
Cutting off my Redwood patch and my Minister or Diplomacy off of my cut using my Kabar knife when the Sign in System, sign in request popped up.

[Ding: please sign in to the sign in system.]

'Sign in.' I thought to myself and the confirmation notification appeared in my vision.

[1 box of Huggies Diapers 40 ct.]

'I really…really hope this isn't some hint about a baby being on the way.' I thought to myself while rubbing the bridge of my nose between my thumb and my index finger.

"Fucking foreshadowing…jump scares." I muttered to myself as I grabbed the large sewing needle and heavy thread.

Putting the needle through the old thread paths from the patches I removed, stitching my new Nomad status onto my cut thing off the new stitching, standing up from my bed in my apartment, thankfully Gemma changed the sheets and bedding for me while we had church earlier.

Walking out of my apartment taking one last look, feeling a rush of emotions rage within me as all my predecessor wanted to do was come back to this place, come back home…and I have those feelings now but I have my own too and as much as I want to be a part of a brotherhood and a family I need freedom as well.

"I guess it's official now." Jax said as he exited his apartment that was right beside my own.

"Yeah, you make a good V-P Jax. Don't worry I'll be home often enough and I'm getting a burner from Juice so I'll be a phone call away always brother." I replied to Jax and for the first time initiated a bro hug with one of these guys.

"I know, I just wish you were staying, losing you and Tara back to back was…while you know what it was, how hard that was for me, hell if it hadn't been for our visits, I don't know where I'd be right now." Jax replied to me making the bro hug a little bit tighter and if I didn't get my predecessor's brotherly bond and memories with him and Opie I might think they were gay for each other.

"I'll always be here for you brother, even a prison cell couldn't stop me from being there for you, now stop all this huggin and crying it's starting to feel gay." I comforted him in a brotherly way while feeling a bit uncomfortable which led me to joking with him.

"Hahaha, fuck you Vince." Jax playfully laughed and cursed at me while pushing me away.

"Sorry bro, don't swing that way but I'm sure Tig would let you do some shit to him." I joked and tilted my head to the side to dodge his mock punch while playfully pushing him making him fall on his ass and slide back a few feet.

"Damn bro, what the fuck kinda steroids you on?" Jax asked me with a smile on his face with a bit of shell shock in his eyes.

"I'm roid free man,There just wasn't much to do besides work out and work on cars in the shop for trade training." I replied to Jax while offering him a hand up which he took and I easily lifted his full weight like he was nothing.

"Here are my patches V-P, by Jax I'll call you when I reach L.A." I handed him my old patches and started walking off.

"Vince, wait." Jax called after me.

"Come on man, we said our goodbyes don't be that clingy bitch that won't let go." I joked with a smile on my face.

"Haha, fuck you man, no Op and I got a welcome home present for you. Come on with me to the garage man." Jax laughed at my messing with him playfully pushing on my shoulder as he told me to follow him walking through the clubhouse with the assembled guys raising their glasses or beer bottles to me in salute as I lazily waved over my shoulder to them, while following Jax out of the clubhouse.

Walking outside, seeing Opie standing on the other side of a brand new Harley-Davidson VRSCA V-Rod all blacked out badgeless looking sexy as hell.

"We weren't able to salvage your old pan head, so me an Opie have been putting aside money to get you a fast bike. Welcome home brother." Jax started telling to him and both Opie saying welcome home brother as we huddled and put our foreheads together and swung our arms around each other's shoulders.

"You guys are the best brothers." I said to them while also thinking about my little brother from my past life.

'Love you buddy I hope you're doing good and succeeding in everything you ever wanted and if not that you're fighting and clawing your way to doing so.' I thought to myself as I felt my eyes start to sting.

"Yeah we are." Opie joked while breaking the hug.

"I guess we should call it a welcome home and goodbye gift." Jax said his voice thick with emotion.

"Nope not goodbye, because I'll see you guys later." I said as I got on the bike started her revved the engine and then peeled out leaving the garage, the clubhouse and my brother's behind for now.

~~ — — — — — — — — — — — — ~~

'If it wasn't for my healing factor…I don't think I'd be able to ride this thing for even half as long as I have been, Harley-Davidson made a fast gorgeous drag bike when they made this baby but she definitely wasn't made with rider comfort in mind.' I thought to myself as I pulled into a gas station to fill the tank admiring the reaper on both sides of the tank that blended in well with the black paint and black chrome.

Filling my bike up with fuel all just under four gallons worth, the total coming to just over seven dollars.

Walking inside fueling up just in time for some Mayans to pull into the station and surround my bike.

Handing the guy at the register a ten before walking outside, seeing Alvarez and his two top guys standing together and waiting for me.

"Hey there Esa…pretty brave rolling through my territory, when your Puto friends are hurting my bottom line, by only selling guns to the niggers." Alvarez greeted me with his arms crossed over his chest and tucked underneath his arm pits.

"Pretty brave rolling up on me with only two butt buddies, Alvarez." I replied to him while getting ready to attack.

""Watch it Esa, it would be too bad if something were to happen to you so far away from home." Alvarez replied to me acting cocky while signaling his two cronies to stand down.

"Bigger, badder and better men and women have tried to bring me down wetback and all have failed, take your shot." I replied to him, making him smirk while letting his boys charge me.

