
Sitting on the couch with Tara's head resting against my thigh as we watch some Rom-com movie, I run my fingers through her hair.

And receive sounds of appreciation, "So…would you like to go shopping today? I've gotta swing over to some legal firm, sign some documents and get a card issued, and other then going to and making contact with Dom and his crew-family…" I ask as I continue to lazily play with Tara's hair as she nuzzles her cheek against my thigh.

"Mmm, I kinda just wanna be lazy…and stay snuggled up on the couch with you all day watching cheesy movies…" Tara murmurs as she rolls over onto her back and looks up at me, her eyes pleading for snuggles.

Which has the effect of eliciting playful laughter and a genuine smile from me.

"Don't laugh!" Tara pouts and turns her head back towards the TV.

"Sorry…it's just you looked way too cute, looking up at me like that…" I say with mock seriousness.

"Jerk." Tara murmurs without any heat to her words as she turns her body back so that she is laying on her side again, reaches up, grabs my hand and places it back on top of her head.

"Yup, but at least I'm your jerk." I tease and Tara scoffs playfully as she wiggles my hand slightly as a sign to start combining my fingers through her hair again.

"Shut up and play with my hair…" Tara mutters with a smile in her voice, "Sure…" I put a southern draw in my reply making Tara snicker.

"You know…you're gonna have to go get me clothes…eventually, I lost my only pair of pants…"

"Hmm, I don't know…if you don't have any pants maybe you won't leave the house." Tara playfully snickers.

"There's a flaw…in your logic honey, you think I mind if people see all dis, handsomeness…who knows I go out without clothes on I might just land me a sexy suggar mommy." I joke and Tara lets out a mock affronted noise.

"Maybe you will…" Tara finally says though her voice is full of uncertainty and self doubting.

'I think I pushed too far…'

"So, there's plenty of hospitals and clinics that could use a doctor/surgeon of your caliber…if that's something you want to pursue…though I'll admit I'm rather fond of the idea of you being a house/trophy wife, that spends more time knocked up with a swelling belly…than she does wearing wearing scrubs and elbow high gloves covered in blood after saving someone's life."

Tara lets out an insecure giggle, that has a sob intermixed within. "Do you mean it Vincent? Do you really want to have a family…with, with me?" Tara asks with such a small trembling voice it genuinely makes a feeling of concern blossom in my heart for the woman's mental state.

"Of course I do…it might be a little soon, and you know even with how poorly I did in highschool, I know how babies are made…and I haven't pulled out or used condoms…even once since we started making love to one another." Tara giggles at my comment of knowing how babies are made, hee voice a mix of exasperation, amusement and embarrassment.

"Making love?" Tara murmurs a question and I can hear her blushing through her voice.

"Well, I wouldn't know what else to call it, we're doing more than just fucking…"

"I like it, a lot…" Tara murmurs, and sits upright, a small little smile and mischievous light in her eyes as she straddles my hips, her arms resting on my shoulders, her hands lovingly gliding over my shoulders and through my hair.

'She's all over the emotional spectrum…kinda makes you wonder if she has mental problems, beyond traumas of parents being murdered by the guy she has feelings for…and being terrorized by Kohn…not that her parents were much of parents to her anyways.'

"What are you thinking about?" Tara asks me with a bit of insecurity leaking into her voice.

I hum, "Just thinking we should go on an actual date…" I reply with a smile and initiate a kiss.

"Dates are for people who need to get to know somebody and fall in love…I did both years ago." Tara murmurs as she returns the kiss and I chuckle into her mouth while resting my hands on her waist line.

Humming my response, while using a partially lidded gaze on her, "You make a good point, but dates are also a good way for me to show off my sexy, intelligent… world renowned surgeon/doctor." I murmur playfully against Tara's lips, Tara rolls her eyes at me.

"Please I'm not world renowned anything, I'm only known in a couple of states." Tara murmurs back to me though I can tell my praise, had its intended effects in boosting her self-confidence even if slightly.

'Tara has a clean record, minus some juvenile stuff, she'd be a perfect frontman…woman for a "non-profit" organization…that could be a good money washer…and as a side effect it would be a good booster for Tara's confidence.'

Humming again, I smile, "How about we change that…I've got more money then I'll ever actually spend…Tara Knowles hyphen Keller how would you like to become a world renowned philanthropist/humanitarian?" The inflection I put in my voice combined with the words has Tara looking at me dazed and vacant.

'I think I might have broken her…'

"What about keeping me barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen? Can't do that if I'm halfway around the world building a hospital or school for an underdeveloped country…" Tara finally comes out of her daze, a playfulness in her reply that makes me roll my eyes at her.

