Learning Another Hundred New Words Today

When Zhong Wen returned to the Drifting Petal Palace, it was already midday. Upon reaching the foot of the mountain, he dismissed Uncle Zhao and proceeded to store all the packages in his storage ring, feeling light and relaxed. He then ascended the mountain using the 'Cloud-Soaring Immortal Steps.'

Upon reaching the palace gates, his curiosity got the better of him. Instead of entering directly, he went around the side of the Drifting Petal Palace to investigate the medicinal herb field and compare it with the herbs he had purchased.

Just a few steps after turning the corner, a vast field of medicinal herbs appeared before Zhong Wen's eyes. In the middle of the field, a slender figure was crouching, seemingly tending to the herbs.

As he approached, he confirmed that it was Yin Ning'er. She was dressed in white, wearing a sun hat on her head. Under the sunlight, her exquisite profile was revealed below the brim of her hat. Since she was crouching in the field, Zhong Wen could see that her figure was much curvier and more appealing than Liu Qiqi's. Her attractive physique and cold temperament created a strong contrast, causing Zhong Wen's heart to race.

Sensing someone behind her, Yin Ning'er turned her head briefly, saw Zhong Wen, and then ignored him, continuing to focus on caring for the herbs.

Zhong Wen approached a bit closer, remaining silent, and simply enjoying the beautiful scene before him.

Having studied medicinal herb books from the Medicine King Valley, Zhong Wen had a deep understanding of herb quality and cultivation methods. With just one look, he could tell that Yin Ning'er's cultivation techniques weren't professional. It was evident that she hadn't undergone orthodox training. However, this girl had a keen mind and natural talent. The quality of the medicinal herbs she cultivated surpassed those Zhong Wen had purchased from the "Shengyu Trading Company."

"The Nine-Leaf Spirit Grass thrives in a slightly cooler, shadier area. And it's better to trim away these extra branches below the Spirit Grass; otherwise, they'll absorb a significant portion of the medicinal properties." After observing for a while, Zhong Wen couldn't help but speak up, even though he hadn't meant to.

Upon hearing this, Yin Ning'er turned around to look at Zhong Wen. Her expression remained unchanged, but her eyes held a hint of surprise as if questioning whether Zhong Wen, as an amnesiac, truly could recognize the Nine-Leaf Spirit Grass.

Zhong Wen suddenly realized that his tone might have been inappropriate and didn't fit his supposed character. He awkwardly smiled and quickly turned to leave.

Yin Ning'er watched Zhong Wen as he disappeared behind the wall, and she lost in throught.

Back in his room, instead of immediately delving into the study of the Elixir Flame Spirit Runes, Zhong Wen took out a ceramic jar and started making a second batch of salt. This time, he used a larger amount of lake water, producing almost double the quantity of salt compared to the previous batch.

While Zhong Wen happily admired his handiwork, the room's door creaked open, and a little girl entered with a food tray.

"Wow, Zhong Wen, is this the 'Miracle Elixir'?'' Seeing the white crystals in Zhong Wen's hand, the little girl exclaimed excitedly.

"Of course, didn't we agree that I would make some more for you yesterday?" Zhong Wen smiled. "Is there chicken soup again today?"

He suddenly remembered that he had purchased a total of 25 mother hens with Spirit Crystals from Li.

In the days to come, it seemed that he couldn't do without chicken soup!

The rich and plump hen stewed in soup, with some vegetable leaves floating on top, sprinkled with salt, was incredibly delicious. Zhong Wen and the little girl enjoyed their meal, and after eating, they were both stuffed and couldn't move.

After taking a short nap, Zhong Wen sat up and noticed that Liu Qiqi and Zheng Yueting had entered the room without him realizing. The little girl had been sitting on Liu Qiqi's lap. The three pairs of eyes were now focused on him.

"Zhong Wen, you're awake!" The little girl hopped off Liu Qiqi's lap and ran up to Zhong Wen. With her big watery eyes fixed on him, she pouted and said, "Journey to the West!"

Zhong Wen had initially planned to study how to create Elixir Flame Spirit Runes, but he couldn't refuse the request from the girl who had saved his life. Besides, with two beautiful women in the audience, he felt both eager and reluctant. He cleared his throat and said, "Alright, last time we left off with Sun Wukong being suppressed under the Wuzhi Mountain and tied to the Demon Subduing Pillar..."

