
Looking over at the night stand seeing that it was 6am, I decided to slip out of Mia's hold on me, and call my contractor to get an update on the house, I bought next door to

the Torreto's family home and have been remodeling since I found out Mia was pregnant.

'Tch, I bet Mia will lose her mind when she finds out I bought a home for us, here in L.A.' I thought to myself with a little smirk on my lips as I went downstairs to find Dom sitting alone reading a newspaper, at the kitchen sitting table…with his arms resting in the same place where I ate his sister out and made her cum like crazy.

"Morning." I greeted Dom as I walked around the house naked, which was pretty much the norm, for this early in the morning since I slept naked.

"At least put on the bathrobe." Dom said to me while throwing a half eaten piece of buttered toast at me, which I dodged easily, before Dom pointed at the chair opposite of him that a poofy white bathrobe was slung over the back of.

"Fine." I replied as I put it on and stole a piece of Dom's toast off of his plate.

While I grabbed the wireless house phone from the receiver, with my other hand and started typing in the contractor's phone number.

"So…you proposed to Mia last night, how'd it go?" Dom asked me and I could see the man vibrating with a nervous excited energy.

"She turned me down." I replied to Dom with a fake pout while I struggled not to laugh at Dom's crestfallen expression.

"Oh, I'm sorry brother…" Dom replied sounding heart broken which made me giggle as it was just too funny sometimes how sensitive Dom can be.

"I'm kidding, honestly Mia just about suffocated me to death when I asked her." I finally told Dom and saw his face instantly morph into one of happyness before he steeled his expression and looked at me blankly.

"Ohh come on Dom, I was just joking around with ya." I said to Dom as I hit the dial button.

The phone rang twice before my contractor answered.

"Hello this is Aj's contract. How can I help you?" My contractor greeted me.

"Hey AJ, it's me Vincent Keller…I just wanted an update on the remodel and expansion." I replied into the phone.

"Ahh, Mr.Keller everything should be buttoned up by the end of day…but with the Mrs's condition I wouldn't recommend moving in for at least a week because of the paint fumes and wood stains.

"Thank you AJ, tell Lyla to call me and I'll settle up the bill with her for your services." I replied to the man and smiled slightly as Lyla and AJ had hit it off pretty good and he owned the second largest construction and contracting company in the L.A. area.

"No sir, Mr.Keller I won't accept your money…you connected me to the love of my life and gave me a family." AJ replied to me honestly and with what almost sounded like worship in his voice.

"Haha, I'm glad I could help but I'd still like to pay for the remodel or at least the material." I replied to the man though I didn't really mean it as I was fine getting the work done for free.

"Nonsense I won't hear another word of it." The man denied vehemently.

"Alright then, thank you AJ…tell Lyla I said Hi." I replied to the man and smirked as I hung up the phone, hearing him reply of course of course Mr Keller.

"I still can't believe you bought Mia a house as an engagement gift…before even proposing to her." Dom said while shaking his head and taking a sip from a bottle of Corona that was next to his cup of coffee.

"I can't believe you think Mia's going to let you get away with drinking a beer this early in the morning." I replied back to him while taking the beer and whipping it off before taking a drink of it.

"Hahaha, you're the one who's gonna get in trouble, not me." Dom joked as he reached out for his beer and took it back wiping off the lip of the bottle and taking a sip before setting it back down on the table.

"Yeah yeah, the worst Mia will do is pinch my waist for a few hours and pout at me with a disappointed filled look, before I make out with her and make her happy again…you on the other hand uncle Dom will get whacked with a broom." I joked and revealed openly that Mia was pregnant even though it was a bit of an open secret at this point.

"Haha, so…did you guy's find out if it's a boy or girl yet?" Dom laughed happily before replying to me.

"Naaa, I think it's a girl Mia thinks it's a boy we have a little bet on who's right or who's wrong." I replied to Dom who let out a chuckle.

"What's the bet on?" Dom asks me with a cheeky smile.

"Mia, would probably kill us both if I told you that." I replied to Dom with a smirk as I felt a little shiver.

"Hahaha." Dom laughed loudly before finishing his breakfast.

Letty sneakily opened the back door and then ran into the kitchen when she saw me there and gave me a tight hug while letting out a girlish noise that didn't match her usual countenance.

"That was so beautiful last night." Letty gushed to me while sitting on my lap, something that had become commonplace since I moved in with Mia and Dom.

"Yeah it was, thank you for all your help Letty…I wouldn't have been able to pull it off without you." I replied to Letty honestly while planting a kiss on her cheek.

"I hardly did anything at all." Letty denied but she had a small happy smile on her face anyways.

"Mia is still in bed…if you want to go congratulate her." I told Letty and noticed the subtle tension between Dom and Letty as their relationship had deteriorated quite a bit lately.

"Mmm, I think I will." Letty replied with a mischief filled smirk.

"LETICIA ORTIZ YOU BITCH ! ! !" Mia shouted while Letty let out an uproarious giggle.

"Hehe, I can't believe my little sister is getting married before me." I heard as I went upstairs to check on the two seeing the glass of water Mia kept on her nightstand empty, making me roll my eyes.

"It's like a dream come true, Letty." Mia whispered softly and I heard her start to cry the pregnancy hormones have been all over the place.

"I know you've been fantasizing about marrying him since forever." Letty replied teasingly.

"Have not." Mia denied lightly.

"Uh-Huh, whatever you say Mia." Letty replied to her.

"Letty…" I heard Mia say nervously.

"What's wrong Mia?" Letty asked, her voice filling with concern.

"Nothing…actually, I told Vincent about what the obgyn said last night and gave him a free pass, and I'm giving you the green light…I can see how badly you want him." Mia said softly and if I had learned to read Mia's voice as well as I thought I had there was a bit of arousal carried in her voice.

"You sure? He might get addicted to this real Latina pussy." Letty joked and then rolled over to hug her.

"Haha, sorry sis but he loves my Colombian pussy too much." Mia shot back at her which made the two women burst out into giggles together.

"So…how are things with my brother?" Mia asked Letty softly as she'd seen the distance between the two growing, the more Letty saw what was happening between herself and Vincent the jealousy and envy held in secret looks she didn't think anyone else was seeing.

"Haa, I still love Dom…I'll always love Dom…but I'm not in love with him anymore, I'm tired Mia…I'm tired of not being his first choice, compared to some skank with fake tits." Letty sighed while trying to explain her feelings in a confused and stressed manner.

I sighed as I leaned my back against the wall.

'Damn…Dom, how did you guys even end up together in the movies?' I wondered to myself.

"You know you can come in instead of standing out their eavesdropping." Mia called out to me, making me smirk and roll my eyes before walking into the bedroom and laying down on the end of the bed.

"Rub my feet, please? They're really sore." Mia asked pleadingly with puppy dog eyes.

"You're lucky you're cute and pregnant or else I'd be making you rub my feet." I joked as I started massaging one of her feet she rested against my chest.

"Lift your head up." Letty said suddenly as she moved to kneeling next to my head and I did so which allowed Letty to kneel behind me. Once she was in place she pushed down on my shoulders and rested my upper shoulders against her thighs as she started massaging my shoulders.

"Damn…" I groaned as Letty was really good at giving a shoulder massage.

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