Will You Marry That Fat Pig?

"Complete Initial Task: Obtain residence rights in Drifting Petal Palace and activate the task mode. Please draw to receive the initial task reward: 1. Supreme Mystical Yin Technique; 2. Haha Recipe Great Qian Version; 3. Divine Enlightenment (Volume One)."

Looking at the small text that popped up on the "Xinhua Scripture Repository" panel, Zhong Wen fell into deep thought.

The function of this bookshelf in his mind was more diverse than he had imagined. It wasn't just about collecting books to get a chance at drawing lots. It also included a "task mode."

It seems that this initial task is hidden. As long as Palace Master Lin acknowledges my residence rights in the Drifting Petal Palace, the condition is considered fulfilled, and I can then activate the so-called "task mode."


For a chance at drawing lots, Zhong Wen wouldn't refuse.

"Congratulations, you've received a reward: Haha Recipe Great Qian Version!"

Zhong Wen: "..."

"Haha Recipe" was a cooking app from his previous life, filled with recipes and videos uploaded by various culinary experts and content creators.

Zhong Wen used his thoughts to flip through the Haha Recipe Great Qian Version in the "Miscellaneous Studies" section. He discovered that this cooking book contained thousands of classic dishes but with ingredients and spices replaced by those found in the Great Qian Empire.

"This is not bad." With this comparison, those classic dishes from Huang Rong's Cookbook, which were originally overlooked by Zhong Wen, could also be authentically recreated. Thinking about rediscovering his gourmand lifestyle, Zhong Wen's previous frustration was significantly alleviated.

Upon checking the panel again, the text had already changed:

"Publish tasks:

Task 1: Successfully refine 100 'Grand Revitalization Pill' to receive one drawing chance.

Task 2: Successfully forge the 'Divine Fire Cannon' to receive one drawing chance.

Task 3: Successfully produce refined salt to receive one drawing chance."

Zhong Wen frowned at the tasks displayed on the panel.

The first alchemy task, "Grand Revitalization Pill," despite containing "revitalization" in the name, was superior to regular Revitalization Pills, making it highly beneficial for cultivators at the Heaven Wheel stage. It included an ingredient called "Millennium Polygonum," which couldn't be found in Shengyu Trading Company in Fufeng City. While there was Polygonum in the Divine Medicinal Valley, which aged far exceeded a thousand years, Zhong Wen was unwilling to use it on such common elixirs, so he had to postpone this task.

The second task was quite challenging. Zhong Wen didn't even have proper forging tools at hand, so for the time being, he could only stare blankly at it.

The third task, seemingly about making salt, was more complicated than it appeared. "Refined salt" was vastly different from the coarseness of the salt he had been producing. He didn't have an evaporation tank, nor modern equipment like dialysis membranes, making it almost impossible to produce refined salt.

However, as Zhong Wen continued to look at the third task, his mind enlightened.

Purification didn't necessarily have to rely on modern technology.

After some thought, he took out the Spirit Rune Plate and began drawing.

After a while, a set of Spirit Runes for "Pure Flame," which was slightly different from the "Elixir Flame" Spirit Rune he had drawn earlier, appeared on the plate.

This was a Flame Spirit Rune specifically used for purifying impurities in elixirs.

Using Spirit Crystals to light the Spirit Rune Plate, a pale yellow flame quickly rose, and Zhong Wen placed a top-quality alchemy furnace on top of the Pure Flame.

He poured in saltwater. With the mindset of refining elixirs, Zhong Wen began his journey of salt production.

The temperature of the Spirit Rune flame was much higher than that of a regular flame. Combined with the excellent heat conduction of the top-quality alchemy furnace, the saltwater turned into vapor at a visibly quick speed, dissipating into the air.

Zhong Wen fixated on the reaction in the furnace, and constantly rotated the furnace's edges to ensure even heat distribution.

In less than a moment, all the moisture in the furnace had evaporated. What lay before him was no longer a clump of white crystalline mass but fine, white crystalline grains.

Zhong Wen put a few grains on the tip of his tongue.

A pure and genuine salty flavor stimulated his taste buds. Not only did it not have the original strange taste, but it also had a subtle fragrance.

I made it!

