Sacrificial Lambs (End)

10 advanced chapters on my Patreon: Fiction Haven


Dinner time came in the blink of an eye. I was sitting at the dining table, right beside Tsunade, when Shizune opened the door for Sarutobi and Konohamaru to enter. I could hear Konohamaru enthusiastically asking where I was. That kid was always full of energy. Unfortunately, it was rarely endearing for me.

When Sarutobi walked into the dining room, he gave me an appreciative nod. I returned the nod politely. Konohamaru greeted with a wide grin. I smiled lightly and greeted him back. Gesturing at his grandfather, I told him to sit down and behave. He listened to my words obediently. This was why I didn't get rid of Konohamaru. He was a good lad.

"You two look like business partners instead of a student and a teacher," Tsunade commented as Shizune poured tea for everyone.

"Apprenticeship is a business if you think about it. Sarutobi-sensei doesn't get paid with money, in this case, but he gets a far more valuable payment from me: my loyalty," I explained.

"How old are you again?" Tsunade asked with a helpless tone.

"27 in spirit and 14 in physique," I answered professionally.

I meant it, but Tsunade only scoffed in amusement. I didn't try to correct her. Jiraiya joined us a minute later, sitting beside Sarutobi. When everyone was properly seated, we prayed for the food and then picked up our utensils to eat. I enjoyed every bite of the food since I cooked it. It suited my palate and everyone seemed to have the same reaction.

Sarutobi initiated mundane talks. I rarely chimed in, letting Tsunade and Jiraiya respond to him. Shizune also remained quiet beside Tsunade. She might have talked to me if she had sat beside me, but she didn't. I wish I could be her, but I wasn't so lucky. Konohamaru kept forcefully engaging me in a conversation.

He mostly asked about what cool Jutsu I could teach him. The kid could already graduate from the academy with the Jutsu I had taught him, so I said he had nothing more to learn. He pouted, so I told him to learn Taijutsu and Bukijutsu to improve himself. He easily agreed and asked when I would be free. It was a blunder on my side.

"I should have time before the Chūnin exam's finals." 

"Yay! I will train with Naruto-nii!"

I chuckled wryly at his enthusiastic reaction. The scene seemed to amuse the adults as they giggled at our interaction.

"Anyway, Nii-san, do you have any cool stories to share?"

"Cool stories, eh? None of my stories is cool at the moment."

I crossed my arms with a contemplative look.

"Eh? You saved Princesses and countries, but you don't think that's cool?"

"There is nothing cool in beating weaklings, Konohamaru."

Konohamaru looked at me in disbelief. I blinked at his reaction. I felt like he was questioning my sanity for my comment. The brat must be thinking I was a bad judge of what was cool. Little kids always act like they have the world figured out.

"Well, Naruto has a very screwed standard. You should've asked him about his boring missions and he might tell you something interesting," Tsunade said with a chuckle.

"I thought you were on my side," I said with a faux glare.

Everyone at the table chuckled. I didn't find it funny, but I thought the atmosphere was worthy to be enjoyed, so I allowed a small smile to creep up my face. When the dinner was done, Sarutobi sent me a cryptical look. I immediately created a shadow clone and sent Konohamaru away with him. When they were out of the vicinity, the atmosphere turned solemn.

"The entourage from Suna would arrive at Konoha tomorrow," Sarutobi began. "The participants of the Chūnin Exam are the children of the Kazekage. One of them is the Jinchūriki of the village. I want you to investigate him. Figure out if he is a flight risk."

"Are you asking me to make sure his seal is proper?" I asked curiously.

"No. That matter is not our concern," Sarutobi shook his head. "I just want you to make sure he is stable enough not to unleash his tenant inside Konoha."

"I can kill him if you want."

My words seemed to shock everyone. Tsunade sent me an uncomfortable look. Jiraiya smiled wryly at me meanwhile Sarutobi looked at me bitterly. I frowned lightly. I couldn't understand why they seemed shocked. Killing was part of our life.

"As long as we have a solid alibi, no one will blame us for killing Suna's Jinchūriki," I explained.