"Hardy-har-har, smarty pants, but seriously Tara, think it over and let me know what you decide." I say to her and peck her lips, Tara is about to say something but her stomach suddenly rumbles.

A little bit of pink floods her cheeks, "Does this place have anything to eat in it?"

"I…I don't know." I reply to her and a Shadowkhan shows me the location of the kitchen and the fact that the pantry, walk-in fridge, and walk-in freezer are empty.

Sending a command to the Shadowkhan to go get us a few pizzas, wings and soda, from a pizzeria in New York named New York Pizzeria I get a confirmation of order received and feel my will being carried.

"It does but there's no food, I sent a few Ninja's to get us some pizzas and wings."

"You're going to make me fat by feeding me nothing but carbs and fast food." Tara murmurs as slides off my lap only to turn around and flop down on my lap again, she leans back resting her back against my chest and her head on my shoulder.

"Nah, I'll make sure to help you burn those calories off later…" I murmur into Tara's ear making her shiver and wiggle on my lap.

"Nah, I'll make sure to help you burn those calories off later…" I murmur into Tara's ear making her shiver and wiggle on my lap.

As an afterthought I give the Shadowkhan another command which is to get us some clothes, at my command shadows wrap around us and then vanish just as quickly Tara who's sitting in my lap is incredibly tense, her head turning back and forth in primal urge to identify a threat.

"Sorry, I gave the Shadow Ninja a command to get us some clothes on top of the food, they were taking our measurements…"

A explosive sigh of relief flows out of Tara and she relaxes against me once more, "Give a girl some warning next time!" Tara expresses with a bit of heat behind her words.

"I don't know, it was kinda funny to see you all alert like that." I tease and Tara smacks my outer thigh quite harshly only to let out a small whimper of surprise when it was her hand that came away feeling numb and tingly.

"Ow, what are you made of?" Tara complains in exasperation.

"Grade A American muscle, enhanced by Chinese magic…" I joke a mix of seriousness and playfulness.

~~ — — — — — — — — — — — — ~~

It doesn't take long for the Shadowkhan to return with a veritable feast of food from the restaurant, including things I didn't ask for but like including mozzarella sticks, fried mushrooms, various meat and cheese stuffed rolls, similar to calzones.

And the best part is the food tastes just as good as in my previous world…if not better because of Tara's presence, who moaned in appreciation of every item of food she sampled and or ate.

A couple of hours after they brought the food, I got the typical Shadowkhan range of communication showing me a walk-in closet separated in his and hers stuffed full of clothes and accessories.

Though there was something slightly different about this communication…it…tasted different like it was from a different type of Shadowkhan but as far as I know I only have access to the Shadow Nin.

And there is also an image of one particular set of clothing, that consists of black T, black jeans, black leather work boots and a new kutte with much higher quality patches on it waiting for me folded on the bed along with silk boxer briefs and a pair of socks, a similar setup was also laid out for Tara…but for some reason it seemed of slightly lower quality to me, almost like the set waiting for me was hand woven by someone in love with me and the other was made by someone just doing their job.

And Tara's underwear consists of a black bra with lace decorative patterns, and a black lacy thong…that would probably be see through once you picked them up.

Tara snickers at the clothes on the bed, making me turn to her with an arched eyebrow of question.

"So besides the fact that I look like I'm getting dressed to see the midnight showing of Blade,Vinny, these clothes are hand stitched…" Tare says while holding up her knickers and pulls from the corner experimentally.

"I mean seriously your clothes look like they were molded to your body while mine came off of a shelf…a very high end shelf, but still I think you have a secret admirer…amongst your magical fairy shadow ninjas." Tara continues in a teasing way.

"Jealous?" I tease only for Tara to shake her head no.

"Hell no, these boots are so cute…and damn the way your jeans cup your ass." Tara quickly shoots me down, while clutching her new boots to her chest and then she slaps my ass, with a playful little smile on her lips.

"There's a walk-in closet full of clothes, shoes and purses…" the look on Tara's face is priceless, and the sound she makes is pretty cute.

With a quick kiss on the cheek Tara squirrels off to the closet.

"Tara, I'm going to go out and take care of paperwork and other boring stuff." I holler to Tara who gives me back an uncommitted sound of seeing you later. I'm having fun playing dress up.

'Girls will be girls.' I internally snicker while reaching for my new Cut...but inspect it before putting it on finding that it's lined with a sort of kevlar material and has two holsters complete with two identical Infinity 1911's.