Zhong Wen's heart swelled with joy. He carefully collected the refined salt from the furnace in a bottle. He closed his eyes while fantasizing about various upcoming delicious dishes.

Sure enough, the text on the bookshelf panel changed once again:

"Complete Task 3: Successfully produce refined salt, please draw to receive the task reward: 1. Supreme Mystical Yin Technique; 2. History of the Founding of the Great Qian; 3. Confucian Analects."

"Xinhua Scripture Repository, are you sent here by my high school Chinese teacher?"

Looking at the third option, Zhong Wen couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth.

In his heart, he silently said, "Draw!"

"Congratulations, you've received a reward: Supreme Mystical Yin Technique!"

Finally, his luck was on fire!

When Zhong Wen looked at the bookshelf and saw the martial arts manual "Supreme Mystical Yin Technique" in the "Star-level" row, he couldn't help but feel moved to tears.

However, after he flipped through this advanced martial arts manual, his excited expression froze.

Name: Supreme Mystical Yin Technique

Origin: The pinnacle technique of the ancient top sect Sultry Maiden Palace.

Characteristics: Extremely fast cultivation, cultivated internal energy naturally carries profound Yin energy. When used against enemies, it can freeze their flesh, blood, bones, meridians, and even their spiritual energy;

Cultivation Requirement: Gender-Female

Additional Effect: Beautifying and anti-aging, eternal youth.

Zhong Wen stared at the line "Female" for a long time. Even if he were to castrate himself, it wouldn't meet the requirement. He finally gave up on the idea of practicing it and looked dejectedly at the task panel again.

At this point, the salt production task had disappeared, and a new alternative task had appeared in place of Task 3:

"Task 3: Successfully refine 30 'Transmutation Pills,' and receive two chances at drawing lots."

Most martial arts couldn't be cultivated simultaneously. Universal martial arts like the Longevity Technique were extremely rare, and for most cultivators, once they obtained a higher-level martial art, the decision of whether to abandon their original one to cultivate the new one became a difficult choice. The higher one's cultivation level, the greater the cost of starting anew. This often left people in a dilemma.

The "Transmutation Pill" was developed to address this situation. It was a high-level elixir designed to help cultivators quickly convert the energy within their bodies to new martial art, greatly reducing the time required to start anew.

However, the method for producing this elixir was extremely rare. Most alchemists couldn't obtain the formula, and even if they did, they could not often produce it.

Looking at the "two chances at drawing lots" written as a reward, Zhong Wen's eyes practically sparkled with excitement. He knew not only the formula but also had all the precious spirit herbs required for it stored in the Medicinal Valley Master's storage ring.

"Jade Dragon Snow Lotus," "Taiji Grass," "Homology Flower"...

Carefully taking out one rare spirit herb after another, Zhong Wen double-checked and then ignited the Spirit Rune Plate with advanced alchemical fire to start the elixir production.

The "Transmutation Pill" contained a wide variety of herbs, and the steps were complex. Any slight error could lead to complete failure. Fortunately, Zhong Wen had the "Xinhua Scripture Repository" as a cheat. With just a glance at any prescription, he could firmly remember it down to the slightest detail. Each herb was accurately placed into the pill furnace as if manipulated by a machine.

Zhong Wen tightly gripped the handles on both sides of the medicine furnace, constantly making subtle gestures. His eyes were fixed on the changes in the medicinal power inside the furnace, not daring to divert his attention for even a moment.

As time passed, Zhong Wen gradually felt physically exhausted. Without hesitation, he swallowed a "Revitalization Pill." Once the elixir entered his stomach, it significantly restored the depleted energy. He felt revitalized and continued to work swiftly.

He swallowed the second "Revitalization Pill," and then the third...

He didn't know how much time had passed, but suddenly, a small spiritual vortex appeared above the furnace, constantly absorbing the medicinal power from the air and returning it to the furnace. At the bottom of the furnace, 36 pale-yellow elixirs began to take shape.

He had succeeded, but also exhausted. Even after swallowing five "Revitalization Pills" and drenched in sweat, Zhong Wen finally succeeded in producing the high-level "Transmutation Pill."

Looking at the translucent elixirs, an unprecedented sense of achievement welled up within him.

Labor makes one beautiful. At this moment, he felt he was positively glowing with beauty.

