The Waves Liberation (End)

"Kirigakure no Jutsu!"

I cursed under my breath as Zabuza used that I accursed Jutsu. My view of the surroundings was immediately obstructed by the mist. My senses were also dulled as the Chakra in the air hampered me from sensing Zabuza's presence. I looked around vigilantly as I crossed my arms. I gripped my kunai tightly.

"If you think I can't do anything without Kubikiri Bōchō, you are sorely mistaken," Zabuza said somewhere in the mist. "I am called the Demon of the Mist for a reason."

My instinct screamed at me, prompting me to twist my body. A blade swished past me, missing me for a few centimeters. My jaw tightened. Zabuza didn't have to wield Kubikiri Bōchō to kill me. He was a talented swordsman; he could kill me with any sword. I sneakily created a clone and masked myself with Genjutsu. I walked a distance from my clone as quietly as I could.

It was going so smoothly that it made me worry. I had cast a lot of Genjutsu on Zabuza on our first fight. He shouldn't be fooled easily.


My suspicion turned out to be true. I only felt a light wind brush past me before the bandages covering my body dropped to the ground. I was lucky that my reflex was decent. If I had reacted a millisecond later, my stomach would have been cut open.

"Genjutsu can't easily fool me in this mist. Unlike wind, the mist movement is noticeable. I can easily tell if something is wrong from the mist. You have to—"

Zabuza stopped talking as my Genjutsu got to him. His eyes glazed and his body went stiff. He was seeing me fighting him in his mind. He shouldn't have shown himself and talked to me. While maintaining the Genjutsu, I dashed to him. I slashed my kunai at his neck and then widened my eyes when he turned into water.

My battle instinct that had been honed for years screamed at me to roll. As I did, a sword struck the spot that I had occupied earlier. I quickly turned around to face him. I could see his smirk even though his mouth was hidden by his mask.

"I have told, haven't I? Genjutsu doesn't work on me."

"I guess I just have to rely on other Jutsu, then?" I scoffed. "Katon: Gokakyū no Jutsu!"

"Suiton: Mizurappa!"

My fireball clashed against his water jet. It was not a contest. My fireball easily won against him. However, I knew it didn't matter as the steam produced by the clash further hampered my vision. Technically, our visions were hampered, but I dare wager Zabuza could see in this state better than I did.

Jumping back, I threw some Shūriken in Zabuza's direction. My fireball might have won, but I highly doubted it managed to hurt him. Sure enough, I heard Shūriken being deflected. I abruptly stopped jumping back when the clanging sounds stopped. Spinning on my heels, I delivered a roundhouse kick to Zabuza.


He easily blocked it with one arm.

"Strength is not your forte, girl," he sneered.

I quickly retracted my leg and fortified my stance to block his incoming swing. My arms trembled as I blocked his sword. As I was about to retreat, he shot a water bullet to my face. I had no time to retreat, so it hit me straight in the face. My arms lost their strength after the attack. Zabuza easily buried his sword into my body.

Unfortunately for him, he had only managed to kill my Genjutsu. Removing the shroud of Genjutsu covering me, I shot at him and thrust my kunai into his back. much to my glee, it didn't turn into a water clone, this time. Unfortunately, it wasn't enough to kill him. He turned to me with widened eyes. It was my clue to retreat.

As I retreated, he flashed through tens of hand seals.

"Suiton: Suiryūdan no Jutsu!"

A water dragon came flying at me. I helplessly used Katon: Gokakyū no Jutsu to stop it for a moment. My Jutsu wouldn't win against it, but it gave me enough time to dodge. Steam filled the air as I dodged to the side. Ignoring the heat burning my skin, I dashed in Zabuza's direction. I had no other choice than to engage in a close quarter.

He had been injured. I should be able to hold him off until help came. Unsurprisingly, Zabuza had expected me to face him head-on. He swung his sword at me, forcing me to block. We exchanged blow after blow, moving around as we did. I used Genjutsu on my sword to catch him off guard, but his reflex wasn't impaired by his vision.

"Genjutsu users are dead if you figure out their Genjutsu. During the war, you guys are worth as much as cannon fodders."

It was insulting, but I couldn't bring myself to retort. I was losing my strength. Zabuza had cut me in a lot of places, but I had only grazed his skin. Both of us were bleeding, but I bled more than he did. I was simply outclassed.

"Ah, can you hear that? Haku and your students no longer make a sound," Zabuza grinned. "They are dead."