~~ — — — — — — — — — — — — ~~

Once in the garage I grab a random key from a key box, the little label on it says 62 Vet, it took me all of half a minute to find the Tuxedo black Corvette Stingray.

'Okay…that's trippy…' I express internally, at the license plate Fallen1, though a smirk still comes to my face as I get into the car and start the engine, the roaring purr of the exhaust filling me with excitement.

Pulling up in front of the banking institution/legal office that is handling the estate of my dearly departed stepfather.

'It almost seems a shame to stop driving this beauty.' I internally sigh as I get out of the car and head inside the building.

"Are you Mr.Keller?" A pretty blonde receptionist asks me as soon as I step through the door.

"Yes." I reply to her simply, and a weight seems to slide off of the woman's shoulder.

She quickly stands up from her desk, "Please Follow me Attorney Cady Longmire is waiting for you." the pretty blonde receptionist says and I follow behind her to the elevator, up to the top floor, I enjoy the swaying of the blondes hips as she walks.

The receptionist opens the door to…a smallish office with an empty desk, and quickly runs over to the door at the back of the space, "Miss Longmire, Mister Keller is here!" The receptionist hollers from our side of the door.

"Karla, I told you to use the phone when announcing clients, don't make me fire you!" A woman's voice hollers back from the other side.

"Sorry!" The blonde quickly shouts her reply and opens the door, to slip inside…and I can't help the quirk that comes to my lips.

'Nah it's just a coincidence.' I express internally, thinking there might be a connection to the Longmire tv series.

A minute later Karla the blonde slips back out of Cady Longmire's office.

"Casy is ready for you." Karla says with a pleasant but almost envious smile on her face as I give her a smile.

~~ — — — — — — — — — — — — ~~

Entering the office being greeted by the sight of Cassidy Freeman in her prime Cassidy Freeman, with flowing wavy red hair let down, and her pantsuit's top strategically set up to draw my attention to her rack, though my eyes are on her beautiful green eyes.

"It's nice to meet you Mr.Keller, my firm handles all of your recently departed stepfather's legal issues both private and business orientated…you have been named the sole inheritor of all of his assets…including his Investment Banking company which is private and well funded by his many successes."

"Cool, we weren't really close. My mother ran off with him when I was a little kid…honestly…with just getting out after a ten year stint in Lompoc, this was the last thing I was expecting…"

"Yes, Mr.McMiller mentioned that when he asked me to change his will…to make sure everything was left to you, I tried sending a correspondence to the prison but you had already been released, frankly I'm surprised you got the notification and got here so soon."

"Ahh, about that it was just a stroke of luck I came out here to meet up with my old cellmate, he's family…sorry for the over-share." I say to Cady with a smile, and she returns it with a genuine one and a little laugh before waving off my apology.

"It's fine, now Mr.McMiller hinted at their being a special woman in your life…is there a Misses Keller that needs to be added to the paperwork?" I can tell that this lawyer was fishing for information whether if was because of her own interests or something more I can't tell.

"No, there is currently no Misses Keller, my relationship with my highschool sweetheart fell apart less than two weeks into my prison sentence." I reply to Cady with a shrug.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that…is there a child involved…we have some of the best custody lawyers in the world here…" There's a hungry, aroused and desire filled look in her eyes.

I arch an eyebrow at her comment, 'Yeah, she definitely isn't sorry…not with that interested and hungry look in her eyes.'

"Well we better get started on the paperwork." Cady Longmire quickly tries to recover and change the subject.

Half an hour later I leave Cady's law pratice with two bank cards, a set of credit cards, copies of keys to properties along with copies of necessary documents…and...Cady Longmire's personal cell number.

~~ — — — — — — — — — — — — ~~

Pulling into the parking lot of the Toretto's Market & Cafe, finding that the garage door, which functions as the main entrance, is wide open.

'It's kinda a neat idea to have it set up that way, especially since it gives a good view of the counter, more specifically whoever is behind the counter to who's working, which right now is Mia Torreto…though if it was some ugly dude or chick they'd probably repel customers.' I internally express, as I find myself staring at the young Jordana Brewster, she is wearing a pair of tight and short jeans shorts, a white crop top that hugs her small but perky breasts and expose her abdomen and shoulders, definitely giving a good display of her caramel skin.

Memories of Mia coming to visit me as often as she possibly could even ignoring Dom's presence in prison to visit me.

Getting out of my car, as I make a B-line for Mia who turns at the sound of me shutting the Corvette's door.