"Complete Task 3: Successfully refine 30 'Transmutation Pills,' please draw lots to receive the initial task reward: 1. Three Hundred Tang Poems; 2. Great Qian Heroes Ranking; 3. Divine Enlightenment (Volume One)."

"Congratulations, you've received a reward: Divine Enlightenment (Volume One)!"

"Complete Task 3: Successfully refine 30 'Transmutation Pills,' please draw lots to receive the initial task reward: 1. Nine Absolute Divine Sword; 2. Divine Enlightenment (Volume One); 3. Void-breaking Axe Technique."

"Congratulations, you've received a reward: Divine Enlightenment (Volume One)!"

"Would you like to use 'Divine Enlightenment'?"

Receiving "Divine Enlightenment" in both draws, and not seeing any new books on the shelf, Zhong Wen was wondering, but suddenly an explanation appeared on the panel:

"Divine Enlightenment: Special Skill, can completely impart personal insights on a specific book to others. Each 'Divine Enlightenment (Volume One)' can only be used on one book, with no limit on the number of times it can be used."

This ability was quite remarkable. Zhong Wen stroked his chin, secretly delighted.

Thanks to the existence of the "Xinhua Scripture Repository," Zhong Wen could fully comprehend any book written in "Ancient Divine Script," aka Chinese characters, in just an instant. Now, with "Divine Enlightenment," he could also impart his understanding of a book to someone else, allowing them to grasp the insights that took others decades to discover in an instant.

If I become a tutor...

Although his abilities had greatly expanded, he still felt his perspective was rather small. Unfortunately, he had drawn "Divine Enlightenment" twice, and he could only use each in one book. So, which two should he choose?

Zhong Wen was torn. Suddenly, it came to him that everyone but him on Qingfeng Mountain was female. He instantly brightened up.

It’s you then!

Without hesitation, Zhong Wen chose the "Supreme Mystical Yin Technique," which had the requirement of being "female."

The moment he made this decision, the book "Supreme Mystical Yin Technique" on the shelf changed color, emitting a golden glow.

Thinking of the unfortunate assassin girl, Leng Wushuang, Zhong Wen didn’t hesitated and made his second choice.

It's you this time! He chose "Lethal Sword."

After using "Divine Enlightenment" twice, he checked the task panel again. The original Task 3 had disappeared, and a new task had taken its place:

"Task 3: Successfully find an ancient sect's legacy site and collect books from it, gaining two chances at drawing lots."

This was not a task that could be completed in a short time. Zhong Wen looked at the sky; it was nearly midnight.

"It's time, I suppose," he muttered to himself and left the room.


Midnight was approaching, and the people of the Drifting Petal Palace were already asleep. The large courtyard was shrouded in silence, occasionally interrupted by the sounds of insects. The clouds in the sky appeared thick, periodically obscuring the crescent moon, causing the courtyard to alternate between light and shadow.

A figure quietly appeared in the secret room next to the main hall of the Drifting Petal Palace.

The secret room was small, containing only a small table and a wooden cabinet. Since the cabinet held important documents and certificates of the Drifting Petal Palace, the room's door was always securely locked.

The figure held a spiritual crystal lantern and rummaged through the cabinet. Clearly worried about being discovered, they glanced around from time to time, .

However, everyone in the palace was sound asleep, completely unaware of what was happening in the secret room.

Finally, when the person was searching the third drawer, a high-quality parchment document appeared in their hand. In the light of the lantern, the large characters on the right side of the paper were written in the Great Qian script: "Land Deed, Qingfeng Mountain, Southern Frontier Province, Great Qian..."

It was a land deed of Qingfeng Mountain!

Suppressing the trembling in their hand, they placed this invaluable land deed into their pocket and gently closed the drawer. Turning off the spiritual crystal lantern, they left the secret room under the cover of the darkness. After existing the main hall and proceeded towards the courtyard, they soon disappeared on the mountain path outside the Drifting Petal Palace.

This person was afraid of being discovered, so they walked hurriedly. However, when they had walked a third of the way down the mountain, they gradually slowed their pace.

It was at this moment that another figure suddenly appeared on the mountain path ahead and blocked their way.