As he continued to narrate the story, it was a significant plot in the early part of "Journey to the West." The three girls listened intently, completely immersed in the adventures of the Monkey King. When Monkey King displayed his power, the little girl was ecstatic. However, when he was toyed with by the Buddha, she furrowed her brows with worry. By the time the monkey was sealed under the Five Elements Mountain, Zhong Wen declared, "Stay tuned for the next episode," leaving the three listeners both enamored and frustrated.

When Liu Qiqi left, Zhong Wen noticed a hint of worry on her face, as if she was troubled by something.

On the other hand, Zheng Yueting didn't leave with Liu Qiqi. Instead, she approached Zhong Wen, bowed deeply, and said, "Brother Zhong, thanks to your 'Miracle Elixir,' my mother's condition has improved somewhat. I don't know how to express my gratitude to you."

As Zheng Yueting bent over, Zhong Wen could see a piece of white skin along her neckline, extending down her graceful neck...

Well... it might not be as plump as Mrs. Wang's, but it's certainly better than Liu Qiqi's.

Unconsciously, Zhong Wen used his gaze to measure it.

"Miss Zheng, there's no need to be so polite. It didn't take much effort to make this, and it's not worth much." Zhong Wen waved his hand repeatedly. He had seen the value of Spirit Crystals during the day, and he couldn't bear to exchange a half bag of salt for a hundred Spirit Crystals.

"Brother Zhong, my mother suffers from anorexia and can only eat with your 'Miracle Elixir,'" Zheng Yueting said somewhat embarrassedly. "Until her health recovers, I still need some 'Miracle Elixir.' If you refuse to accept these Spirit Crystals, I won't have the face to ask you for more."

After spending these past few days together, Zhong Wen noticed that she had a sense of honor and would repay the kindness received. He then accepted her offer.

"Alright, I'll accept the Spirit Crystals for now. Here's the 'Miracle Elixir' I made today. Take it to treat your mother," Zhong Wen said as he handed some salt to Zheng Yueting. "If you need more in the future, feel free to come to me; it's not difficult to make."

"Thank you, Brother Zhong," Zheng Yueting expressed her gratitude sincerely.

"Zhong Wen, it's time for class!" The little girl suddenly spoke up.

While they enjoyed a good atmosphere between them, the little girl noticed and felt like something of hers might be taken away.

"Alright, young master!"

After Zheng Yueting left, the little girl started "teaching" Zhong Wen seriously. Zhong Wen, while leaning on the table, diligently learned dozens of new words. Suddenly, he had a thought.

"Xiaodie, can you teach me counting numbers?"

"Why?" Xiaodie didn't understand. She wasn't good at mathematics and didn't particularly like numbers.

"Just think about it; I don't recognize the numbers on Spirit Crystal notes, and what if I get cheated when I go out?" Zhong Wen explained as he pointed to the numbers on the Spirit Crystal note.

"Oh, okay," Xiaodie found it reasonable. She started listing the numbers one by one on a piece of paper, starting with "one."

Zhong Wen was good at mathematics from his previous life. It didn't take long for him to understand the numbers of the Great Qian Empire.

"Zhong Wen, you're good at this," Xiaodie said somewhat frustrated. "I spent two months learning these numbers, am I that dumb?"

"You're not dumb at all, Xiaodie," Zhong Wen smiled and patted her head. "I lost my memory, but I already knew these characters before, so learning them again is faster for me."

"That makes sense," Xiaodie nodded in agreement. Then she asked, "A hundred Spirit Crystals is a lot of money. How do you plan to spend it?"

"Well... I don't lack anything at the moment, so I'll just save it for now."

"If you don't need to spend it right away, could you... could you lend me some?" Xiaodie asked shyly.

Zhong Wen was surprised. "Xiaodie, is there something you want to buy?"

Xiaodie quickly shook her head. "Master owes a large sum of Spirit Crystals to Mr. Jin to cure my illness. I overheard my senior sisters talking about it. It seems that the day to repay the debt is approaching, and Master is still working hard to earn money outside. It's all my fault, for making Master work so hard. Zhong Wen, can you lend me some Spirit Crystals? I also want to help Master, and in the future, I'll work hard to earn Spirit Crystals to repay you."

This mature and responsible child left Zhong Wen deeply moved.

