The Waves Liberation (5)

10 advanced chapters on my Patreon: Fiction Haven


[Yuki Haku's POV]

I glared at the kowtowing boy before me heatedly. I couldn't believe what he had just done. What kind of lunatic doubted someone's gender? I knew I shouldn't lie about my gender, but he didn't have any right to do that. I growled as I grounded my foot on the ground. I felt violated. It wasn't pleasant. I wanted to choke the boy to death, but I couldn't. He genuinely felt bad. I could see that he was sincerely upset with himself.

"What would you do if I were truly a boy?" I asked, reining in my anger.

"I would know how it feels to kiss a cute guy and we will both laugh it off. Ah, there is a chance you wouldn't be happy with the kiss, but nothing a good fistfight between boys wouldn't solve," the boy answered without lifting his head.

I sighed. The boy was something else. I hated him for what he did and I felt like I should pay him back. However, hurting him was not in my mind. I couldn't bring myself to harm a boy who was just genuinely curious. But then, he had harassed me. I should be livid, but that kiss did stir something inside me.

Gah! No, I shouldn't think about that. Is this what people call the pretty privilege? I wouldn't have hesitated to pummel Naruto-kun if he wasn't good-looking.

It was frustrating, so I told him to get up.

"I will do anything you tell me if that means you will forgive me," Naruto-kun said without getting up.

"I know. Just get up!" I urged without any heat.

He got up instantly, cleaning the dust that got to him. He ran a hand through his hair, distracting me as I saw his muscle flex.

"Kuhum!" I cleared my throat to rid my mind of any unnecessary thoughts. "You say that you will do anything I say, don't you?"

"Yup," he confirmed with a nod.

"Then, show me yours."

"Heh… that is lewd, Haku-chan."

I kept my face stoic even as he shot me a teasing smile. It was charming, but that didn't make me retract my words. He might think I was joking because of the blood heating my cheeks, but I wasn't joking. He needed to feel what I had felt.

"You are being serious," he half-stated, half-asked.

When silence greeted him, his cheeks reddened slightly. I couldn't help smirking at that, but he quickly schooled his features. He looked like he was going to fight on the battlefield. His stoic look reminded me of his face when he faced Zabuza-sama.

He wordlessly pulled down his pants. Much to my horror, he took everything off. I only wanted him to show me his underwear. I didn't mean to make him show me the appendage between his groin. My face heated up as I looked at it in fascination. I had seen its illustration in medical books, but I never saw the real one. It was a lot bigger than I imagined.

I eventually couldn't hold my embarrassment anymore, so I covered my eyes and screamed, "Put your pants on! I have seen enough."

"Heh. Did you like what you saw?"

I could feel his smirk, but I couldn't glare at him. He would tease me to no end if he saw how red my face was.

"Well, I will leave you alone. I bet you need time to process what just happened."

His words caused the blood on my cheeks to calm down. I uncovered my face as the warmth in my cheeks disappeared.

"Again, I am sorry. I just couldn't believe a boy could be so pretty," he bowed sincerely. "Uh… what I did was inexcusable, but I hope we could be in an amiable friendship again."

Naruto-kun extended his hand. I looked at the offered hand and thought about what he said. It was ironic to hear your enemy offer you an amiable friendship. As weird as it sounded, it was weirder than the fact that he had assaulted me. I sighed and looked at him solemnly. We could never be friends. The next time we met, we might decide who would live and die.

"I am also extending my hand to Zabuza."

My eyes widened.

"Gato is making us dance in his palms. Ninjas might be tools, but I am sure Zabuza doesn't want to be used by a powerless guy."

He knew from the beginning. Even so, the worst thing he did to me was make sure of my gender by molesting me.

"We will see what happens," I replied, shaking his hand.

"All right. Bye, Haku-chan."

The wind swished lightly and he was gone. I could no longer feel his presence. My eyes idly looked at the surroundings. That brought me to a glaring realization. We were outmatched. Naruto-kun could have ended both of us on our first encounter. He was giving us a chance.

Decision made; I ran back to the cottage we stayed.


[Uzumaki Naruto's POV]

That was a wild experience. I had thought Haku had been joking initially. I guessed it was not that weird in this harsh world to demand such a thing. It was tame compared to castration. I had expected her to demand castration, so I had prepared to coerce her into giving it up. Good thing, she didn't ask such a thing. Still, I felt a little bit violated. I guessed it was fair.

Before long, my feet brought me back to Tazuna's house. It was empty since everyone was busy doing their things. Kurenai was training her students and Kakashi was doing the same. I wondered why they didn't bother looking for me. However, I was glad they didn't. Kakashi no longer had anything to teach me other than Jutsu.

I was about to cook for myself when Tsunami revealed that she had put aside my portion since I couldn't have breakfast with them. I thanked her and then ate my meal at the table. She struck up a conversation, asking me how the life of a Shinobi was like a typical curious mother. I gave her a glimpse of the harsh life of a Shinobi. The things she heard made her look uncomfortable.

A flurry of memories entered my brain as the clones I had tasked to investigate the bandits' hideout dispelled themselves. The bandits turned out to have more than one hideout. What my clones found inside was not pleasant. They didn't only force their ways with adult women, but also young girls and kids. Immoral I might be, I couldn't condone that.

I bade Tsunami goodbye and headed out to the hideout that held the most hostages. Three punks guarded the building like they were hot shit. The building was away from the citizen's residence, so I killed the two with kunai. I pulled my kunai out of their heads before entering the building. Someone spotted me and I slit his throat to before he could say anything.

I climbed up the stairs and checked out each room the building had. Most of them were filled with stuff. Some of them contained two to five people whom I quickly killed. The rest of the rooms were filled with scums violating women and children alike. The look the victims gave me after I killed those bastards burned my righteous spirit brighter.

After cleaning all of the rooms upstairs, I went down to the basement. It was where the women and children were mostly kept. My ears were assaulted with anguished wails and pained moans. The hostages were begging the trash to stop what they were doing. None of the waste-of-spaces listened. They laughed at their victim's misery.


My tantō hummed as I cut one of the bastards' neck. The laughter stopped and all of them stopped whatever they were doing. Those who were on top of their victims hastily stood up, scrambling for their weapons with their genitals dangling between their legs—those who already had their weapons charged at me. I easily ended their lives.


Blood quickly colored the ground red. I intentionally cut them in the places that would make them bleed the most. I could have bisected all of them with one swing imbued with Wind Chakra, but I didn't. There was a morbid satisfaction in listening to their wails of pain.

Before long, only groans and muffled choking sounds filled the room. I flicked the blood covering my hand and then ran a hand through my hair to fix it. I turned my gaze to the naked hostages outside the cage. They were looking at me both in awe and fear. I put on a reassuring smile before giving them the blankets I found on the second floor.

Creating six shadow clones, I told them to help the hostages. I needed to clean myself before I returned. After I cleaned myself, I set up a seal that covered the building with a Genjutsu. Before the eyes of the thugs, this building would look as lively as usual. They wouldn't notice a single thing off even if they entered the building. 

When I got out of the building, the hostages who I had saved looked at me with gratitude. They had been waiting for me to thank me instead of immediately getting home. That was a good thing since I needed to tell them something. From the memories I received from my clones, they hadn't told the hostages anything about it.

"I need you to not leave your house for the next three days. Also, make sure the people who see you don't talk about you."

They nodded in understanding. I didn't need to tell them what would happen if they disobeyed.


Honorary Mention:


Daoist Mufasa

Deividas Seputis

Florin Durbaca

Jamaul Pryor

Joseph Hollon

Luck George

Luis Fabiano

Zion X