There is Something About Him

10 advanced chapters on my Patreon: Fiction Haven


[Yamanaka Ino's POV]

"Uzumaki Naruto, huh? That kid is interesting. A lot of Jōnin have been talking about him recently. That smug Kakashi can never stop bragging about him whenever we have a meeting."

Asuma-sensei grumbled after I had asked him a simple question: "How is Uzumaki Naruto like?" I had asked him that question since I expected him to know more about Naruto-kun given his status as a Jōnin. However, I didn't expect him to reveal that Naruto-kun was famous among the Jōnin. It made me even more curious about him.

"I know that Naruto-kun has been smart lately, but that is not the reason why he is famous, right?" I asked, causing Asuma-sensei to look down at me with a chuckle.

"The kid has been smart from the very beginning. He intentionally became the lowest-ranked graduate to be paired with Uchiha Sasuke. He said that he thought only Sasuke could stimulate his growth. However, from Kakashi's report, it is apparent that Naruto prefers to train by himself as he has outgrown his teammates. The kid is an enigma."

Wow. I knew that Naruto-kun was amazing from Sakura's story. She had always bragged about her team's mission whenever we met. She often bragged about Naruto-kun instead lately, though. I guessed having a good teammate would make you do that. Oh, I wished my teammates would be as useful as Naruto-kun or Sasuke-kun.

"He is good, but that isn't supposed to attract the Jōnin's attention, isn't that?" Shikamaru drawled out from his spot on the ground.

"Well, there are many things, but I can't spill that, can I? But I can tell you one of the reasons." Asuma-sensei smirked. "He has a very good relationship with the Land of Snow's Daimyō."

"Ah! It's that actress Kazahana Koyuki, right!?" I shouted.

"Uh… yeah," Asuma-sensei confirmed, startled by my tone.


Asuma-sensei waved his hand. He turned to my teammates and then invited us to eat Yakiniku. We always did that at the end of our training. As we walked there, my mind recalled what Sakura had told me about what had happened in the Land of Snow. I knew what that woman did to Naruto-kun, but I thought it was just a token of appreciation. I mean, princesses do that to thank the knights who save them, right?

I didn't expect that it went deeper than that. Wasn't that woman eighteen or something? Wasn't she too old for Naruto-kun? Then again, Naruto-kun looked mature enough to date an eighteen-year-old. But still, shouldn't her conscience scream at her to not put her hands on children?

"Sensei, don't you think it is weird that a Daimyō showing such strong interest in a Genin?" I asked, hoping Asuma-sensei to agree with me.

"You are an adult the moment you become a Ninja, Ino. Besides, Naruto and Kazahana-sama are not that far apart in age."

Unfortunately, he disappointed me.

"So, I can be courted by someone as old as you and no one will bat an eyelash?"

Asuma-sensei's mouth twitched. "I am only 27 years old. I am not old, you brat. But to answer your question, consent matters. Naruto would stay away from Kazahana-sama if he feels comfortable."

"But what if he was threatened?"

"No one is stupid enough to threaten a Konoha Ninja, Ino," Shikamaru retorted. "Besides, that blonde is not the type to be threatened."

Before I knew it, we had arrived at the Yakiniku restaurant. Time flew quickly whenever I was thinking about Naruto-kun.

"Can I sit beside you, so I can sit across from Sasuke-kun?"

"I will do you one better, Haruno. You can sit across from Sasuke and I will be in a different booth."

"I am with Naruto in this case."

"What!? Sensei, not you too! All of you need to socialize more!"

Before we entered the restaurant, an interesting conversation attracted my attention. My eyes lit up in excitement as I turned to face Naruto-kun and his team. He was walking beside Kakashi-sensei with his trademark apathetic look. Sakura was on his side meanwhile Sasuke-kun was on Kakashi-sensei's left.

"Ah, Ino."

"Hi, guys! Are you eating here also?"

"No," Naruto-kun immediately denied. "We got lost. Let's go find another restaurant, Kakashi-sensei."

Knowing his tendency to avoid socialization, I jumped in front of him and grasped his hand. A grimace flashed across his face as he realized that he wouldn't be able to get away.

"Don't be like that, Naruto-kun! It has been two weeks since I last saw you. Where have you been?" I asked cheerfully.

"I just got back from a diplomatic mission in the Land of Snow. I need a rest."

"You need food! Come in!"

Under everyone's eyes, I dragged Naruto-kun inside. I saw a flash of an uncomfortable look on Sakura's face, but it might be my imagination. Maybe, she was just weirded out that I gave her the chance to be together with Sasuke-kun, but I wouldn't blame her. I would have been surprised too if I still had my eyes on Sasuke-kun.