"Why being so polite about it? Not only did you save my life, but you also taught me how to read characters. I haven't even paid tuition fees or signed up for classes." Zhong Wen handed the one-hundred Spirit Crystal note directly to Xiaodie. "This is your tuition fee, please accept it."

"I, I haven't taught you well, so I can't accept that much," Xiaodie blushed and waved her hands repeatedly.

"In my heart, you are the best teacher in the world. These Spirit Crystals are far from enough." Zhong Wen smiled and patted Xiaodie's head. "This is your tuition fee. After accepting it, you must take on the responsibility of teaching me well."

"Yes, yes." Xiaodie seemed to have made a firm decision in her heart. "I'll teach you well. Today, let's learn another hundred characters!"

Zhong Wen: "..."

With aching muscles, Zhong Wen finally sent the little teacher away after an hour. Now, he had some leisure time. He took out the materials he had purchased in the morning, such as 'White Cloud Wood,' 'Spirit Ink Charcoal,' and 'Spirit Pen Mold,' and began crafting a Spirit Rune Pen. Having read the reward, 'Spirit Rune Pen Crafting Guide,' he already had a clear understanding of the process of making Spirit Rune Pens. With minimal effort, he produced a high-quality Spirit Rune Pen.

It was still a bit short of being a top-grade Spirit Rune Pen. Zhong Wen felt a bit disappointed, but the materials he had purchased in Fufeng City were rather mediocre in quality.

He took out the 'Spirit Rune Plate' and attempted to draw Elixir Flame Spirit Runes.

The Medicine King Valley's expertise in Spirit Runes during the ancient times wasn't particularly remarkable.

However, they excelled in the study of Elixir Flame Spirit Runes because the more advanced alchemy required a higher level of fire control.

At this point, Zhong Wen could barely be considered a "Master of Elixir Flame Spirit Runes."

He had accumulated a lot of knowledge and experience in Elixir Flame Spirit Runes. However, when it came to personally drawing them, Zhong Wen found it somewhat unfamiliar. As he was drawing the runes, his hand suddenly trembled, and he made a crooked stroke. Fortunately, the material of the "Spirit Rune Plate" was unique and could be reused. Zhong Wen took a piece of special clay, lightly dabbed it on the Spirit Rune Plate to erase the incorrect stroke, then stretched his wrist and continued drawing.

Before long, a complete "Advanced Elixir Flame Spirit Rune" appeared on the Spirit Rune Plate. Due to material limitations, the Elixir Flame Spirit Runes he could create was at most of the advanced quality, still a bit lacking in achieving the highest quality.

He placed a Spirit Crystal into a groove on one side of the Spirit Rune Plate, and a blue flame suddenly burst out from above the disk. The flame had a faint green light at its core, indicating that this fire was considered top-notch even among advanced Elixir Flame Spirit Runes, with a hint of the quality of a supreme-grade Elixir Flame Spirit Rune.

Zhong Wen took out the alchemical furnace used by the Medicine King Valley's valley master from his ring and set it over the flame. He then began adding ingredients one by one: "Nine-Leaved Spirit Grass," "Fusion Spirit Leaf," "Vermilion Fruits," and so on.

What he was currently trying to refine was a type of ancient-era elixir called the "Revitalization Pill," which was widely used for restoring vitality. In the eyes of ancient alchemists, this was one of the easiest elixirs to refine.

Although Zhong Wen was using top-tier equipment, advanced Elixir Flame Spirit Runes, and the alchemical techniques of the Medicine King Valley from ancient times to refine this basic elixir, it was akin to using a sledgehammer to kill a mosquito.

Not even a moment had passed, and the furnace had already faintly revealed dozens of nascent white elixirs. Each one was nearly identical in size, and the rich aroma of medicinal herbs filled the entire room.

Zhong Wen picked up one of them and examined it closely. The elixir was crystal clear and pure white, without a speck of impurity. When he brought it closer to smell, a faint medicinal fragrance entered his nostrils, making him feel instantly invigorated. The fatigue that had accumulated throughout the day disappeared without a trace, and he felt extremely refreshed. Even the "Longevity Technique," which automatically cultivated his inner energy, seemed to be operating faster.

What a fantastic item!

Zhong Wen happily took out a small medicine bottle he had scavenged from the Medicine King Valley and stored the remaining forty-eight elixirs inside.

