
Tracking down a truck with a solid Tahoe cover and permanently "borrowing it", then drove it to an unpopulated area, luckily finding some tools and wood in the back of the truck.

'That is a convenient little coincidence.' I thought to myself as I used two barrels of fertilizer I got from the sign system and secured them to the bed of the truck using a frame I made of 2x4s I found in the bed of the truck, and then packing the back of the truck full of semtex and very cautiously slid the remote triggered blasting caps into each block of semtex, that also came from the sign in system along with a remote detonator and blasting caps.

Pulling up the hood of my hoodie, driving towards the compound parking up on the hill overlooking the place finding the vehicles inside.

'Looks like today is the day.' I thought to myself as I pulled the liquor bottles that Letty dropped off for me onto myself and all over the cab of the truck before driving down the hill, driving up onto the sidewalk in front of the gated compound, drawing the attention of the people standing guard and pedestrians that ran over as I slipped out the passenger side falling to the ground pretending to be drunk when two of the guys walked over I started to act belligerently.

"Fuckin nig-hers get'yer hands off me." I slurred my words and acted unsteady as the two guards with submachine guns dragged me inside to where a circle of dudes were standing around circle jerking.

"What's going on with this drunk, why drag him inside?" One of the circle jerker asked.

"He crashed into the fence after going up onto the sidewalk and cursed niggers the whole way." One of the guys dragging me says as a woman walks over grabs my jaw in a tight grip lifts my face, the woman looks like Cipher...Charlize Theron but she's quite a bit younger than she is when she makes her first appearance in Fast & Furious.

'Shit what's she doing here? Are they buying guns from her or something?' I wondered as we stared into each other's eyes.

"Deals off, I'm leaving...have fun." She said while winking at me as she leaves with a Ginger headed prick and a few security guards sashaying her hips as she goes giving me a look over her shoulder.

"You cost us a great deal of money!" One of the circle jerkers shouts and punshces me in the face but it doesn't do anything to me, and the timer triggers the explosives detonating my borrowed suv.

My adamantium short swords come out of my arms and I teleport behind the guy who threw a punch at me cutting off his head, continuing to teleport around the room removing heads while firing an occular blast at one of the guys about to fire an AK-47 at me bisecting him in half.

Smirking at my handywork, 'Damn I love my abilities I should definitely use them more often!' I said in my head as I move through the house towards the old man's and the baby's location slaughtering any and all who get in my way.

Coming up to a room where I hear a baby crying testing the handle finding that it doesn't turn I cut through the bolts that keep a door shut and let it slowly open up into an apartment.

The oldman stare at me with a Glock pointed at my center mass, while he holds a baby in his left arm.

"You!" The oldman and I say together and he pointlessly starts shooting off rounds at me, as I slowly step forward.

"Dammit, you fuckin freak why won't you die already!" He shouts while the baby screams and sick of it he throws it towards me, my eyes widen and I teleport forwards catching it in midair, the baby looks up at me and giggles making me smile at it the oldman fires again and again but I use my free sword arm to cut the bullets in half and redirect them back at him the bullets take him in his arms and legs.

"Why did you betray me?" I ask the piece of shit as I stand over him.

"Because you aren't mine you're some freak that bitch cooked up in a lab!" He shouts back at me and I nod I don't really give a shit anymore and stab my left arm sword through his skull and then quickly pull it out and cut off his head.

"So what are we going to do with you little gu-girl?" I ask the baby that babbles unsensical nonsense.

"Grandma Gemma it is!" I cheer in a voice that makes the baby gurgle happily and I teleport us out of and away from the mansion, with my mission of revenge and ensuring that there is one less loseend for the club.

Getting to my Chevelle...I realize that I have forgotten one very important thing...

"I don't have a car seat..." I groaned and suddenly a yellowish golden door opens up and Deadpool walks through carrying a car seat.

"Hey, I was watching this go down at the TVA, bunch of shitballs, and figured I'd come give you a hand and maybe you can help me save my world?"

"I don't mind but I gotta let my fiance know... she's pregnant...and me up and disappearing ...like I went out to get a carton of milk won't fly too well...plus I gotta drop of this little stinker here to someone who will take care of her." I reply to Deadpool who nods rapidly.

"Thank you thank you thank you, it's been hell everyone I've gone to do far has told me unpoilipetly to fuck off! We still have to find a Wolverine though." Deadpool quickly says as he drops the car seat and hugs me.

'This isn't awkward at all....' I thought in my head...