I completely ignore Dom who is coming over to greet me, his little crew following him, I pay the guys even less attention than Dom…at least until I see Letty wearing figure hugging green carpenter pants with a black fishnet top and a plain black bra…looking sexy as hell, she blows me a kiss and shoots me a wink while motioning over to the counter, where Mia is working.

'Bad Vincent bad no horny.' I internally chastise myself and Dom capitalizes on my momentary distraction from checking out Letty to pull me into a tight brotherly hug.

"Damn Keller, I missed you, welcome home, Brother." Dom greets me with genuine happiness in his voice and pats me on the back, a gesture of which I return a few more seconds of pounding our open hands on each other's backs before Dom finally lets me out of the hug.

"Thanks Dom, I got released just the other day…it feels good to be out, though I can't shake the feeling that this is all just a temporary vacation." I say to the man who nods and slings his arm over my shoulder and pulls me to his side, leading me closer to Mia.…and the crew that has gathered at the counter.

"Alright let me introduce you to the family, that one there stuffing his face is Vince." Dom points to Vince who is wearing a redfish net tank top.

"This is Letty…" Dom trails off as Letty comes over, rubs her whole body up against my left side like a cat in heat, stands on her toes kissing my cheek.

'She's either using me as a pawn to get at Dom…or this fiesty Latina is lookin for some action.'

"Thanks for making sure he came back home safe…" Letty murmurs in my ear, her right hand brushing over my abs.

"That one there in the beanie is Jessie…and the one next to him is Leon, and of course you know Mia already…everyone this is Vincent Keller..and I honestly don't know if I'd have ever made it out of Lompoc if he wasn't my bunkmate." Dom introduces the crew to me, and me to the crew.

"We looked after each other, Dom." I say to the guy who nods and smiles but I can tell he doesn't feel the same way and has put me on something of a pedestal.

"Thanks for watching Dom's back." Letty says as she steps back from me and holds out her fist for a fist bump.

"Like I said we looked after each other, plus this guy turned me from a passable mechanic to a good one." I joke while pounding the offered fist.

"So you're that Vincent." Vince says and I can hear the jealousy in his voice, even as he stuffs his mouth with fries somehow managing to pretty much spit out our shared name…without losing a single bits of food.

"Guess so, you must be Dom's best friend since fourth grade…nice to meet you Vince." I reply to him as I extend my hand out to him, which he takes though he tries to squeeze my hand with all of his strength to establish his dominance, but fails miserably as I tighten my grip enough to make him give a pained expression on his face.

"That's right I am and I protect Dom from making mistakes." Vince says his voice pained while trying to act strong as I release

his hand.

"Pretty sure Dom can handle himself." I say to him calmly while shrugging carelessly at the same time Jessie steps forward nervously almost acting like an addict as he nervously scratches his head.

"H-hey man." Jessie greets me nervously with a stutter…cementing the idea that this kid has more problems than ADHD and aspergers.

"Hey Jessie, nice to meet you. I hear you're a wiz on the computer." I greet him with a smile and extend my closed fist offering him a fist bump…though Jessie flinches making me draw my hand back.

Leon swoops in to save Jessie and I from experiencing any more of this…awkward moments, Leon offers me his hand to shake and I take it, and shoot him a smile.

"It's cool to meet you bro.. though Mia talks about you pretty often." Leon greets me with a bit of teasing in his voice as he shoots a wink over his shoulder at Mia.

"Oh really, good to know." I reply with a smirk on my face.

Everyone but Mia finds Mia's little squeak sound amusing, but Dom being a good big brother quickly pulls the heat off of her.

"Come on, let's grab a beer and get some grub." Dom says to me as he motions for me to take a seat at the bar/counter.

"Hey Mia." I say with a smile and a slight wink.

"H-hey Vincent." Mia greets me with a smile and slightly shy smile as she turns her head and angles it down to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear, the little show makes my heart pound in my chest..and a heat to surge to my groin.

"Hey so…I was going to reply to your letter, but I figured I'd come see you in person, instead…hope it's okay." I say continuing to smile towards Mia as I lean forward and rest my elbows against the counter seeing Mia's smile become even brighter…I know my attention is more than welcome…almost craved.

"And here I thought you came to take me up on my offer." Dom mutters with mock disappointment in his voice, making me chuckle.

"Eh, that's an added bonus." I joke but don't break eye contact with Mia whose smile manages to grow even wider at my reply to Dom.

'Thank you for giving me an avenue to Mia.' I mentally thank my predecessor and whatever R.O.B orchestrated this for me.

'I probably shouldn't be flirting with Mia like this when I have Tara at home...but Tara knew what she was getting into with me...and Mia is around Dom...so she knows I'm a bit of a whore like him.'