Be grateful, Sakura!


[Haruno Sakura's POV]

I thought sitting beside Sasuke-kun would make my stomach flutter like it used to, but it didn't. I thought Ino was acting, but she wasn't. I wondered if she had given up on Sasuke-kun because she had realized that she couldn't beat me. However, seeing the way she acted around Naruto, I guessed she had found someone else.

I should be happy that I would no longer have a rival, but I wasn't. On the contrary, I felt weird. I felt like scolding Ino for leaning too closely on Naruto. That was weird. I was sure I didn't have any feelings toward Naruto. I turned to Sasuke-kun just to make sure. Yup, he was as handsome as the day I met him for the first time. But… Naruto was handsome too.

I shook my head to dispel any wild thoughts. Since Naruto stopped acting like an idiot, it had been enjoyable spending time with him. I believe Sasuke-kun also felt the same. Our team was inseparable. Maybe, I was just afraid that his time with us would greatly be reduced if he and Ino became a thing. Yes, that must be it.

"Naruto, are you up for Jutsu training later?" Sasuke-kun asked, garnering everyone's attention, including Kakashi-sensei and Asuma-sensei.

"Well, it has been some time since we did that, hasn't it?" Naruto remarked with a contemplative look. "I guess it won't hurt. Uchiha Compound, right?"


"Hey! I thought you would be busy after this!" Ino exclaimed indignantly.

"Yes, and I will be busy training with Sasuke later."

Sasuke-kun smirked as Naruto showed his annoying oblivious smile to Ino. For some reason, seeing Ino's defeated look felt satisfying.

"I will make it up to you." Naruto smiled, genuinely this time. I could tell by how small it was. "It's just not now. I need some alone time."

"But you are going to train with Sasuke-kun," Ino pointed out.

Naruto put his hand on Ino's head and rubbed it gently. "That is the point. Sasuke is not loud like you."

"Oh… hey, are you insulting me?"

Naruto remained silent, flashing his small smile while rubbing Ino's head. I felt annoyed again. Maybe, it was because they were being chummy in front of me and Sasuke-kun. I wanted Sasuke-kun to do that to me too. But strangely, I didn't feel like it. It was strange.


[Uchiha Sasuke's POV]

Uzumaki Naruto was weird. He used to be an obnoxious brat who challenged me at every chance he could get. Now, he was a quiet and secretive person who kept things mostly to himself. He didn't make any effort to socialize. He was better than me in everything but didn't brag about it to anyone like I thought he would.

He reminded me of that person. I kept getting angry whenever I remembered that person, but I was not the boy I used to be months ago. Naruto's words after he beat me on our spar that day snapped me out of my foolish dream. Aim higher. Making Itachi my goal showed just how insignificant I was compared to him. I needed to show Itachi that he was beneath me.

I was still going to kill Itachi, but he was no longer my goal. My goal was to make no one would follow in his footsteps. Naruto was right. As soon as I changed my mindset, my improvement had been leaps and bounds. Although, I had to admit that he played a great role in my improvement. Our training sessions had never failed to give me satisfying results.


The great fireball that Naruto had just shot out of his mouth awakened me from my musing. We were at the dock, training our fire release just like what I used to do with Itachi. Naruto was just as good as Itachi was, but I wouldn't say that. I didn't want him to know how I looked up to him.

"Well, it strangely feels therapeutic," he remarked as he sat on the dock.

"Is Fire your Chakra Affinity?" I asked.

"I haven't checked. I don't see any benefit in finding that out."

"You can train using Jutsu that utilizes your primary affinity and reach your full potential."

"If you can train everything, why do you train only a few? People with dense Chakra like me shouldn't limit myself like that." He turned to me and looked at me stoically. "We have to utilize everything we have in our hands, Sasuke. I exhaust my Chakra mastering new Jutsu every day and you can copy as many Jutsu as you can with your Sharingan."

"But I can't master them as fast as you do," I muttered bitterly.

"That's why we train."

Naruto jumped off the dock and stood on the water. I wasn't surprised. He had shown that to me two weeks ago. He had also taught me how to do it.

"Let's spar."

I was not sure if I could already do that, but I jumped onto the lake, regardless. I was already used to failing training with Naruto. I wobbled lightly as I stood on the water, but Naruto didn't laugh at me. He smiled lightly in appreciation.

It reminded me of the brother I used to have. Damn it.


Honorary Mention:

Daoist Mufasa

Faisal Salih

Florin Durbaca


Jamaul Pryor

Luck George

Zion X