My eyes widened as my mind wandered to the state of my students. That moment of distraction was what Zabuza needed to deliver a fatal blow to my stomach. I managed to take a step back, but it mattered little. My abdomen was still cut open and I had to clutch it, so my organs didn't spill.


I was quite shocked by the amount of blood spilling to the ground. As expected of Zabuza, he had managed to cut a major artery. I sprawled on the ground, no longer having enough strength to fight. I was busy sustaining my life, which would be ended at any moment. I didn't only fail as a Jōnin but also as a teacher. What an embarrassing state to leave this world.

"Be glad. You will forever be remembered as the Kunoichi who was killed by Zabuza of the Demon of the Mist."

"Embarrassing," I chuckled humorously.

I watched in despair as Zabuza swung his sword downward. As painful as it was, I had to watch the moment I died. The scene passed slowly in slowly. It was as if the world was mocking me. I anticipated the pain when Zabuza's sword was a few centimeters away from my neck. However, instead of moving closer, it retreated.

It pulled back so fast that I forced myself to look up to see what was happening. Zabuza was being yanked by the collar. When he was slammed into the ground, I saw who did it. Not many people had such bright blond hair. Once again, Naruto-san saved me.

"Your obsession with Kurenai-san is creepy, you know?" Naruto-san said as Zabuza stood up and retreated.

"Uzumaki Naruto," Zabuza spat spitefully. "Give me back my Kubikiri Bōchō."

"It's finders keepers, bitch. You are not going to get that back."

"Then, I will just have to kill you!"


Zabuza appeared in front of Naruto-san in the blink of an eye, but instead of focusing on blocking the attack, he turned to look at me.


"My clone will heal you, but I just want you to know that I am new to Iryō Jutsu. I assure you I won't kill you, but it might hurt."

He had casually blocked Zabuza without even looking. Zabuza looked even more serious than when he was fighting me. Uzumaki Naruto was not a Genin, I decided. I guessed it would only make sense. He had a poor record in the academy as if he wasn't even trying, but as soon as he got out of the academy, he became the top Genin that every Jōnin talked about.

He had been hiding his strength. It was slowly revealed, creating an illusion as if he was improving at a monstrous rate.


Another clash pulled me out of my thoughts. It was at this moment that I registered the prickling sensation in my stomach. Looking up, I found Naruto-san's clone practicing Shōsen Jutsu on me. I could handle so much surprise. I kept quiet and watched the fight between him and Zabuza.


"You know, Zabuza, I think I like this sword of yours. It's unnecessarily heavy, but the damage it deals is satisfactory."

The fight was coming to an end. Zabuza was supporting himself with his sword while clutching his stomach. His torso was cut in various places. On the other hand, Naruto-san remained unscathed. He was barely even winded. He held Kubikiri Bōchō on his shoulder as if it weighed nothing. At this moment, he looked more like a Demon than Zabuza did.

"I will make it less painful if you agree to surrender now."

"Like I would!"

Naruto-san sighed. "Listen, Gato is dead. I have also exterminated his goons. You don't need to fight anymore. If you want money, I can give half of your payment from Gato's stash."

"I will only stop once I am dead," Zabuza spat, holding his sword in his hands.

Naruto-san shrugged and threw Kubikiri Bōchō to the side, planting it on the bridge. He extended his hand and created a ball of spinning Chakra on his palm. I knew what it was. Kushina-sensei often bragged about the Jutsu that her husband, Yondaime-sama had created. Realization hit me like a brick.



He instantly appeared before Zabuza and drove the Jutsu into his abdomen. Zabuza's body bent before it shot into the distance. Naruto-san sighed as he ran his hand through his hair. The mist in the surroundings dissipated. He turned his gaze to the side and smiled faintly. I followed his line of sight and heaved a sigh of relief.

"Congrats on getting another tomoe," he said.

"You are late to the party," Sasuke scoffed good-naturedly.

My students were battered and bloody. They looked worse for wear but they were breathing. Sasuke had a lot of senbon sticking to his back, but he could stand just fine. Looking at his spinning Sharingan, I was sure he was the one who had defeated Zabuza's aide.

The last of his clan and the son of the man whose genius no one could rival—Team 7 was truly made out of something.


Honorary Mention:


Daoist Mufasa

Deividas Seputis

Florin Durbaca

Jamaul Pryor

Joseph Hollon

Luck George

Luis Fabiano

Zion X