He looked at the sky; dinner time was still a while away. He continued to refine another basic elixir used for restoring spiritual power, the "Spirit Revival Pill."

A few more hours passed, Zhong Wen, carrying several newly crafted basic elixirs, felt content and embarked on the journey to the Medicine King Valley once again.

On his third trip along this mountain path, Zhong Wen felt like he was returning to his own home, completely familiar with the route, and without any psychological burden.

His pace had quickened, and he estimated that from now on, it would only take a little over a quarter of an hour to travel from the Drifting Petal Palace to the Medicine King Valley.

Suddenly, a figure flashed by in front of his eyes.

"Who's there?"

Zhong Wen initially thought he had encountered a thief in the middle of the night and felt a sudden panic.

The shadow also noticed Zhong Wen and seemed surprised. It quickly darted into the depths of the forest.

Zhong Wen hesitated for a moment but decided to follow.

He wasn't the type to meddle in others' affairs, but if there were unidentified individuals on Drifting Petal Palace's territory, he worried that they might be enemies intending harm to those girls.

In just a few short days, Xiaodie had earned a place in his heart almost as dear as his own younger sister. He couldn't allow anyone to harm her.

After only a moment of hesitation, the shadow had disappeared without a trace. Zhong Wen followed the direction the shadow had left, and as the trees became denser, the moonlight became scarcer, and the path ahead grew increasingly dark, making it difficult to see.

Zhong Wen had a bright idea. He took out a Spirit Crystal lamp he had brought from the Medicine King Valley's library and attached a Spirit Crystal to it. The surrounding trees were instantly illuminated. With one hand holding the lamp's pole and the other holding onto the trees and the mountain wall, he continued forward, resembling an Olympic torchbearer.

After a while, the scenery ahead remained unchanged, with no signs of anything unusual. Had he already lost the trail? Zhong Wen couldn't help but wonder.

Just as he was about to give up the search, his right hand, which was resting against the mountain wall, suddenly couldn’t feel anything.


Brushing aside the vine-like plants clinging to the mountain wall, he discovered a hidden cave entrance right in front of him. The entrance was tiny and concealed beneath the thick vegetation, making it difficult to notice with the naked eye.

Walking into the cave entrance, the passage unexpectedly widened as he ventured deeper inside. It was a remarkably deep cave, like a hidden base.

Zhong Wen marveled at this discovery and kept his spirits up as he cautiously advanced with the Spirit Crystal lamp.

After progressing for about a hundred meters, the tunnel suddenly opened up. What appeared before his eyes was a small chamber. It was empty, but it contained a stone bed, a stone table, and a few stone stools. On the stone table lay a bound book.

Approaching the stone table, Zhong Wen placed the Spirit Crystal lamp on it and leaned in to get a closer look at the book.


A light sound came from behind him.

With his full attention, Zhong Wen quickly turned around, activating his "Cloud-Soaring Immortal Steps" to retreat. What appeared before him was a sword—a remarkably fast sword. Its tip was aimed straight at his chest.

This strike carried an unstoppable momentum. Zhong Wen assessed that the opponent's speed far exceeded his own, and the surprise attack from behind had given the assailant the upper hand. There was no way he could evade this sword strike.

Using the "Flower Shifting and Jade Receiving" technique!

In the face of a life-or-death crisis, Zhong Wen didn't hesitate to employ his most powerful technique. The moment his fingers touched the blade, an incredibly strong force surged from the sword, propelling Zhong Wen backward. He crashed onto the stone table with a resounding "bang."

Under the effect of the "Flower Shifting and Jade Receiving" technique, the sword ultimately missed its mark and pierced through the stone table with no resistance.

The assailant's cultivation level far surpassed Zhong Wen's, and even though he had redirected most of the sword's force, the remaining power had still dealt Zhong Wen a severe blow. He felt intense pain in his back and was afraid he had injured his bones and tendons.

Only now could he see clearly. Inside the chamber stood a slender figure dressed in black. The person's head and face were concealed by black cloth, and they held a long sword, slowly retracting it from the pierced stone table.

Impressive! Why did I provoke such a formidable opponent when I had nothing better to do?

Zhong Wen regretted it deeply. He swallowed a Revitalization Pill and pondered his strategy.

As the elixir took effect, the pain in his back noticeably subsided. However, the person in black showed no intention of relenting and launched another fierce sword strike.