
Standing up from Mia's bed stretching out my back, walking out of Mia's bedroom going into the kitchen spotting a sticky note on the fridge.

"I made you Breakfast, Vin." I read the note as I grabbed it off of the fridge, finding the little heart that was drawn on it, cute.

'That girl has cuteness in spades.' I mentally joked to myself while rolling my eyes.

Opening the fridge, I found a plate heaped with fried chicken and home fries covered with plastic wrap, with a note on it that said do not touch unless your last name is Keller.

"Haa, I'll have to wait to eat until I get back." I sighed to myself as I shut the fridge, exiting the house walking into the barn behind the house finding just enough room to pull the F-100 out of my inventory.

'System Remove 1955 F-100 from inventory.' I mentally commanded as a green opaque truck-like object appeared in my vision with a [Place Here] box and a smaller one below it [Yes] [No].

Mentally selecting [Yes] and the truck appears in place of the green light construct.

"Damn, you're sexy!" I whispered as I walked around the truck taking in the glossy black paint, the five knuckle black chrome wheels, with white wall tires.

'I love how all of the chrome is black chrome like on my bike, not to mention the grim reaper in the truck bed holding the Anarchy A ball in its skeletal hand.

"Don't worry babygirl, daddy doesn't mind that you're an automatic." I whispered softly as I got into the truck lovingly caressing the dash, finding the modern interior nice…it made the truck feel like a brand new top of the line mustang from two decades in the future rather than some Rat-rod trick pony car/truck.

Turning the key that was mounted near the cup holders and touch screen gauges display that was below the touchscreen head unit, enjoying the way the digital hub and gauges came to life, before flipping the ignition rocker switch that was mounted on the dash behind the steering wheel, along with the throaty purr of the engine.

'Let's see what you can do baby.' I thought to myself as my heart pulsed with excitement and anticipation, as I put her in gear and pressed the accelerator to the floor hearing and smelling the tired roasting against the cement floor of Dom's barn while the front end of the truck lifted off the ground, while the engine released a constant steady beautiful sound roaring purr.

'Sorry Mia…my bike you both have some competition for the number one lady in my life.' I thought to myself as I eased off the throttle making the tires catch traction and the front end come back down to the ground, shooting out of the garage down the driveway way drifting into a right hand turn into the road.

Once on actually policed streets I slowed down to the respective speed limits especially around schools and children at play signs until I got on the highway and started to cruise at a steady 85mph.

Playing when bad meets evil on the radio, the subs behind the seat really make the beats pump and drop.

The ride to the local branch of Bluebird seed company taking twenty minutes, the blondie that will get Opie sent to prison pushed the door open for me allowing me to pull into the warehouse, where I saw the guy's inspecting the hardware.

All the guys came over to greet me and cheek out the truck except for Blondie as he was on door duty today.

"Damn son, this is a beautiful truck…shame you out all this junk in a classic though." Clay greeted me and pulled me into a hug just as I got out of the truck after killing the engine.

"Thanks, my boy Dom really came through for me on his promise or a ten second truck for when I got out." I replied to Clay who patted my back and released me and I noticed happily that the others were too busy admiring my truck to make the whole circle jerk hug fest happen at the moment.

"So, what's up with this hardware?" Clay asked me seriously as we went and sat down on some crates away from the guys.

"So, I mentioned how Dom and his crew run a pretty lucrative operation." I started and saw Clay nod in reply to me.

"While this morning I took my place on the crew, filling in for someone else and we got a truck…something didn't feel right about it to me, for an almost forty year old truck and trailer they were just into immaculate if shape for a truly civilian long hauler, and the driver looked like fresh military on a shit assiged detail, anyway I jump onto the truck the driver pulls a standard issue beretta 9, I disarm him and throw him out of the rig…trusting my instincts I decided to find a spot where I could check the cargo." I told Clay and looked over his expressions to make sure he was following me and sure enough the man was as sharp as ever.

"And you found these behind a false wall in the truck, along with some tracking devices on the Rig, but while inspecting the cargo you didn't find any on the merchandise which is why you called for a truck." Clay filled in the blanks while running a hand over his face.

"I take it you're friend and his crew took a massive hit today, to facilitate this product movement into our stores." Clay said consideringly showing the man wasn't quite the Clay I saw in the series yet.

"Exactly…so can the club buy these directly or proxy a sale for them with a deposit something I can bring to Dom to keep his crew happy and fed?" I asked Clay seriously who nodded in affirmation to me before replying.

"I'll give you a 150k deposit for the hardware, now…the rocket launchers might be a little difficult to move but I'll get them gone for you the club will take a quarter of the profits though." Clay replied to me and I shook my head no.

"No disrespect Clay, I love you…you're the closest thing I've had to a father and you're my president…but don't try to fuck me over on this because Dom is an unknown entity, you get twenty percent from the Irish guns…you can do better for me can't you." I replied to Clay I kept my voice respectful but Clay and I were fighting a battle of wills with our stare down, before he cracked a smile and stood up to shake my hand and pull me into a hug.

"That sounds like a proper deal to me, haa kid I could really use you back as the diplomat at my table." Clay replied to me, his voice carrying a bit of weariness.

"I'll always be here for the club and you Clay, I just need some time to myself…stretch my legs and not be around my brother's…I'm jumpy Clay my instincts my paranoia are still fine tuned for the big house, I don't want that kind of thing impacting you guy's…you'll also be happy to know I made some progress on tracking down that pos and a possible location for his blackmail I'm going to check out later this week." I replied to Clay who pulled me into another hug and kissed my cheek.

"I love you son, we all do and we're here for you." Clay informed me softly showing a vulnerable side that he killed John Teller for having.

"Thanks Clay, now enough of this faggot shit. Hand over my money, old man." I joked and held the man out away from me by his shoulders jokingly patting his shoulder before dropping my hands away.

"Haha, little shit head." Clay laughed genuinely before throwing a playful punch at my chest.

"Bobby, get Vincent here a 150k from the safe in the office as a down payment for the hardware." Clay told Bobby Munson who nodded and ran off to the office.

"When we go to move this stuff, we'll need you to ride with us for security…" Clay told me before trailing off which I nodded in understanding as my reply.

Bobby came back a few seconds later.

"Thanks Elvis." I joked to him as I took the brown paper bag quickly counting the money that was in bank bands, finding that it was all there, not that I doubted Bobby's honesty in the first place but it's always better to double check.

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After saying my goodbyes to the guys and going through a round of hugs and the spoken word of "brother" over and over again I was on my way to the cafe to see Mia.

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Do you think a Desert Eagle that's integrally silenced, and has an unlimited magazine is too op for a sign in reward?

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