Catching the one guy who was a little bit shorter than me but built pretty strongly flipping him over my head throwing him behind me.

While kicking the other guy's knee out hearing a snap, and the sound of a hammer being pulled back seeing Alvarez pointing a gun at my face.

"Puto!" I said while smirking at Alvarez who made an exasperated expression before trying to pistol whip me but I grabbed his arm and stopped it from descending.

"Such a weak little Spick, take your little El cancha's and get the fuck outta here before I decide to kill you in self defense." I spoke softly to Alvarez as I saw we'd attracted a bit of a crowd.

"Oh, and incase you're blind…I'm a nomad now so if you think about retaliating against SAMCRO because of your own stupidity, I'll dismantle the Mayans, then I'll move on to your family…that sweet little Mexican pussy of your old lady will get nice and stretched out by my gringo cock while you're kids will be shipped down to Mexico to be little drug mules for the cartel." I told him as ice ran through my veins as I crushed his wrist making him drop his piece and scream through his lips as he stared at me enraged.

"Sam Crow, doesn't go after women and kids." He finally said while staring me down.

"I'm no longer Sam Crow." I replied back to him while letting go of his wrist.

"Future reference, don't fuck with me I don't fuck with you I had a good relationship with your churo loving homies in Lompoc, let's have an amicable relationship out here Alvarez." I said calmly as I got on my bike revved up the throttle and waited half a second for Alvarez to decide whether or not he was gonna go for his gun before I started to move but then stopped for a second.

"My pops rollin with you guys now?" I asked him as an afterthought.

"No, he couldn't cut it with us Esa?" Alvarez said while showing me some respect.

"You know where he ran off to?" I asked him and he nodded.

"He's running with the White Nation now, out of L.A." Alvarez said to me while I nodded in reply to him as I drove off.

'Two birds one stone.' I thought to myself as I cruised down the street seeing a few Niners, Mayans and other bangers on my way through Oakland to get on the highway.

'What the fuck was that? Threatening his family…like that.' I thought to myself while feeling like shit but then remembering how he pulled up on me trying to intimidate me and how he was willing to kill me.

'This is the new me…time to get used to it.' I finally thought to myself as I let the road take my thoughts away from me and enjoyed the changing scenery.

~~ — — — — — — — — — — — — ~~

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Pulling into the parking lot of the Toretto's Market & Cafe finding that the garage door as the entrance was kind of a neat thing especially since it gave a good view of the counter, and Mia Torreto.

Seeing the young Jordana Brewster, wearing a pair of tight somewhat short jeans shorts and a white top that exposed more of her caramel skin.

Completely ignoring Dom who was coming over to greet me followed by his little crew until I saw Letty wearing figure hugging green carpenter pants with a black fishnet top and a plain black bra

'Bad Vincent bad no horny.' I mentally told myself jokingly as I got off my bike just in time for Dom to pull me into a tight brotherly hug.

"Damn Keller, I missed you, welcome home, Brother." Dom greeted me before letting me out of the hug and patting my back.

"Thanks Dom, I got released yesterday…it feels good to be out, though I can't shake the feeling that this is all just a temporary vacation." I said to the man who nodded and slung his arm over my shoulder and pulled me to his side.

"Alright let me introduce you to the family, that's Vince, this is Letty, that one there is Jessie…and Leon. And of course you met Mia already." Dom introduced me to the crew.

"Thanks for watching Dom's back." Letty said to me as she gave me a hug, before holding out her hand for a fist bump.

"We looked after each other, plus this guy turned me from a passable mechanic to a good one." I joked while pounding the offered fist.

"So you're that Vince." Vince said and I could hear the jealousy in his voice as he pretty much spat our shared name.

"Guess so, you must be Dom's best friend since fourth grade…nice to meet you Vince." I said to him as I offered my hand out to him which he took and then tried to squeeze with all of his strength to establish his dominance but failed as I tightened my grip enough to make him give a pained expression on his face.

"That's right I am and I protect Dom from making mistakes." Vince said as I released his hand.

"Pretty sure Dom can handle himself." I told him calmly while Jessie stepped forward nervously almost acting like and addict as he nervously scratched his head.

"H-hey man." Jessie greeted me nervously with a stutter.

"Hey Jessie, nice to meet you. I hear you're a wiz on the computer." I said in greeting to him offering him a fist bump.

Then Leon came closer and offered to shake my hand and I took it, shooting him a smile.

"Cool to meet you bro." Leon greeted me.

"Come on, let's get a beer and some grub." Dom said to me as he led me into the cafe.

"H-hey Vincent." Mia greeted me with a smile as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and smiled at me, making my heart pound in my chest.

"Hey Mia…I was going to reply to your letter but figured I'd come see you in person, hope it's okay." I said with a smile as leaned against the counter seeing Mia's smile become even brighter.

"And here I thought you came to take up my offer." Dom said with mock disappointment in his voice.

"Eh, that's an added bonus." I joked but didn't break eye contact with Mia whose smile managed to grow even wider at my reply to Dom.

'Thank you for giving me an avenue to Mia.' I mentally thanked my predecessor for making good headway into establishing a good relationship with Mia and her brother.

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