Chapter 12


June 15th 

Noah; alright then, for the time being, we'll use this abandoned building as our place of operation. Any objections?

Sakura; I think this place is a little worn down.

Kurai; yeah, I don't think we should be here very long.

Yuroichi; oh, calm down, it not like we'll be here for long right.

Noah; yeah, me and Kurai are going to speak with the police, when we're back we'll be home free.


Then a strange looking man in a long coat came into the building.

?; excuse me please, I was just passing by looking for directions. Could you show me to a rest stop?

Chad; yeah, you just go on the right and then…

Kurai; wait, if you wanted to ask for directions, why didn't you go to somewhere more public instead of an abandoned building.

?; eh, you caught me, I guess I'll have to go with plan B.


And suddenly, and explosion was heard throughout the town, as the abandoned building, collapsed.


The Tsukuyomi clan, is today one of the most influential clans in the entire world. During the 1600's they were known as a peaceful clan, which would provide aid to villagers who would pass by their territory from time to time, however that all changed when a secret deal was made between the clan head and a shady contractor one night. The next morning the clan was taken over by a band of assassins or shinobi as they were sometimes called, or so people assumed, but the truth was the head of the clan allowed it to happen and made a deal with the assassins to spit the power within the clan, the two strongest would be the clan head and the Grand assassin who was the leader. And over the centuries they were either two or a single person, depending on the situation and one could always step down, but could never get back again. 

The Assassins then gave themselves the name Black rose, and for centuries used the Tsukuyomi clan as a cover up for their nefarious deeds.


Tsukuyomi clan estate secret meeting area a few days prior…

Sihai; I believe all is going as planed? 

Honda; why would they not be? I told you this from the beginning, I'll handle the outside while you'll handle the in.

Sihai; you're acting so full of yourself.

?; you both sit down and shut up. Obviously this would work, it was all part of my plan after all.

Honda; of course, clan head, all was according to your plan.


The clan head was man who was in his twenties and was an alcoholic who would drink several bottles a day. His name was Dopo.

Dopo; cousin, what do you think about how all of this has gone?

Hamato; excellently, in fact, within the next few days we would have all of japan in the palm of our hands.

Dopo; good. Now…

At that point, Dopo felt dizzy and went to rest.

Honda; well played. You've just set yourself up to be the next head.

Sihai; that was too easy, now with any luck, he'll be dead in just a few hours. 

Hamato; excellent, with him out of the way nothing can interfere.

Sihai; don't speak like you have any ground to speak. Even though you are a former clan head.

Hamato; I wouldn't dream of it, my special.

Honda; now, to celebrate, mind if I entertain you for the night?

Sihai; fell free to. Just remember what would happen to you in the morning.

Honda; *laugh* you'll never change.

Hamato; and that's exactly why I like you.


Present day;

It's been 2 years after the spree of kidnapping began nation-wide, there have been a total of 5,000 people who have been abducted and 80% of this are children ranging from ages 5-17, though in the past 2 years, only 10 of them where recovered, however there has been little to no progress in the search of the remaining victims. In other news; after the recent death of Dopo Tsukuyomi, the ex-head of the Tsukuyomi clan, Sihai Tsukuyomi has now officially become, the head of the Tsukuyomi clan. And Honda Kisaki, CEO of New moon is allying with the Tsukuyomi clan and as we can see, he is shaking hands with Sihai Tsukuyomi in this recent clip. This morning, Honda announced that his company, with the help of the Tsukuyomi clan, will fund the search for the missing victims. We'll have more as the story develops.


Tom to Hamato; so when is everything going down?

Hamato; within a week or so.

Itona; I see, so when do we make our move? 

Hamato; before then.

Tom; alright then.

Tom then hung up the phone.

Itona; so when are you attacking?

Tom; tomorrow night.

Itona; you're seriously going to take your anger out on those guys?

Tom; we've been over this; I'm not changing my mind.

Itona; I know, I'm gona go talk to Jerry.

Jerry, who just saw the news on TV; not surprised the guy who screwed up the summit would be working with Tsukuyomi.

Jerry on the phone; Hey, Choki, when will you be back?

Choki; I'll be there by tomorrow evening.

Jerry; good. 

Jerry to Itona; everything's been set. 

Itona; so tomorrow night?

Jerry; yep! Everything's coming down.


That same evening…

Bachira was staring at the same photo from a few nights prior, it was the 1st time someone else had shown him kindness besides his mother. He keeps that photo with him, to bring him comfort in the memory and be as a reminder of what he's planed years for. He was an unapproachable person, filled with malice and hatred. And no surprise why, considering what he's been through, however that is what pushed him to his current position and gained respect within the clan.

Bachira; is everything ready Hanma?

Hanma; yes, sir all has been prepared as you've instructed. 

Bachira; and the shed? 

Hanma; prepped up the best we could, the only thing left is Maya, may I escort her out?

Bachira; …

If anything happens to her, I'll kill you with no hesitation.

Hanma; of course, I do owe you my life don't I? after all, I did rape you when you were still a child.

Bachira; and you still bring it up, now of all times. Never do so again, it's like you're trying to revive the trauma.

Hanma; as you wish sir.

Bachira; *I'm currently the strongest among the assassins, my fight with the no.1 proved just that, however it was good of me to throw in the match when I did, I didn't want to expose my new weapon too soon, else my short leash would be even shorter and that would seriously throw a wedge in my plan. * 


Tom's room…

Jerry to Tom; hey Dumbass, I hope you aren't going to do anything stupid are you?

Tom; Are you going to stop me?

Jerry; that's not why I'm here. Listen, I'm just as, no I'm even more angry than you right now, and for the past several days no less, so listen to me when I say this. 

Kick their ass, but do so smartly, alright?

Tom; alright, brother.

Jerry; good. Also, I was going to ask you to finally use grandpa's sword. But it seems you already got that covered.

Tom; it's for good luck. And it seems you never removed that ring.

Jerry; it's for luck.

Tom; when are you going to give the other one to Lisa?

Jerry; at the right time.

Tom; just don't wait too long, you never know what might happen. Don't make the same mistake as me.

Jerry; alright, brother.

The next afternoon.

Tom with Itona in front of the Tsukuyomi clan gate; ready?

Itona; never been more.

Tom; good, now let's end this.