them was Aoi. After ensuring that Aoi was not in the mansion, I ventured into the forest near the mansion. I created six shadow clones to help check out the forest. A few minutes later, one of my clones dispelled.

I immediately stopped in my tracks and headed to the direction where my close was dispelled. Using Shunshin, I reached the spot in less than a minute. Surprisingly, my target remained in his place. He greeted me with a confident smirk, shaded by his umbrella. I stopped a few meters away from him and dispelled my disguise.

"Well, is Konoha sending out kids to hunt me down now? Have they forgotten what I did to one of their Anbu?" Aoi spat mockingly.

"Cool story, Bro."


I dashed at Aoi, startling him with my speed. He threw his umbrella up and then put his hands before him to block my kunai. My kunai pierced his hands and stomach effortlessly. Unfortunately, he exploded into smoke and turned into a piece of log. A rattling sound above me caused me to look up, allowing me to see the thrown umbrella spewing hundreds of senbon.

I traded places with my clone using Kawarimi no Jutsu. The senbon dispelled my shadow clone but did nothing to me. Aoi reappeared when a few seconds after the senbon attack ended. I took in his features properly this time. The only noteworthy thing I found was that he belonged to Amegakure.

With a smirk, he pulled out a sword hilt. He channeled his Chakra into it and then a blade of lighting materialized.

"This is what you are looking for, right?" he asked mockingly.

"Ah, yes, the glorified stun gun of Konoha, Raijin no Ken," I confirmed.

"Not too impressed, huh?"

"I get rarely impressed. Don't feel bad about yourselves."

Aoi's smirk faltered. He swung the lightning sword in front of him, sending lightning bolts my way. I planted two kunai ahead, redirecting the bolts to them. Aoi seemed surprised that what I did worked. He shouldn't have skipped his physics class. Pulling out my tantō, I channeled lightning Chakra into it. It was nothing compared to the Raijin no Ken, but it would nullify some of the shock Raijin no Ken would give me.

I dashed at Aoi and he gladly met me head-on. The electricity on my tantō clashed with the electricity produced by his lightning sword. My hands were electrified, but it didn't render them immobile thanks to my Chakra protection. It was quite surprising that my tantō held out.

"Shocking, isn't it?" Aoi mocked.

"I will show what is shocking."

I traded places with my clone who was underneath the land. Reaching out of the land, I grabbed Aoi's feet and executed Doton: Shinjū Zanshu no Jutsu. I pulled him into the ground, leaving only his head exposed, and then emerged from the ground in front of him.

When I didn't see Raijin no Ken anywhere, I knew he had replaced himself. Despite that, I still stepped on his face, revealing the log that had taken his place. My instinct suddenly flared and my insane reflex took over my body. Thanks to it, I managed to avoid ten fire bolts that would have stunned me if they had hit me.

"Tch. Annoying kid."

Aoi raised his lightning sword, causing the strewn weapons on the ground to float. The magnetic field produced by the sword allowed him to control them. He sent the weapons flying to me. I erected an earth wall to block them. When the weapon assault stopped, I heard a crackling sound. That caused me to enter the ground. His lightning would get through my earth wall given the amount of metals stuck to it.

While he was busy striking the earth wall with lightning, I emerged from the ground, a couple of meters from him. He didn't notice me as he enjoyed frying a child too much. Going through a series of hand seals, I used Suiton: Mizurappa. Aoi was immediately alerted, but he couldn't avoid the water attack.

Zap! Zap! Zap!


He shouldn't have skipped his physics class; he would have known that water was a conductor if he hadn't. It was hilarious seeing him stunned by his weapon. It stopped when he cut his Chakra from the weapon.

I created a shadow clone and told him to retrieve Raijin no Ken from Aoi. The Nukenin did his best to get up as the sword landed in my clone's hands. Lightning crackled from his hands and the water helped him transmit it to my clones. He managed to dispel my clone, but it was useless. I already had the sword in my hands.

Aoi cursed and punched the ground in fury. I would be pissed too if my stupidity cost me treasured possession. Coming to his side with Shunshin, I kicked the back of his head, rendering him unconscious. Immediately, my tardy Jōnin Sensei appeared beside me.


Honorary Mention:

Daoist Mufasa

Faisal Salih

Florin Durbaca


Jamaul Pryor

Luck George