
Sitting down in an outdoor chair with Mia almost instantly sitting on my lap sideways.

"Do you remember the first time we met?" Mia asked me and flashes of her showing up in the hospital room I was sent to…or rather my predecessor was sent to after getting shived several times protecting Dom.

"Yeah, I'd just been medivaced to an actual hospital after saving Dom's ass from some angry Triad wannabes, the hospital or the prison had messed up and told you that you're brother was stabbed in a altercation, and was moved to the hospital to treat his severe injuries, only when you got to the hospital you found me his cellmate." I replied to Mia as I rested my left hand against the exposed skin of the small of her back as she leaned against my chest, resting her head against my shoulder.

"Heck, I think you were only eleven…but the way you rushed into the room was like a hurricane…I could probably be called a pedophile for saying this but you looked so beautiful and radiant, even though you were absolutely terrified." I told Mia who let out a small laugh while pressing her forehead against my neck.

"You covered for me with the officer and nurses, and claimed me as your little sister…I spent pretty much the whole week at the hospital holding your hand and worrying over you and Dom both." Mia replied to me softly and I noticed Letty and Dom watching us practically a mirrored reflection of us now except Dom was looking thirstily at other women.

"I developed my first crush that day in the hospital…you were so handsome and sweet to me." Mia continued to whisper after a very short pause.

"Am I still handsome?" I teasingly asked Mia who nuzzled her cheek against my shoulder while nodding and hmming.

"Mmm, you're passable." Mia replied in a moaning giggle.

"I'm going to bed…" Mia whispered to me softly before cupping my face and kissing me in a soft slow, slightly possessive kiss, before slowly reluctantly sliding from my lap, her throne, as she stood up she slowly slid her fingers off my face before turning to head to bed.

As soon as she walked away a bleach blonde Latina with big fake tits came over to try and flirt with me.

"Fuck off, I'm not interested in a hoe." I told her and turned to follow Mia into the house.

"Who do you think you callin a hoe?" She snarled at me while grabbing my arm which made me turn sharply and punch her in the stomach making her gasp and fall to her knees.

"You, don't ever put your hands on me again, do you understand bitch?" I asked while grabbing her face harshly and tilting her face so I could look in her eyes as she dry heaved and cried.

"Y-you'll p-pay for this, my brothers will kill you." She said to me as her entire body trembled in fear…or maybe anger but mostly fear as I noticed urine running down her thighs.

"If they try anything I'll kill them, cut them up into little pieces and then mail them back to you in pieces everyday little hoe." I growled softly while letting her go and walking into the house noticing Dom starting to follow after me but being stopped by Letty, who shook her head no and grabbed him by the hand leading him away from the house.

Moving through the throng of people in the house some of the thirsty bitches rubbing up on me and grabbing feels, making my fighting instincts rage to retaliate.

'I shouldn't have punched and threatened her, but damn who the fuck does that?' I thought to myself while thinking over my interaction with the bleach blonde.

Taking the stairs two at a time coming to Mia's bedroom door not really knowing how I knew it was her's as I pushed open the door.

Seeing Mia laying in bed all the way over on one side, it was like she knew I would be following after her so she made enough room for me on the bed.

Kicking off my boots, putting them beside her dresser with a mirror attached to it, taking off my cut, folding it neatly and setting it in her dresser as I shut the door behind me and turned the deadbolt.

Which told me Mia definitely expected and wanted me to follow her as she told me she always locks her door when they throw parties, as I finished stripping off my clothes making my rock hard cock bounce against my cut abs, as I slinked my way over to her bed.

Just as I reached the bed I stepped on something damp looking down I found Mia's shorts and a pair of white panties that's crotch was damp with arousal.

Smirkingly lifting up her comforter and sheet slipping into bed behind her enjoying the way her body tensed as she felt my warmth and hardness pressed against her soft warm curvy body that was accompanied by a gasp as I slid my cock between her perfectly toned yet soft ass cheeks hot doging her.

Pressing my chest firmly against Mia's back, feeling the slightly scratchy material of her white Hanes sleeveless tank top, which most call wife beaters.

Resting my hand on Mia's waist before sliding it down gliding over her stomach making her release a breathy moan as the hand that wasn't underneath her head moved to between her thighs as Mia started grinding her ass up and down my length keeping it between her ass cheeks.

"Wh-who said you could sleep with me?" Mia gasped out between moans as I made her lift her head up and lay her head back down on my arm.

"No one said I couldn't…plus the way you chased off all those skanks and left me with blue balls from sitting this fine ass in my lap…I figured you should start taking on those responsibilities we mentioned at the grocery store." I said lightly as I slid my large hand up along her stomach underneath her short cropped tank top, finding that her bra was gone, as I gently cupped one of her breasts.

"Ahhh." Mia moaned while starting to grind her ass along my hard length at a faster pace.

"I-I saw what y-you did to Monica." Mia stuttered while gasping softly as I started circling one of her hard nipples of the breast that I was holding in my hand with my thumb.

"She tried coming onto me. I told her to go away when she grabbed my arm…I reacted on instinct…I shouldn't have punched or threatened her." I replied to Mia softly, my voice tinged with a bit of regret.

"No! You were right to put that bitch in her place." Mia suddenly protested my remorse loudly, before quietly explaining her protest of my admission.

"So can I stay?" I asked Mia softly, letting my voice fill with vulnerability and need even as my gentle grip on her breast became a bit more firm.

"Yeassss." Mia moaningly replied to me, making me smirk.

"Good, cause I wasn't planning on leaving even if you said no…this spot is way too good to leave." I replied playfully which made Mia giggle and gasp as I moved my hips so now my hard cock was pressed just underneath her ass and at the place where her thighs met as I slowly pushed forward brushing the head of my cock and my length against her drooling lower lips and her hand.

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