"It's not about that, Naruto," Jiraiya chastised lightly. "It's just quite sad to hear you immediately suggest a murder. It's like you don't even consider a solution where bloodshed is not required."

"I am just being practical, Jiraiya," I retorted. "Please, don't mistake me with those mindless bastards who kill meaninglessly. I kill with a purpose."

Sarutobi drank his tea and then muttered, "Once you kill enough, you will wonder if those kills were necessary."

I didn't understand them. In a world where killing was a must to survive, I couldn't get why they were trying so hard to instill a righteous mindset in me. Our moral compass worked just as well as a compass surrounded by magnetic fields. We couldn't rely on morality in this world. Pragmatism was what brought everyone this far.

Delusional. All of them were delusional to think that we could still be a saint after all of the things we did. We smiled at the children of our village, but that smile was a sneer to the enemy whom we killed. We could hear our people cheer, but we could only get it by making the battlefield full of anguished wails of our enemies.

It was wicked, but it was necessary. We couldn't be good people, but that was fine. We were killers and we had to accept it. We didn't need to be burdened by morality as long as our actions benefited the people behind us. Pragmatism is just.

Morning came in the blink of an eye. My mind was still replaying the conversation we had the night before as I stood on the bridge above the village's pond. At the end of the conversation, I realized that they worried about my being a mindless killer. That was a ludicrous notion, so I assured them it wouldn't happen. Still, I couldn't erase the bitter look on their faces. It was annoying, to say the least.

Chucking the thought to the back of my head, I looked around. My teammates were nowhere in sight, which was a surprise. I guessed they had learned from Kakashi's habit. I would have also come late if we weren't going to talk about the Chūnin Exam today. Kakashi would come on time and my teammates would get an earful from him.


Speak of the devil and he may come. Kakashi stood beside me and leaned on the arch. He didn't say anything as he took out his orange book. Seeing that my teammates wouldn't appear any time soon, I took out Minato's Fūinjutsu notes and read them. I was still developing Hiraishin no Jutsu. A couple of minutes worth of reading would prove to be fruitful.

"W- What? You guys are here already!?"

"Hn… what is the occasion?"

My teammates came when I was getting to the good part, causing me to frown lightly. Kakashi seemed to be in the same predicament as he sighed forlornly. We stored our respective books and then greeted the two Genin.

"Yo," we said in unison.

Sasuke looked up and hummed, "It is going to rain. Naruto and Kakashi are getting along."

"Ah, right. No wonder I feel so cold," Sakura chimed in, nodding in agreement.

Ignoring the barbs, Kakashi announced, "Chūnin Exam will come in three days. I have recommended the three of you, but you may not come if you are not sure of your capability."

"Chūnin Exam…" Sakura muttered. "We are going to be a Chūnin!"

"If we pass, that is," Sasuke pointed out with a smirk. "But we will."

"Very pessimistic, aren't we, Sasuke?" I remarked.

"If we don't pass, no one shall."


Their abilities as a Genin were above average. They should easily pass. In Sakura's case, though, she had to remain as a Chūnin for quite a long time since she had a very small amount of Chakra. Sasuke could advance quickly to Jōnin as long as he kept his destructive tendency in check and didn't side with Orochimaru.

"Anyway, here is the form." Kakashi handed us three pieces of paper. "Come to the academy at 8 on Saturday. Don't be late if you want to register yourself. Bye!"

Occupying Kakashi's previous spot was a swirl of leaves. I kept the application and my teammates mimicked my action.

"Do you want to train?" Sasuke asked.

"I will join you guys!" Sakura exclaimed.

"Sure," I shrugged. "But I have to see someone first."

My teammates nodded in acceptance. I let Kurama's innate talent lead me to the vilest Chakra in the village. My teammates were closely following. I could tell they were curious, but none of them asked me anything. They had learned to respect my privacy.

Before long, I found my target standing on a tree branch, shadowed by the lush leaves. He was watching over his siblings until Kurama decided to be a jerk by sending his wave of killing intent to the poor lad. Gaara's eyes opened widely as he turned his gaze to me. I looked past him and stared at the one staying inside him.

Shukaku shuddered under my dissecting gaze.