"The moonlight is really beautiful," the voice was Zhong Wen's.

"Yes, it's really beautiful," the moonlight revealed the face of the person who had been there earlier, and it turned out to be Mrs. Wang.

Zhong Wen didn't speak anymore; he just quietly gazed at this charming widow in front of him.

For a while, the two of them remained silent, and the mountain path became extremely quiet, with an almost tangible tension in the air.

"Is Drifting Petal Palace treating you badly?" Zhong Wen broke the silence.

"No, they treat me like family and have never looked down on me as a widow," Mrs. Wang's gaze was distant, and her soft voice had a hint of hoarseness, giving her a unique charm.

"Then why...?" Zhong Wen felt a bit sad. He did have some affection for this gentle and beautiful widow. "Is someone threatening you?"

"Rather than saying I'm being threatened, it's more like I'm being tempted." At this point, Mrs. Wang no longer seemed nervous. "Mr. Jin promised to marry me once everything is done."

"You want to be the concubine of that fat pig?" Zhong Wen was so shocked that his jaw almost dropped. "The one who wet his pants on the mountain during the day?"

"I'm not young anymore, and although I still have some charm left, in a few years, I'll be an old woman." Mrs. Wang spoke slowly as if trying to convince herself. "I don't want to be a servant my whole life."

"Nobody sees you as a servant."

"Even if the Palace Master and the others don't see me that way, I'm still a servant, an assistant." Mrs. Wang insisted. "In my youth, I was once a renowned beauty. Do you know how many handsome young men wanted to marry me? But in the end, after much consideration, I chose a short-lived man. I spent the second half of my life with the label of a widow, and I can't accept it."

"So, you want to marry him?" Zhong Wen's expression showed disbelief. "Even if you marry into the Jin family, he will never treat you well."

"Even if he beats and abuses me, mistreats me, I'll still be somewhat of a mistress." Mrs. Wang shook her head. "Mistress and servant are not the same."

Zhong Wen sighed, feeling that he couldn't quite keep up with this woman's logic.

"Mrs. Wang, return the land deed now, and I can pretend that nothing ever happened," Zhong Wen earnestly advised. "Can you abandon Xiaodie and the others?"

Mrs. Wang's gaze kept shifting as she struggled within herself.

"Zhong Wen, please let me go. I've already betrayed the Palace Master, and there's no way I can go back now." She suddenly begged, "It's just a land deed, and even if Mr. Jin gets it, he won't be able to take Qingfeng Mountain from a cultivator at the Heaven Wheel realm."

Zhong Wen stood there, feeling disappointed.

"Zhong Wen, this matter has nothing to do with you." Mrs. Wang's face was filled with sorrow.

"You can go now, and don't come back," Zhong Wen sighed.

"Thank you, thank you! You're a good person!" Mrs. Wang was so moved that she couldn't speak coherently as she hurriedly walked down the mountain.

As the two passed each other, Zhong Wen wanted to say something but ultimately held back, only watching her slender figure slowly disappear on the mountain path.

Just as Mrs. Wang left, Lin Zhiyun appeared from the trees on Zhong Wen's right. The two exchanged glances, and Zhong Wen read pain and regret in the eyes of this extraordinary beauty.

"Palace Master, aren't you going to stop her?" Zhong Wen asked.

"No, everyone has their ambitions, and we can't force her," Lin Zhiyun shook her head and sighed lightly. "She's right. Whether they have the land deed or not, it doesn't make much of a difference if the other side wants to seize Qingfeng Mountain."

"You don't intend to let her take the land deed with her, do you?" Zhong Wen looked at Lin Zhiyun in astonishment. "Even kindness should have its limits. Even if you're willing to let her go, I can't let you suffer such a loss."

A land deed suddenly appeared in Zhong Wen's hand.

"What... what is this?" Lin Zhiyun looked at the paper floating in the wind in Zhong Wen's hand with surprise, a mix of emotions washing over her. After a while, she said, "Thank you, Zhong Wen, but now with this, Mrs. Wang..."

"Everyone has to take responsibility for their choices," Zhong Wen said one word at a time.

Did I just indirectly cause her death?

Zhong Wen looked at the land deed in his hand, and the vivid image of Mrs. Wang's enchanting smile appeared before him once again.